client library for Stormware's mPohoda mServer
The PHP-Pohoda-Connector library provides a set of features to interact with the Pohoda accounting software. Below are some of the key features along with code examples:
- Check connection
- Create/Update/Delete AddressBook record
- Create/Update/Delete Invoice record
- Create/Update/Delete Bank movement record
Install using composer:
composer require vitexsoftware/pohoda-connector
Or clone
Classess check at startup for this constants or environment variables:
- POHODA_ICO - company indentificator
- POHODA_URL - mServer endpoint
- POHODA_USERNAME - Pohoda user's login
- POHODA_PASSWORD - Pohoda user's password
- POHODA_TIMEOUT - Curl timeout
- POHODA_COMPRESS - compress is disabled by default
- POHODA_DEBUG - debug mode is disabled by default
- Check Connection This feature allows you to check if the connection to the Pohoda server is successful.
namespace mServer;
require_once __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
\Ease\Shared::init(['POHODA_URL', 'POHODA_USERNAME', 'POHODA_PASSWORD'], \dirname(__DIR__).'/.env');
$client = new \mServer\Client();
if (\Ease\Shared::cfg('APP_DEBUG')) {
echo $client->isOnline() ? 'Online' : 'Offline';
- Add Addressbook record This feature allows you to add a new addressbook record.
namespace mServer;
require_once __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
\Ease\Shared::init(['POHODA_URL', 'POHODA_USERNAME', 'POHODA_PASSWORD'], \dirname(__DIR__).'/.env');
$addressBookRecord = [
'identity' => [
'address' => [
'company' => 'Vitex Software',
'name' => 'Vítězslav Dvořák',
'city' => 'Prague',
'street' => 'Long',
'zip' => '15800',
'ico' => '69438676',
'dic' => 'CZ7808072811',
'mobil' => '739 778 202',
'web' => '',
$addresser = new Adressbook($addressBookRecord);
if ($addresser->commit()) {
- Create Invoice
This feature allows you to create a new invoice.
namespace mServer;
require_once __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
$invoiceRecord = [
'invoiceType' => 'issuedInvoice',
'date' => date('Y-m-d'),
'accounting' => ['ids' => '3Fv'],
'text' => 'Faktura za zboží bez adresy',
'paymentType' => 'draft',
'note' => 'Import XML.',
'intNote' => 'Tento doklad byl vytvořen importem přes XML z PHP.',
'invoiceSummary' => [
'roundingDocument' => 'math2one',
'homeCurrency' => [
'priceNone' => 3018,
'priceLow' => 60000,
'priceHighSum' => 557,
\Ease\Shared::init(['POHODA_URL', 'POHODA_USERNAME', 'POHODA_PASSWORD'], \dirname(__DIR__).'/.env');
$invoicer = new Invoice($invoiceRecord);
$itemRecord = [
'text' => 'Židle Z220',
'quantity' => 1.0,
'unit' => 'ks',
'payVAT' => false,
'rateVAT' => 'high',
'homeCurrency' => [
'unitPrice' => 1968,
'price' => 1968,
'priceVAT' => 413.28,
'priceSum' => 2381.28,
'code' => 'Z220',
'stockItemIDS' => 'Z220',
if ($invoicer->commit()) {
- Addressbook reading
This feature allows you to read an addressbook record.
require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';
\Ease\Shared::init(['POHODA_URL', 'POHODA_USERNAME', 'POHODA_PASSWORD'], \dirname(__DIR__).'/.env');
$addresser = new \mServer\Addressbook();
print_r($addresser->getColumnsFromPohoda(['id', 'jmeno', 'email', 'web']));
See usage examples in tests directory
Many thanks to Riešenia, spol. s r.o. for its library
See my other libraries: ,