My name is Victor Hugo Simões and I am Full Stack Web Developer in Kasco P&D since January, 2023. There, I work with T3 Stack Application with Typescript, TRPC, Next.js, Styled Components, Redis, Bull, Docker, Azure, CI/CD, Shadcn e MUI. I also have worked with Clean Architecture in a backend Node.js application and with a legacy application with Embbed Javascript Template (ejs) with Bootstrap e JQuery. I developed APIs with Python - FastAPI, Django - for videos and images AI inference with Yolo and Triton models.
I also studied in a Bootcamp at Driven Education and where I learned the base of Full Stack Developer!
I am a Chemical engineer, studied course at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro!
I've been working with TypeScript, Next.js, TRPC, Shadcn, Styled Components, Material UI, Redis, Docker, Azure, AWS, BullMQ(Queues), Jest, Supertest, Cypress, Playwright ,Postgres, MongoDB, Prisma, Node.js,React.js, Python, Javascript, CSS and HTML, but I have interest in learning others languages like Java and React Native.
From: 24 March 2022 - To: 19 March 2025
Total Time: 2,845 hrs 23 mins
TypeScript 1,597 hrs 31 mins>>>>>>>>>>>>>>----------- 56.14 %
JavaScript 597 hrs 56 mins >>>>>-------------------- 21.01 %
JSON 100 hrs >------------------------ 03.51 %
Python 81 hrs 19 mins >------------------------ 02.86 %
Bash 80 hrs 10 mins >------------------------ 02.82 %
CSS 69 hrs 52 mins >------------------------ 02.46 %
YAML 67 hrs 41 mins >------------------------ 02.38 %
- I am a very hetic person and because of this on my ex Muai Thai team they used to call me 220 (220 volts);
- I love to help people on their problems, whichever they are, that is why I am passionate on dev world!
- I have already programmed in Fortran Language at College, I was part of a research on a computational modeling of natural gas extraction!