Small is a tiny userland distro. This is the aarch64 version patched to run with proot-distro under termux.
git clone
cd small
pkg install proot-distro
7z x reduced.7z
cp reduced -r smallFileSystem
cd packages
cd ../
- Login into small:
- Run a command inside small
small ls -a
This file.
Ideas for the future.
Used as a small base distro
Used to create new distros
Replace the small filesystem by alpine filesystem
Add nameservers to /etc/resolv.config
Remove env variables from host to avoid leakage
Add env variables to small
Add bin locations to $PATH
Add terminal colors and prompt shell
Add aliases
Add bash shell options (if bash is installed)
Export small with all changes made directly from the system (packages installed, new files, etc)
Export small directory, changes made directly from the system are not reflected
Install small in proot-distro
Add small to /bin
Other installed versions, will be removed (all files inside too)
Extra packages (tweeaked and compressed to be smaller) will be here
You can install by going into this folder and run the scripts
Usefull to install packages without APK (reduces the size)
Install all avaiable packages:
- APK (Alpine official package manager)
- Curl (Data transfer utility/cli http client)
APK package manager compressed files
Install the APK (Alpine Package Manager) in small
Curl binary and lib files
Install the curl utility
reduced (extract it from reduced.7z)
Smallest possible version of small
smallFileSystem (extract it from reduced.7z and rename it to smallFileSystem)
The small files that will be installed in proot-distro
Old file to run small in desktop/PC
Ignore it, possible not working with this patched small version