This is a micromouse solver project. The goal is: given a maze and a starting point in the maze, figure out a path (possibly the shortest, in number of steps) to the center of the maze. This is a key part in any micromouse competition. The second part of the puzzle is interacting with hardware and sensors to physically move motors and cause a robot to navigate a physical maze. This latter part is not the focus of this project (for now...).
A good set of C coding standards to follow are the CMU ECE published standards. We will take these standards as 'ground truth', and try to stick to these as much as possible. Where the standard for a particular construct was not defined, we have defined our own standard and stayed consistent with it.
- All comments shall begin with a capital letter (like regular sentences) unless they refer to a physical/logical entity (e.g. filename).
- Casing will follow
. For example, we prefermax_cnt
- Micromouse maze tools:
- Ncurses: