This is an ongoing project featuring:
- BoardLang, a library-level DSL for easily creating combinatorial and turn-based board games in Scala.
- A collection of simple games implemented using BoardLang. (WIP)
- Minimax and RL based solvers to play (2), implemented in a game-independent manner. (COMING SOON)
- A web interface for playing (2) against (3) or other human players. (WIP)
Featured games (this list will continually expand):
This is a continuation from a long lineage of similar projects (1.0, 2.0, 3.0).
Boards is composed of 6 subprojects, which you will find in the top-level directories of the same names. More information for each subproject can be found in the respective README.
- dsl contains the implementation of the BoardLang DSL.
- games contains the rule specifications for the games themselves, written using
. - bots contains general and game-specific strategies for playing these games.
- server code which is compiled to JVM bytecode for use on a web server. Handles user requests, authentication and persistence.
- client code which is transpiled to JS and served to the user's web browser. Handles rendering and user input.
- common code which is shared by both the server and client, and compiled into both projects. Primarily contains data formats for communication therebetween.
Boards is written entirely in Scala, and in order to work on this project you will need the following:
- An up-to-date JDK for development in a JVM-based language.
- Scala 3.5.2 itself.
- sbt, the pre-eminent build tool for Scala projects.
- Git for version control.
To download the project into a subdirectory named Boards
, run:
git clone
To run a local development server, navigate to the Boards
directory and run:
sbt "project server" "run"
You should then be able to access the website at localhost:9000
in your browser.
For development purposes, it is recommended that you use IntelliJ IDEA with the Scala plugin. IntelliJ configuration files are deliberately included in the project to offer a uniform developer experience with consistent formatting rules, code highlighting and build configurations. If you are using IntelliJ, the Boards Development Server
run option is equivalent to the command shown above.
In any case, the project is configured to automatically detect code changes while the server is running, so that changes are reflected immediately. Note however that this unfortunately isn't foolproof and if something isn't working, a full server restart is the safest option.
A key commponent of Boards is BoardLang, an embedded domain-specific language (eDSL) for creating turn-based board games in Scala.
- You will find the implementation of BoardLang in
. - You will find examples of games created using BoardLang in
BoardLang uses a functional style and all objects are immutable. Fundamentally, a game is built by defining some number of PieceTypes
s and composing Rule
s to precisely specify what the player can and can't do with these pieces. Each Action
the player takes causes a transition to a new GameState
in accordance with the current Rule
: A precise specification of the rules for a game (e.g. Chess, Connect Four, etc).
For the state of the game:
: The current "physical" state of the game. Contains theBoard
and currentPieceSet
, and tracks theactivePlayerId
: The total state of the game. Contains the entire game history, including all pastInstantaneousState
s and userAction
: A mechanism for, given some currentGameState
, enumerating possible playerAction
s and corresponding successorGameState
s, as well as performingAction
legality testing.
For the game board and pieces:
: The topology of the game, describing which positions are in bounds and the connectivity therebetween.Piece
: A specific piece that is on the board at a specific time in a specific place.PieceType
: A property held by aPiece
used to distinguish different kinds of pieces (e.g. rook, knight, etc).PieceSet
: A set ofPieces
, used in particular by anInstantaneousState
, with specialised functionality for filtering,Action
querying and modification.
Mathematical types:
: An integer vector representing a position on theBoard
: A set of vectors describing a region in space.Ray
: A specific kind ofRegion
formed by making up to some number of steps in some direction(s).
There are two important things to note about Rule
s in BoardLang:
is not Markovian in the currentInstantaneousState
, which is to say that the state transitions can depend arbitarily on the full state history inGameState
. To see why, consider chess: en passant is legal only on the turn directly following the initial double pawn move. The account for this, theRule
must be able to see when and how the pawn being captured arrived in its current position. -
itself is a property of theGameState
, not of the entireGame
. In particular, this means that theRule
is dynamic rather than static, meaning it can (and typically does) change over time. TheGame
specifies the initialRule
, and thereafter each successorGameState
is infused with a newRule
upon creation. When aRule
generates successorGameState
s, it is also responsible for determining whichRule
should apply thereafter from that state. The reason is that this makes it much easier to reason about sequences ofAction
s, and implicitly provides support for two kinds of situation which arise very frequently: turn phases and game phases.
In many games, the turn is divided up into multiple phases. For instance, maybe you first have to roll, then trade, and finally build. To implement this behaviour, one can simply create a separate Rule
for each phase, and sequence them together, whereby each phase knows that when it is done, it should replace the Rule
with the one corresponding to the next phase.
For an example, consider chess again: after a pawn moves to the final rank, as a separate action it must then promote. With a static Rule
, the state would need some kind of a global flag indicating the need for promotion, to override the default behaviour on the next action. This moves the promotion logic outside of the pawn PieceType
where it belongs. Instead, with a dynamic Rule
, the pawn can simply infuse the successor GameState
with a special, one-time promotion rule.
In some games, there are even multiple global game phases. For instance, it is common to have a separate setup phase, which still requires input from the players, but with completely different rules than the main phase (example: Catan). Again, with a dynamic Rule
, this is easy to achieve without any global flags by creating a separate Rule
for each phase and sequencing them in the same way as before.
Any Rule
is actually a tree of Rule
s, of the following basic kinds:
: The leaves of theRule
tree. AGenerator
simply enumerates legalAction
s. For example, a king in chess might provide aGenerator
which produces oneDrag
input for each octagonal direction.Effect
: A passive effect which is only indirectly caused by theAction
of thePlayer
. For instance, when we castle in chess, aGenerator
allows the king to move, but then a susequentEffect
ensures that the rook moves too as a result.Combinator
: A composition of multiple simplerRule
s, for reasoning aboutAction
sequencing. For example, in chess, we need to take the union ofRule
s from individualPiece
s to indicate that thePlayer
can choose whichPiece
to move, then sequence this withEffect.endTurn
, then repeat indefinitely.Combinator
s deliberately hide the dynamic nature of the currentRule
, and automatically decide whichRule
should apply next after eachAction
To use the BoardLang DSL, the following import is always required:
import{*, given}
Furthermore, any game must inherit from the base class Game
class Chess extends Game
We can't have chess without a chessboard!
// A chessboard is an 8x8 grid.
override val Board =, 8)
// The following is only required for aesthetic reasons:
.withLabels(Pattern.Checkered(Colour.Chess.Dark, Colour.Chess.Light))
We may want to define some types of pieces, otherwise there won't be much to do in our game:
object Pawn extends TexturedPiece(Texture.WhitePawn, Texture.BlackPawn)
object King extends TexturedPiece(Texture.WhiteKing, Texture.BlackKing)
Often, the first thing that should happen is some setup. For example, if we're making chess, we might want to start with this Rule
to insert a row of white pawns in the second rank from the bottom:
val setup = Effect.insert(/* The owner of the pieces. */ PlayerId(0))(Pawn -> Board.row(1))
After setup, we probably want some kind of main game loop:
val loop = Rule.alternatingTurns:
This particular Rule
will repeat the body indefinitely, ending the turn after each iteration. For most turn-based games, this is how it works; the Player
s always play in the same clockwise or counterclockwise order.
Inside the main loop, we allow the Player
to move one of their pieces:
is a PieceSet
containing only those pieces belonging to the player whose turn it currently is. .actions
produces a Rule
which allows the Player
to move one of the pieces in this PieceSet
This won't do anything yet, because none of the pieces know which kinds of movement they can do. This can be fixed by having each moveable PieceType
implement the actions
def actions(pawn: Pawn): Rule =
pawn.move(if pawn.owner == 0 then Dir.Up else Dir.Down)
The abstract class Game
only requires us to implement a single member, rule
. This defines the initial Rule
for our Game
. In other words, from the start of the game, what happens and what are the players allowed to do?
def rule: Rule = setup |> loop
In the above, we start by setting up the game board, then we enter the main game loop.
Now the Player
s can move pieces around. But the Game
will never end as Rule.alternatingTurns
goes forever and we have no termination condition.
In chess, the game ends when the current Player
has no legal moves. For this, we can use the ?:
operator (read: orElse) which specifies some alternative behaviour to use precisely when there are no legal Action
s in the main path:
pieces.ofActivePlayer.actions ?: Effect.endGame(Draw)
Of course, chess shouldn't always end in a draw. To determine a winner, we also need check detection:
def inCheck(using GameState) = pieces.ofInactivePlayers.canCaptureType(King)
From here, it is also very easy to forbid the Player
from taking any action that would result in them being in check. Instead of:
we use this:
Now we can replace the termination Effect
Effect.endGame(if inCheck then Winner(state.nextPlayer) else Draw)
In other words, if there are no possible Action
s, either we are in checkmate (lose) or stalemate (draw).
BoardLang provides a number of important operators for combining and modifying Rule
s. The most important ones are:
: An infix union operator for specifying that thePlayer
may choose which of twoRule
s to follow. Also available in function notation asRule.union
for use with any number of alternativeRule
: An infix sequence operator for specifying that thePlayer
must execute bothRule
s in the given order. Also available in function notation asRule.sequence
for user with any number of chainedRule
: For specifying that thePlayer
can decide whether or not to execute thisRule
: There are various methods of this kind for performing aRule
multiple times. SeeRule.scala
for all variants.