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Shift Roster Generator v1.1.2

This application has its own Wiki-Page:

There you will find a documentation with screenshots.

This App generates a shift plan with a fair distribution algorithm, where every slot will be filled by a SINLGE candidate. App does not support a distribution per slot for more then one candidate! The result (output) will always contain for every data field one candidate only!

The goal is to gerenate a final shift plan, where every slot is assigned to only one of the candidates who asked for that slot. The distribution algorithm tries to keep a balance between all candidates.

Download -> Compile -> Execute


In Terminal: EXECUTABLE "inputFile_yourShiftPlanWithCandidates.csv" "outputFile_FinalDistributedShiftPlan.csv"

  • Application will generate a shift plan based on input file.

  • Second argument is optional. If its not provided, result will be printed in standard output stream (which can be also redirected in a file by using pipes)

The Input CSV File (Table Sheet):

YOU WILL FIND AN EXAMPLE INPUT FILE 'example_shiftplan.csv' in data-dir. That file can be used as template csv input file.

Every Column must seperated by a (;) semicolon!


; Monday ; Thursday ; Wednesday

10h; Susan, Paul ; Tom ; Martin

11h; Tim, Hermione ; Lisa ; Bart

12h; Tom, Ben ; Bart,Lisa ; Harry


Your sheet need a fix defined structure:

  • the first line of your sheet must contain the column-titles

  • the first column of each tow must contain the row-title

  • there aren't allowed data outside the range of your sheet. The column- and row-titles are spanning the table-range. Data are allowed in that spanned range only. Data outside of that range will lead to incorrect results! So make shure, that every data has a column- and a row-title.

All Tabulators, Single-Quotes, Double-Quotes, Newlines and SEPERATOR-Characters will be removed in all Data-Columns (Candidate-Values)!

PS: sorry for my english :) I hope, you will understand this documentation.