Our application allows small businesses to register, After registration our system generates for them a fully functional ecomerce which they use to post and sell their products to clients. When a client opens our system, the system will fetch his/her current location and point to all businesses around him/her. The system will also display the goods and services sold by those nearby businesses.
We used HTML, CSS,JS and Django as our application is crrently running on the browser but we are in the process of developing an android application for it. Django is responsible for service our clients request. and to the system we attached Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible servers
which makes processing of data easier. In addition we also used Azure app services
whichruns our entire aplication and it is attached to our github repository.
Some of the challenges that we are still currently facing is that our system requires intergration with payments methods such as M-Pesa Paybill or MPesa Till number as we are still currently testing with Kenya which we were still not able to register.
First clone our project if you wish to run it remotely, and to achieve that change directory to location where you would like it installed e.g. to install it to Desktop and you are in the root directory run cd Users\<user_name>\Desktop
. Once in the desired folder run git clone https://github.com/smartjef/vsmatt.git
Note: You need to have git installed in your machine to use git commands. If you dont kindly visit https://git-scm.com/downloads to download and install
Once you have the project cloned, you can cd into it by running command cd vsmatt
then create a virtualenvironment by running either python -m venv <environment_name>
or virtualenv <environment_name>
and activate the environment.
To activate environment run <environment_name>\Scripts\activate
on windows or source <environment_name>/bin/activate
on Linux systems. Once your environment is active run pip install -r requirements.txt
to install requirements for this application.
You have installed the requirements, what next? Our next step is to makemigration and migration to create the required tables in our database. To achive that run python manage.py makemigrations
followed by python manage.py migrate
We will need a superuser account for some operations such as approving businesses and for that run python manage.py createsuperuser
and fill in the required information to create one.
Upto this point you are good to run the application. By default the application will run on port 8000 when command python manage.py runserver
is executed. And sumple of how the output should be is as below.
Watching for file changes with StatReloader
Performing system checks...
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
November 13, 2022 - 13:19:41
Django version 4.0.8, using settings 'vsmatt.settings'
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CTRL-BREAK.
You can change the port is there is an application already using that port by passing port number as an argument e.g. python manage.py runserver 80
to start the server at port 80 or you can provide your desired ip address and port number e.g. python manage.py runserver
Assuming you are using the default visit to view the application. You can add businesses and product and you can as well login to admin pannel to approve them
The application was designed and build by:
| Name | Github account |
| 1. Jeff Odhiambo | https://github.com/smartjef |
| 2. Laurent Ouma | https://github.com/Omoshlawi |