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DJAuth is a template for authorization, registration, etc., which is based on Python 3.9 and Django 4.1.


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


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The purpose of this project is to provide a django project template with authorization, authentication, etc. This template can be used by anyone. The template is fully customizable.

The template is based on django 4.1 and python 3.9.

Main features

  • App with custom user model
  • Ajax forms
    • Authorization
    • Registration
    • Password change
    • Password reset
    • Password reset confirm
  • All html Templates for registration, authorization, etc.
  • BootStrap 5
  • JS form validators
  • ReCaptcha v2 (checkbox)
  • PostgreSQL
  • The project supports 6 languages: de, fr, ja, ru, tr, uk (translated using my script).


All forms are submitted using Ajax. Implemented a little spam protection for sending requests from forms: all "submit" buttons have been converted into regular buttons, which check all filled fields for errors before submitting. Example: 1 field is not filled, 2 is filled, but with an error - when you click on the "submit" button, the form will not be sent until the user fills in all the fields correctly.


Includes next fields:

  • Username
  • Password
  • "Remember me" checkbox

Authorization is carried out by username or email. When you try to log into an account with unconfirmed mail, a confirmation email is sent again. There is a context processor for the login modal window on any page of the site.


Includes next fields:

  • Username
  • Email
  • Password1
  • Password2
  • Captcha
  • Accepting the privacy policy

Immediately after registration, an email is sent to the specified address.

Password change

Includes next fields:

  • Old password
  • New password
  • New password confirmation

You cannot change the password to the current one.

Password reset

Includes next fields:

  • Email
  • Captcha

If the specified email address exists in the database, an email is sent.

Password reset confirm

Includes next fields:

  • New password
  • New password confirmation

Sending letters

All emails (confirmation of the email and password reset) are sent using celery + redis.
There is also protection against an attack on sending emails: a delay that is configured in

Project Settings

All project settings are taken from the "conf.txt" file. The repository has a file "confEXAMPLE.txt" - with a minimum of constants.


You can also use another database and another broker.

Note that already contains libraries for working with PostgreSQL and Redis.

Getting Started

  1. Create a PostgreSQL database, then exit postgres (CTRL + d):
foo@bar:~$ sudo -i -u postgres
postgres@bar:~$ createdb Auth
  1. Create a virtual environment and activate it:
foo@bar:~$ python3.9 -m venv venv
foo@bar:~$ source venv/bin/activate
  1. Clone the repository from Github and switch to the new directory:
(venv) foo@bar:~$ git clone
(venv) foo@bar:~$ cd DJAuth/
  1. Install project dependencies:
(venv) foo@bar:~/DJAuth$ pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Rename "confEXAMPLE.txt" to "conf.txt" and fill in each field:
(venv) foo@bar:~/DJAuth$ mv confEXAMPLE.txt conf.txt

You can get the values for RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY and RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY here.

If you want to use Console Backend sending email see here.

  1. Create migrations and apply them:
(venv) foo@bar:~/DJAuth$ python3 makemigrations
(venv) foo@bar:~/DJAuth$ python3 migrate
  1. Now you can start the server:
(venv) foo@bar:~/DJAuth$ python3 runserver

To send emails you need to open 2 more terminal windows.

Start Redis in the first window

foo@bar:~$ sudo service redis-server start
foo@bar:~$ redis-cli

In the second run celery worker (don't forget to activate virtual environment)

(venv) foo@bar:~/DJAuth$ celery -A Project worker -l info

Bug reports are welcome