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Rview - web-based UI for rclone serve

More screenshots here


  • 🖼️ Automatic thumbnail generation: You don't have to download hundreds of MiBs to preview your images. Image thumbnails are generated with the help of libvips, an extremely fast image processing library.
  • 📱 Mobile-friendly: Rview can be installed as a PWA, desktop and mobile versions have feature parity.
  • 🔍 Search: You can search for files by their name. Search tips can be found here.
  • 🪶 Lightweight & minimalistic: All pages are rendered on the server side using Go templates. JavaScript is used only to make UI interactive.


  • Rview is read-only and there are no plans to change that. You should use Rclone directly to upload, edit, or delete files.
  • Rview does not provide any authentication mechanism. It is therefore highly recommended to use a proxy such as Nginx or Caddy. Enabling gzip compression is also recommended, as it can significantly improve response time.


Check out the live demo here, credentials for Basic Auth: rview:rview.


  1. You have to install docker and docker compose.

  2. Let's consider you use Rclone S3 backend, and your ~/.config/rclone/rclone.conf looks like this:

    type = s3
    provider = Other
    access_key_id = <key id>
    secret_access_key = <access key>
    endpoint = <endpoint>
  3. Create compose.yml:

        container_name: rview
          - ./var:/srv/var                                          # mount app data directory
          - ~/.config/rclone/rclone.conf:/config/rclone/rclone.conf # mount Rclone config file
          - ""
        command: "--rclone-target=my-s3:" # pass Rclone target from the config file
  4. Run this command:

    docker compose up
  5. Go to http://localhost:8080.


rclone.conf is not required when mounting a local directory:

    container_name: rview
      - ./var:/srv/var      # mount app data directory
      - /dir/to/mount:/data # mount data directory
      - ""
    command: "--rclone-target=/data"


You can run Rview with an existing Rclone instance and without access to the internet - read more.


--rclone-target                   Rclone target, required

--rclone-url                      Url of an existing rclone instance, optional. If url is
                                  not specified, a local rclone instance will be launched
                                  with the default config file. Url should include credentials
                                  for Basic Auth, e.g., http://user:pass@rclone:80

--rclone-cache-size               Max size of original file cache (default: 300Mi)

--rclone-dir-cache-ttl            Time to cache dir entries for. Set to 0 to disable. (default: 5m)

--dir                             Directory for app data: thumbnails and etc. (default: ./var)

--port                            Server port (default: 8080)

--image-preview-mode              Available image preview modes:
                                    - thumbnails (default): generate thumbnails
                                    - original: show original images
                                    - none: don't show preview for images

--thumbnails-format               Available thumbnail formats:
                                    - avif (default): AVIF images can be significantly smaller than
                                            JPEGs (-43% on average) and supported by all modern
                                            browsers. However, generation of .avif thumbnails takes
                                            more time (+32% on average) and requires more resources.
                                    - jpeg: fast thumbnail generation, large files

--thumbnails-cache-size           Max size of thumbnail cache (default: 500Mi)

--thumbnails-workers-count        Number of workers for thumbnail generation (default: # of threads)

--read-static-files-from-disk     Read static files directly from disk

--log-level                       Set the minimal log level. One of: debug, info (default),
                                  warn, error

--version                         Print version and exit


First, you have to install the following dependencies:

  1. Rclone - instructions can be found here.

  2. libvips - on Ubuntu you can install it with the following command:

    sudo apt-get install libvips-tools

After completion of these steps you should be able to run Rview:

# Build and run
make build && make run
# Or just

# Build, run tests and lint code
make check

By default make run uses environment variables from .env file. You can redefine these variables in .env.local file.

Metrics & Pprof

Rview exposes Prometheus metrics on /debug/metrics. The list of all metrics can be found here

Pprof endpoints are available on /debug/pprof/.


Special thanks to these open-source projects:

  • Rclone - rsync for cloud storage.
  • libvips - A fast image processing library with low memory needs.
  • Material Icon Theme - Material Design icons for VS Code.
  • Feather - Simply beautiful open source icons.