- In the mid-21st century, a sudden extreme cold wave plunged the Earth into a long winter, burying human civilization deep under layers of snow.
- Twenty years after the disaster, you, who grew up in the spaceport "Columbiat", discovered a mysterious message in the clouds that seemed to be from your blood relatives who disappeared years ago.
- Despite everyone's objections, you decide to return to Earth to uncover the truth about your blood relatives' departure twenty years ago.
- Beneath the snow-covered landscape, you know there is a voice calling you.
- But you are also aware that embarking on this journey is not just about saving someone but about finding the answer to this winter's arrival and restoring life to the world.
- As you set foot in the harsh winter, navigating the remaining major forces, you will initiate humanity's final rescue plan.
- This is an unprecedented rescue, and the mysteries will gradually unfold...
The Winter Rescue is a Minecraft-based mod integration pack, with core gameplay elements including realistic survival, technological construction, exploration and adventure, and town management. In the game, the mid-21st century cold wave event plunged the Earth into a prolonged winter, and the remaining human joint government established the last safe haven on a space station. As the player, you play the role of an explorer from the space station, who decides to return to Earth after receiving a mysterious message seemingly from long-lost blood relatives. You will find your footing in the harsh winter, explore the remaining major forces, and gradually uncover the secret of the world's loss of vitality during your journey.
In a harsh, beautiful, mysterious, and realistic winter world, adapting to the changing climate and maintaining body temperature is your primary survival task. Once you find your footing, you will start from scratch, regaining knowledge through exploration and research, and using your hands to build an industrial base centered around steam thermal energy. When everything is ready, you can invite exiled refugees to join you in building a self-sufficient town. Meanwhile, you will advance the main storyline, navigating the remaining forces in the harsh winter, adventuring to the deepest parts of the world to restore vitality and uncover the truth.
The core mechanism of The Winter Rescue is temperature: this includes natural temperatures, i.e., the cold climate, and the human response to it, i.e., heat. For player survival, the mechanism is reflected in the realistic simulation of body temperature; for technological construction, it is reflected in the production and utilization of high-temperature steam thermal energy; for exploration and adventure, it is reflected in surviving organisms in low temperatures, various shelters built for warmth, and heat-based weapon systems; and town management is self-explanatory – players must ensure the warmth and food supply of each resident and provide suitable temperatures and thermal energy for town buildings.
- Official Wiki (Chinese Version)
- Official Wiki (English Version)
- Official Discord Chat
- TeamMoeg Forum
- Official International Server IP: twrserver.teammoeg.com
The server is free to join, with no plugin and compatible with latest curseforge release.
Thanks our sponsor Bisect Hosting for they generously providing this server. Want to setup your own? Use Bisect Hosting code "TeamMoeg" to get a discount.
Join our discord and go to channel twr-official-server and twr-official-server-voice to connect with other players.
- Offical Chinese Server: Join QQ Group: 894071469 for detail and download special pack for our server.
Our language files are located in kubejs/assets/, feel free to make contributions. We suggest read this first.
Update: We now have a Crowdin project to facilitate translation.
Join the Official Discord Chat and request the role directly! We are very inclusive to any type of support. Whether you are an 2D/3D artist, coder, writer, tester, or numerics ethusiat, we welcome you. Once you did your first PR, you would be in the Credits List in game. But finally, you would become part of a group of enthusiats who dream to create new worlds.
TeamMoeg has developed and will maintain this Modpack for Free, but maintaining the servers cost money. Consider Sponsoring us at Patreon or Aifadian (China) Support us to let us create more! And find your name on our website and also a special role in our Discord.
(In the order of first joining, not contribution size. 按加入时间,而非贡献大小排序。)
Development Team 开发团队 (www.teammoeg.com):
- Progamming 编程: YueSha, khjxiaogu, duck_egg, dashuaibia, goumo_g, yuqijun, Qi-Month
- Art 美术: Lyuuke, gomou_g, Dsanilin
- Building 建筑: Fu_Yang, OEIIO, Lanshan
- Design 设计: YueSha, duck_egg, dashuaibia, khjxiaogu, Lyuuke, alphaGem, JackyWangMislantiaJnirvana
- Writing 写作: YueSha, Lanshan
- Quality Assurance 质量保证: asdfghjkl, shidi
- Operation 运营: Evan, YueSha, khjxiaogu
Localization 本地化:
- Chinese: TeamMoeg
- English: TeamMoeg, Jerzerak, AGmouse, sayyidyofa, alyashour, collin-marando
- Russian: Whitealbum0, EvilToasterDBU
Contributors 贡献者:
- Programming 编程: LetterN, Huaji_Qinmi, ceary741, Gugusb, Winged-Hussars, ewoudje, IBlessus, KilaBash
- Art 美术: Heitao
- Building 建筑: nekocrane, GuardianWorld, Keisari
- Writing 写作: ZXCZST, xxy
Special Thanks 特别感谢:
- alcatraz (github.com/alcatrazEscapee) for Primal Winter inspiration.
- OpenGameArt (opengameart.org) for sound effects.
- Matthew Pablo (www.matthewpablo.com) for music.
- DALL-E (openai.com) for the opening CG art.
- The TeamMoeg Community (www.teammoeg.com) for support and feedback.
- The NeoForge Team for the modding platform.
- The Mojang Team for the game itself.
Supporters 赞助者: See our official website.