Automatically fills your online trainee report book on BLok1.
- Git
- Node.js
- npx
- TypeScript
- PlayWright
- CLI (Command-line interface) basics
Follow the Installation to fulfill all requirements
Skip any of these if you have them already, e.g. Git
- Download and install Git
- Download and install the latest Node.js or optionally use a version manager2
- Run from cli
npm i -g npm@latest
- Switch in cli to your dedicated Git-Folder or anywhere else approppiate and run
git clone
- Switch in cli to the created directory BLokFiller and run
npm i
- Lastly run once this once, to be sure the browsers are installed
npx playwright install
You now have the working script ready.
Open the BLokFiller directory and be sure to switch ther with cli too.
In the project directory is an auth.txt
where you have to replace the template credentials. Do not change the order! The parsing depends on it.
The content will be filled from ressources/tasks.csv
If you are doing the vocation as an application developer the generic tasks should suffice for now.
For all other vocation paths see the ressources
From the cli run
npx playwright test --project=chromium
You can also use firefox or safari
After a short compiling time a browser windows should open and you will land logged in on the BLok homepage Navigate manually to an empty/new week and resume the execution in the Playwright inspector (click the green arrow at the top). The browser will close automatically after finishing to fill. You have to manually release the week. Currently if the filling the filling lags, then a time field will be skipped. Check these by inputting the missing hours sum up to the max allowed time, e.g. 8 hours.
Repeat for another week to fill.
Most likely you may have to change the tasks because you either are taking on a different vocation or to include more company related tasks.
The file at ressources/tasks.csv
needs to be changed accordingly for that. I recommend an spreadsheet editor like Excel. You can add as many content for one category as you need/like, each cell will be written to a new line. But I have not tested more than three columns.
A valid row needs to be filled with these:
- Kategorie: The category for you content (umbrella term)
- Dauer: The time for the tasks in hours. Decimals are supported with
, but stick to minimum 0.5 steps. More detailed times are not recommended. - Rating: A value for the assessment WIP: it defaults to 2 atm3
- Lernfeld: Which qualification the task belongs to (supports only one atm)
- Inhalt#: Your actual content, what you would write in a normal report book with out all the extras from BLok. Each cell gets written to one line
The ressources are written without umlauts (ä, ö, ü). If you can, avoid them. Having a big list can lead to undesired side-effects.
- Swap content array with hashmap for less iteration
- Write manual/README
- Have at least
10070 generic tasks with proper spread of task time - Support more qualifications for one task
- Auto-release when no time fields has been skipped.
- Get the selector for rating to work
- Detect filled fields and adjust time accordingly
[ ] Oneclick-installer
This is actually not fully automatic more like a guided tool. ↩
On Windows I personally recommend winget from the Microsoft Store ↩
Hidden DOM elements in Playwright are completely locked. In normal environment it would be as simple as
document.querySelector('input[name="panel:assForm:trainee:green:evalValue"][type="hidden"]').value = 2