Coded by Robb Alexander, 2022
Initial project built
Created initial activities per wireframe provided
Main activity renamed to MyTasks
AddTask activity added
MyTasks activity added
Added non-functional UI elements
- Added event listener to submit button on AddTaskActivity
APK created; copy located in project root
Added activities:
Added intent from MyTasks to TaskDetail
- Wired into buttons (TaskDetail title conditioned on particular button clicked)
Added intent from MyTasks to Settings
- Wired into button
Updated APK in root
Added RecyclerView functionality:
MyTasksRecyclerViewAdapter class
*fragment_task fragment for
Task class created
- Fixed main title username display only updating on app restart
Updated APK in root
Added dependencies and annotations for Room database support
- Refactored Task class as @Entity for database usage
TaskDetail activity pulls
Fixed crash on task selection after Room integration
Fixed newly added Tasks only populating main page after app restart
Added Espresso tests (note-- 1 Task is hard-coded to allow for some Intention testing after Room feature integration) *
Removed all previous Room functionality and references
Removed existing data models for Task objects
- Replaced with AWS-generated classes per schema (along with enum for field
- Replaced with AWS-generated classes per schema (along with enum for field
Added AWS Amplify functionality for database use
- Added Team model with one-to-many relationship to Task
- Updated references to Task and constructors in-app accordingly
Integrated AWS Cognito framework for user authentication.
Added related activities: VerifyUser; SignUp; LogIn.
Added intents (via button) on main activity to access new auth-related activities.
Added Gradle dependencies for Cognito libraries.
Added an updated .apk to root directory
to manifest for addition / editing of Task fields from external activities. -
WIP -- adding file upload functionality to TaskDetail activity
Set "Log In" & "Log Out" buttons on main page to use identical layout constraints with mutually exclusive rendering
Added updated .apk to root directory
Integrated Amazon Polly text-to-speech functionality in TaskDetailActivity (currently only for reading task description text)
Integrated Amazon Pinpoint functionality for tracking user engagement events on MyTasks activiy (for Add Tasks button press) and in AddTask activity (for task creation)
Integrated text interpretation (currently only in sentiment interpretation for task description text in TaskDetailActivity)
- Updated .apk in root directory