I am developing a programming language that resembles Python and Javascript. Imagine Python without the pedantic indentation and Javascript without the semicolons. In fact, ric-script has zero contrainst regarding line breaks, spaces, tabs or semicolons and you can do what you want in regards to formatting.
It is an interpreted language and I draw a lot of inspiration from Python and Javascript. The AST is built using yacc and I implement everything in C. I am continously working on the interpreter for my language, and it is a work in progress. In the future I might make it possible to compile the program to some sort of intermediate codes that I can build a much smaller interpreter for (some sort of virtual RISC). Not sure what target there will be (if so).
The samples folder contains ric scripts with OK syntax; but many of these sample scripts are used in continous testing and not very "pedagogical" or even commented. I will provide some samples here in the README further below that walks through some concepts.
The entire thing has a working title of 'ric-script'. I want to stress that it is a scripting language and my first three letters sound cool according to me.
Here is a link to more of the language documentation
You can also access a terminal with the ric-script interpreter included here.
You can build the interpreter from source for this language on multiple platforms. I currently support iOSX, Linux and Windows.
On linux or mac use meson or GNU make you build like this:
# fetch the code
git clone https://github.com/Ricardicus/ric-script && cd ric-script
# on linux or mac
# or, with meson:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
meson builddir
cd builddir
# Now the interpreter binary 'ric' will be found under
# the folder 'src'
For windows only meson works:
# fetch the code
git clone https://github.com/Ricardicus/ric-script && cd ric-script
# set up a python environment
python3 -m venv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
mkdir install
meson builddir --prefix %cd%\install
cd builddir
# Ignore the warnings...
ninja install
# Now you have built the program!
# You find it under ..\install\bin\ric.exe
A containarized node.js app has been developed to test the language. The docker image exposes the port 3000.
git clone https://github.com/Ricardicus/ric-script
cd ric-script
docker build -t node-ric-script:1.0 .
docker run --rm -d -p 3002:3000 node-ric-script:1.0
Now go visit localhost:3002!
The interpreter is shipped in a terminal that looks like this (after cat'ing the README):
I also host the docker server for you to play around with here.
This is a work in progress and the first time I am developing a language. I expect there are things one can easily solve during the interpretation that is harder to compile, but I don't bother too much with that at the moment. I am developing the interpreter and while doing so I decide what features this language should have.
I will be using javascript syntax highlighting for the examples provided below, for the sake of making it look pretty Therefore, I have to add an additional '//' etc. before comments, since it does not do well with the '#' comment symbol.
A calulator in reverse Polish notation can be implemented like this in ric-script:
# RPN calculator implementation in ric-script
stack = {"head" : 0, "data" : []}
operators = ["+", "*", "-", "/"]
numberChars = [ (10 ... i) { text(i) } ]
@ isNumber(num) {
. (num ... c) {
? [ !numberChars.contains( c ) ] {
-> 0
-> 1
@ pop() {
head = stack["head"]
? [ head == 0 ] {
print("Too few arguments on the stack. Goodbye!")
head -= 1
val = stack["data"][head]
stack["head"] = head
-> val
@ push (val) {
head = stack["head"]
? [ head >= len(stack["data"]) ] {
append(stack["data"], val)
} ~ {
stack["data"][head] = val
stack["head"] += 1
@ eval (op) {
? [ op == '+' ] {
-> pop() + pop()
} ~[ op == '-' ] {
tmp = pop()
-> pop() - tmp
} ~[ op == '*' ] {
-> pop() * pop()
} ~[ op == '/' ] {
tmp = pop()
-> pop() / tmp
} ~ {
-> 0
print("RPN Calculator (quit by typing 'q'):")
run = 1
. [ run ] {
in = input(">> ")
expr = split(in, " ")
. ( expr ... e ) {
? [ e.isNumber() ] {
push( e.parseInt() )
} ~[ operators.contains(e) ] {
s = eval(e)
} ~[ e.contains("q") ] {
run = 0
} ~ {
print("Sorry, I don't understand this: " + e)
? [ stack["head"] > 0 ] {
print(stack["data"][ stack["head"] - 1 ])
stack["head"] = 0
Example of using this calculator:
$ ./ric samples/rpn.ric
RPN Calculator (quit by typing 'q'):
>> 2 1000 * 10 5 + + 19 100 * 8 10 * 5 + + -
>> q
A calulator in reverse Polish notation can be implemented like this in ric-script using the syntax for classes:
# RPN calculator implementation in ric-script
;; RPN ;; {
stack = {"head" : 0, "data" : []}
operators = ["+", "*", "-", "/"]
@ pop() {
head = stack["head"]
? [ head == 0 ] {
print("Too few arguments on the stack. Goodbye!")
head -= 1
val = stack["data"][head]
stack["head"] = head
-> val
@ push (val) {
head = stack["head"]
? [ head >= len(stack["data"]) ] {
append(stack["data"], val)
} ~ {
stack["data"][head] = val
stack["head"] += 1
@ eval (op) {
tmp = pop()
? [ op == '+' ] {
-> tmp + pop()
} ~[ op == '-' ] {
-> pop() - tmp
} ~[ op == '*' ] {
-> tmp * pop()
} ~[ op == '/' ] {
-> pop() / tmp
} ~ {
print("Error: operator '" + op + "' is not supported")
@ printResult() {
? [ stack["head"] > 0 ] {
print(stack["data"][ stack["head"] - 1 ])
@ getOperators() {
-> operators
@ reset () {
stack["head"] = 0
@ isNumber(num) {
numberChars = [ (10 ... i) { text(i) } ]
. (num ... c) {
? [ ! numberChars.contains( c ) ] {
-> 0
-> 1
print("RPN Calculator (quit by typing 'q'):")
calc = RPN()
operators = calc::getOperators()
run = 1
. [ run ] {
in = input(">> ")
expr = split(in, " ")
. ( expr ... e ) {
? [ e.isNumber() ] {
calc::push( e.parseInt() )
} ~[ operators.contains(e) ] {
s = calc::eval(e)
} ~[ e.contains("q") ] {
run = 0
} ~ {
print("Sorry, I don't understand this: " + e)
Example of using this calculator:
$ ./ric samples/rpn.ric
RPN Calculator (quit by typing 'q'):
>> 2 1000 * 10 5 + + 19 100 * 8 10 * 5 + + -
>> q
Since I use JavaScript syntax highlighting here on GitHub, I have added /**/ just before the original ric-script comment symbol #.
# Ramanujans formula for the number 3
# it should be infinite recursion, but
# I set a limit at 100.
# outputs: 3.000000
@ ram_three (count, limit) {
? [ count == limit ] {
-> 1.0
-> sqrt(1 + count * ram_three(count + 1, limit))
print(ram_three(2, 100))
I have been inspired by Javascript and added the functions setTimeout and setInterval for handling multithreading. Since I use JavaScript syntax highlighting here on GitHub, I have added /**/ just before the original ric-script comment symbol #.
# This program shows how you can create
# different types of thread contexts in
# ricscript. It is inspired by Javascript.
# You can do function calls by timeouts
# over intervals.
# The interval thread stops if the function
# returns a non-zero value.
a = 1
@ iterate () {
? [ a > 10 ] {
-> 1
a += 1
@ end () {
print("Hi, the shared variable now holds value: " + a)
print("Hi I am gonna start some threads...")
print("I have set a variable, named 'a', to: " + a)
print("In 10 seconds, I will read its value again.")
print("By the time, a thread running with an interval")
print("will increment this variables value with each iteration.")
print("Let's begin...")
print("I have now launched the threads!")
print("They are running in a separate context.")
print("I will return with an update...")
The example above outputs:
$ ./ric samples/threads.ric
Hi I am gonna start some threads...
I have set a variable, named 'a', to: 1
In 10 seconds, I will read its value again.
By the time, a thread running with an interval
will increment this variables value with each iteration.
Let's begin...
I have now launched the threads!
They are running in a separate context.
I will return with an update...
Hi, the shared variable now holds value: 10
Here is an example of how to launch a server and a client thread in ric-script. The server is an echo-server.
# Example of how to use the built in
# socket interface in ric script.
# This is an echo-server.
reads = 10
sends = 10
@ usage () {
print("usage: " + args[0] + " " + args[1] + " host port content-to-write")
? [ args.len() < 5 ] {
@ clientThread () {
i = 0
. [ i < sends ] {
print("Opening connection to host: " + args[2] + ":" + args[3])
s = socketConnect(args[2], args[3])
? [ s < 0 ] {
print("Failed to create the socket, sorry.. error code: " + s)
t = s.socketWrite(args[4])
? [ t > 0 ] {
print("Sent " + t + " bytes to server.")
i += 1
@ serverThread () {
s = socketServer(args[3])
? [ s < 0 ] {
print("Failed to create the socket, sorry..")
i = 0
. [ i < reads ] {
t = s.socketAccept()
? [ t > 0 ] {
in = t.socketRead(50)
print("read " + in.len() + " bytes: " + in)
i += 1
# Start server thread immediately
# Start client server one second later
This would output something like this:
$ ./ric samples/socketClientServer.ric localhost 8083 hejsan
Opening connection to host: localhost:8083
Sent 6 bytes to server.
read 6 bytes: hejsan
Since I use other languages syntax highlighting here on GitHub, I have added // just before the original ric-script comment symbol # so it looks alright.
//# A script to demonstrate how one can list files using ric-script
@ printUsage() {
print("usage: " + args[0] + " " + args[1] + " directory")
@ listFiles(folder, indent) {
( folder.ls() ... file ) {
fullfile = folder + "/" + file
? [ fullfile.isFile() ] {
printf(" " * indent)
} ~ {
? [ file != '.' ] {
? [ file != '..'] {
printf(" " * indent)
fullfile.listFiles(indent + 1)
//# argument checking
? [ args.len() < 3 ] {
? [ isDir(args[2]) ] {
//# print folder structure
listFiles(args[2], 0)
} ~ {
//# not a folder given
On BSD systems (such as Linux and macOS) I have added support for listing, setting, getting and removing extended file attributes in the file system. Not supported in Windows.
file = "requirements.txt"
s = xattrList(file)
print("xattr's of '" + file + "':")
print("Setting some xattributes")
file.xattrSet("user.owner", "Rickard")
file.xattrSet("user.master", "Rickard of course")
print("xattr's of '" + file + "' and values:")
s = file.xattrList()
i = 0
. [ i < s.len() ] {
val = file.xattrGet(s[i])
print(" - '" + s[i] + "': '" + val + "'")
i += 1
print("Removing xattributes I just set")
s = xattrList(file)
i = 0
. [ i < s.len() ] {
i += 1
s = file.xattrList()
print("xattr's of '" + file + "':")
xattr's of 'requirements.txt':
Setting some xattributes
xattr's of 'requirements.txt' and values:
- 'user.owner': 'Rickard'
- 'user.master': 'Rickard of course'
Removing xattributes I just set
xattr's of 'requirements.txt':
Since I use JavaScript syntax highlighting here on GitHub, I have added // just before the original ric-script comment symbol # so it looks alright.
//# Placing a dot in front of a condition
//# makes it a return spot, operator '@' returns there.
a = 1338
. [ a == 1337 ] {
print("Now the variable is: " + a)
} ~ {
print("A variable was not 1337, it was: " + a)
a = 1337
//# Defining a function
@ hej (a, b) {
# Calling a with b as argument.
# a should be a function pointer (dynamically type)
# otherwise execution stops (no exception handling)
# with error message
//# Defining a function
@ willprint (a) {
//# Calling out 'hej' function with our 'willprint' function as first argument
//# Calling out 'hej' function with standard library 'print' function as first argument
//# Dictionary expressions
s = {"hello": "world", "elit": 1337}
//# extending with more fields
s["new field"] = 1337
print(s["new field"])
//# extending with another dictionary
s["dict"] = {"hello": "world"}
//# Calling a function pointer in a list and a dictionary
@ foo () { print("foo") }
@ bar () { print("bar") }
d = {"foo": foo, "bar": bar}
l = [foo, bar]
//# Ric-script classes
;; myClass ;; {
myMem = "not updated"
@ myClass () {
print("I get constructed!")
print("my memory is: " + myMem)
@ set(a) {
myMem = a
@ get() {
-> myMem
c = myClass()
c::set("updated from the outside")
//# first 20 values in the Fibbonacci series generated
//# using advanced list initialization with a for-each loop.
s = [(20 ... i ) {
@ fibPos (a) {
? [ a == 0 ] { -> 0 }
? [ a == 1 ] { -> 1 }
-> fibPos(a-1) + fibPos(a-2)
$ ./ric samples/demo.ric
A variable was not 1337, it was: 1338
Now the variable is: 1337
{'elit' : 1337, 'hello' : 'world'}
{'elit' : 1337, 'hello' : 'world', 'new field' : 1337}
{'dict' : {'hello' : 'world'}, 'elit' : 1337, 'hello' : 'world', 'new field' : 1337}
I get constructed!
my memory is: not updated
not updated
updated from the outside
For more of a walkthrough check here.
I have also implemented some Advent of code problems in ric-script in this repo: https://github.com/Ricardicus/ric-script-advent-of-code.
Use load to import function and class definitions from other ric-scripts:
# Now all functions in 'another-script.ric' is usable here
Here is a list of steps taken, and aims to take in the future:
- Function declarations
- Function calls
- Function pointer
- Variable declarations
- Variable usage
- The '+' operator on strings with string as well as non-string expressions
- Function delaration overloads
- Function delarations as statements
- Function argument passing
- Standard library for print and exit
- Standard library for file output
- Basic test suite (using pytest atm)
- Passing arguments
- Meson build (beside make, for increased portability)
- Vector expressions
- Garbage collector (mark & sweep)
- Passing arguments as vector instead of variables
- Dictionary expressions
- Loading external scripts declarations into script namespace (maybe like pythons __name__)
- Local scope for variables (distinction between global and local)
- Classes
- Better error reporting (always include at least line number)
- Socket interface
- Support for at least swedish UTF-8 characters å, ä and ö.
- Threading interface
- Dynamic library support
- Built in JSON <-> ric-script dictionary mapping (like Pythons 'json' module)
- Support for huge integers (powered by https://gmplib.org/)
- Some form of variable scope for calling functions (Implemented ID.ID(args) <=> ID(ID, args)
- Possibility to define classes, with functions, in C for export.
- Nested function declarations that properly catches variable scope (makes it suitable for functional programming).
- Support for function declarations with different number of parameters but same id without overload
- Built in support for using xattr-tags instead of file paths when browsing files
- Better interactive mode, support for multi-lines (single lines is supported in interactive mode, the language is also indifferent to line breaks).
- Bigger standard library, more battery power (for reference, see: src/library)
This is implemented as of today in its earliest stage. What I mean by that, is that you have to do what you want to do in a single line.. I have not made an effort of deciding when to keep reading line after another without interpreting. For example, one typically makes a new line when opening a body bracket ('{'). In the future, I want to fix this. But I am glad that it works anyhow. You can still do what you want, as long as you keep it on one line. Fortunately; this language does not care about line breaks and much can be done in one single line.
$ ./ric
RicScript 0.9.1 (linux, Apr 22 2022, 18:17:01)
You are running in interactive mode. Stop it by typing: 'quit'.
This is in it's very early stage... it only supports one liners!
Some short tips:
help() gives you a list of available functions
printEnv() lists the names of variables defined in this session
quit() quits this interpreter interactive mode
>> a = 1337
>> print(a)
>> # Making a function declaration, in one line...
>> @ foobar (a) { print(a) }
>> # calling this function
>> foobar(a)
>> quit()
I am contiuously working on this languages standard library.
If you feel like contributing to this project, I would be more than happy to see some PRs in this department!
There is support for compiling your own code and integrating it in the ric-script interpreter. On Windows this is done with .dll files, on Linux .so and on iOSX .dylib.
Go to src/sdk_lib and study the example there. Study in particual 'ext_lib.c'. It is a Meson project, that can be built like this:
cd src/sdk_lib
meson builddir && cd builddir && ninja
Now the dynamic library is to be found in the build directory. What now is required, and I must remind you this is a work in progress, is a file named "ric_modules.txt". In this file, you write the location of this file. It is best provided as an absolute path, but relative (containing a slash) also works.
You can see if you successfully loaded your dynamic library function by using the help() function available in the interactive mode. It can look like this, after reading a module named 'example_ric':
$ ric
RicScript 0.9.1 (linux, Apr 22 2022, 18:17:01)
You are running in interactive mode. Stop it by typing: 'quit'.
This is in it's very early stage... it only supports one liners!
Some short tips:
help() gives you a list of available functions
printEnv() lists the names of variables defined in this session
quit() quits this interpreter interactive mode
>> help()
These are the functions I know:
function-name ( number-of-arguments)
- exit ( 1 )
- print ( 1 )
- printf ( 1 )
- append ( 2 )
- socketRead ( 2 )
- socketWrite ( 2 )
- socketClose ( 1 )
- socketConnect ( 2 )
These are the modules and functions loaded dynamically:
function-name ( number-of-arguments)
Module : example_ric
Nbr funcs : 2
Version : 0.1
ric_example_print ( 1 )
example_class ( 0 )
- Place the file sublime/ricscript.sublime-syntax inside the Sublime Text packages User folder (found under Preferences -> Browse Packages...)
- Restart Sublime Text
- Open Preferences -> Package Control
- Select Add Repository
- Type in: https://github.com/Ricardicus/ric-script-syntax
- Open Preferences -> Package Control
- Select Install Package
- Search for ric-script, find it, click it
I use nvim and my configuration files for ric-script can be found under the folder 'vim' here. The installation guide below is for nvim, but the configuration files are valid for vim also.
Place the syntax highlighter file vim/syntax/ric.vim to ~/.config/nvim/syntax/ric.vim and the file detecter to vim/ftdetect/ric.vim to ~/.config/nvim/ftdetect/ric.vim .
If you are using vim-plug, you can install the ric-script syntax highlighter by inserting the following line to your run commands file:
" ric-script
Plug 'Ricardicus/ric-script.vim'