- ReactJS
- Chakra (provide much more component built, so it allows you to have more time focus features)
- react-icons (support multiple icon to use)
- react-router-dom (navigation page)
- NodeJS (expressJS)
- Sequelize (ORM) (sequelize, sequelize-cli)
- Driver adapter: mysql2
- jest (Unit test), suppertest (support test for http/rest api), sequelize-test-helpers, sinon, chai(test for db)
- body-parser - use to parse incoming request bodies in a middleware before your handlers, available under the req.body property.
- cookie-parser - use to parse Cookie header and populate req.cookies with an object keyed by the cookie names.
- jsonwebtoken - in order to use JWT for authentication.
- Login, Logout, Register
- Comment, post (edit, create, delete)
- Realtime chat
- Join group
- Open your terminal and pull project on main branch into your laptop or PC.
$ git pull https://github.com/TienMinh25/instagram_clone.git
- You can also choose your directory you need to pull.
- Then open project on IDE which you prefer then type text below into terminal:
$ npm install
- First, you need a local database (use mysql)
Please config root and password for your local database,
then open file .env (./back_end/.env) and modify it.
- Run backend
$ cd back_end
$ npm run dev
- Run frontend
$ cd fron_end
$ npm run dev
- First, you aslo need to pull project to your device 😄
- Then you must have docker on your machine, then ensure docker is running
- Open your terminal, make sure you are in the root ~ /instagram_clone, then type:
$ docker-compose up --build
- Then open new terminal, and type:
$ docker exec -it backend_node sh
$ sequelize db:migrate
- If you need to termianted that, you just type:
$ docker-compose down
- That's so easy, right 😆😚😎
- Open your browser, and type http://localhost:80
Name: Lê Văn Tiến Minh
Gmail: letienminh2512@gmail.com
Thank you everyone for visiting my repo, please give each one a star and you can view this repo as reference. This is also my best practice repo at the moment.