More screenshots here
- 🖼️ Automatic thumbnail generation: You don't have to download hundreds of MiBs to preview your images. Image thumbnails are generated with the help of libvips, an extremely fast image processing library.
- 📱 Mobile-friendly:
can be installed as a PWA, desktop and mobile versions have feature parity. - 🔍 Search: You can search for files by their name. Search tips can be found here.
- 🪶 Lightweight & minimalistic: All pages are rendered on the server side using Go templates. JavaScript is used only to make UI interactive.
is read-only and there are no plans to change that. You should use Rclone directly to upload, edit, or delete files.Rview
does not provide any authentication mechanism. It is therefore highly recommended to use a proxy such as Nginx or Caddy. Enabling gzip compression is also recommended, as it can significantly improve response time.
Check out the live demo here, credentials for Basic Auth: rview:rview
You have to install docker and docker compose.
Let's consider you use Rclone S3 backend, and your
looks like this:[my-s3] type = s3 provider = Other access_key_id = <key id> secret_access_key = <access key> endpoint = <endpoint>
:services: rview: image: container_name: rview volumes: - ./var:/srv/var # mount app data directory - ~/.config/rclone/rclone.conf:/config/rclone/rclone.conf # mount Rclone config file ports: - "" command: "--rclone-target=my-s3:" # pass Rclone target from the config file
Run this command:
docker compose up
Go to http://localhost:8080.
is not required when mounting a local directory:
container_name: rview
- ./var:/srv/var # mount app data directory
- /dir/to/mount:/data # mount data directory
- ""
command: "--rclone-target=/data"
You can run Rview
with an existing Rclone instance and without access to the
internet - read more.
--rclone-target Rclone target, required
--rclone-url Url of an existing rclone instance, optional. If url is
not specified, a local rclone instance will be launched
with the default config file. Url should include credentials
for Basic Auth, e.g., http://user:pass@rclone:80
--rclone-cache-size Max size of original file cache (default: 300Mi)
--rclone-dir-cache-ttl Time to cache dir entries for. Set to 0 to disable. (default: 5m)
--dir Directory for app data: thumbnails and etc. (default: ./var)
--port Server port (default: 8080)
--image-preview-mode Available image preview modes:
- thumbnails (default): generate thumbnails
- original: show original images
- none: don't show preview for images
--thumbnails-format Available thumbnail formats:
- avif (default): AVIF images can be significantly smaller than
JPEGs (-43% on average) and supported by all modern
browsers. However, generation of .avif thumbnails takes
more time (+32% on average) and requires more resources.
- jpeg: fast thumbnail generation, large files
--thumbnails-cache-size Max size of thumbnail cache (default: 500Mi)
--thumbnails-workers-count Number of workers for thumbnail generation (default: # of threads)
--read-static-files-from-disk Read static files directly from disk
--log-level Set the minimal log level. One of: debug, info (default),
warn, error
--version Print version and exit
First, you have to install the following dependencies:
libvips - on Ubuntu you can install it with the following command:
sudo apt-get install libvips-tools
After completion of these steps you should be able to run Rview
# Build and run
make build && make run
# Or just
# Build, run tests and lint code
make check
By default make run
uses environment variables from .env
file. You can redefine these variables in .env.local
exposes Prometheus metrics on /debug/metrics
. The list of all metrics can be found here
Pprof endpoints are available on /debug/pprof/
Special thanks to these open-source projects:
- Rclone - rsync for cloud storage.
- libvips - A fast image processing library with low memory needs.
- Material Icon Theme - Material Design icons for VS Code.
- Feather - Simply beautiful open source icons.