Mediator implementation in kotlin with native coroutine support. Supports Spring-Boot, Quarkus and Koin dependency providers.
"kedi" in Turkish means cat 🐱 and kediatR rhymes with the C# equivalent library mediatR :)
Documentation is available at
class PingCommand : Command // or
class PingQuery : Query<String> // or
class PingNotification : Notification
class PingCommandHandler : CommandHandler<PingCommand> {
override suspend fun handle(command: PingCommand) {
class PingQueryHandler : QueryHandler<PingQuery, String> {
override suspend fun handle(query: PingQuery): String {
return "Pong!"
class PingNotificationHandler : NotificationHandler<PingNotification> {
override suspend fun handle(notification: PingNotification) {
class MeasurePipelineBehaviour : PipelineBehaviour {
override val order: Int = 0
override suspend fun <TRequest, TResponse> handle(
request: TRequest,
next: RequestHandlerDelegate<TRequest, TResponse>
): TResponse {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
val response = next(request)
val end = System.currentTimeMillis()
println("Request ${request::class.simpleName} took ${end - start} ms")
return response
val mediator = // create mediator instance in-memory or with dependency injection, take a look at the documentation
mediator.send(PingCommand()) // 1..1
mediator.send(PingQuery()) // 1..1
mediator.publish(PingNotification()) // 0..N