An application to convert units
Available languages : 🇬🇧, 🇫🇷, 🇪🇸, 🇮🇹
This application does not store or use any data from the user
- Select the category you want by touching it
- Select your favorite unit by touching the star
- Enter your value to convert
if someone can make a beautiful icon for this app, it will be very appreciate !
This file is the core of the application, it describe what is supposed to be displayed on the Home
page, on each element in the list and the conversion formula to use.
key must have a value accepted on the font-awesome website
"category": "mycategory",
"title": "My Category",
"icon": "tint",
"reference": "UnityName",
"units": [
"name": "UnityName",
"symbol": "°C",
"formula": "* 1"
"name": "OtherUnity",
"symbol": "°F",
"formula": "* 1.8 + 32",
"reverseFormula": "- 32 / 1.8"
The formula must always have a space between the
and thenumber
and there is no notion of mathematical priority. It's always calculated in the order of the formula.
Also, for eachoperand
you must have a following number and the first caracter must always be an operator (+
React-native environment setup
# Run Metro in a terminal
npx react-native start
# Run the app
npx react-native run-android