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Verga Sistemas

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  1. PushSharp PushSharp Public

    Forked from Redth/PushSharp

    A server-side library for sending Push Notifications to iOS (iPhone/iPad APNS), Android (C2DM and GCM - Google Cloud Message), Windows Phone, Windows 8, Amazon, Blackberry, and (soon) FirefoxOS dev…



Showing 1 of 1 repositories
  • PushSharp Public Forked from Redth/PushSharp

    A server-side library for sending Push Notifications to iOS (iPhone/iPad APNS), Android (C2DM and GCM - Google Cloud Message), Windows Phone, Windows 8, Amazon, Blackberry, and (soon) FirefoxOS devices!

    Verga-Sistemas/PushSharp’s past year of commit activity
    C# 0 1,531 0 0 Updated Mar 12, 2021

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