- OS: Debian 9 (stretch)
- WM: I3wm version i3-gaps
- Bar: Polybar
- Terminal: rxvt-unicode-256color (URxvt)
- Shell: bash, zsh with oh-my-zsh
- File Manager: vifm (terminal), thunar (graphical)
- Application launcher: Albert
- Editor: Vim (terminal), VSCode (graphical)
- Browser: Firefox
- Battery warning: i3battery
- Control backlights: light
- Mail client: Mailspring
- Chat application: Telegram, Rambox
- Music player: Spotify
- External package installer: YAPI
This configuration with all application need a 700~800MB of memory, principally cause by dropbox (with more than 150MB upkeep) and mailspring (with more than 350MB upkeep). Without these application the configuration drop to 250~300MB upkeep usage of memory.
This configuration is Vim oriented (move keys with h-j-k-l). You can find the config here -> file
- up left -> gtop
- up right up -> tty-clock
- up right middle -> cmatrix
- down left -> neofetch
- down middle -> vifm
- down right -> urxvt
I use the windows key as my main mod key.
super + enter
-> new terminalsuper + d
-> launch rofisuper + shift + q
-> close containersuper + [1-0]
-> change workspacesuper + Tab
-> move to next workspacesuper + Shift + Tab
-> move to previous workspacesuper + shift + [1-0]
-> move container to workspacesuper + g
-> toggle split modesuper + f
-> toggle fullscreensuper + t
-> layout tabbedsuper + e
-> toggle layout splitsuper + r
-> resize modesuper + o
-> focus floatingsuper + Shift + o
-> toggle floatingsuper + MouseButton1
-> Move floating windowsuper + h/l
-> move right/left container viewsuper + j/k
-> move down/up container viewsuper + Shift + h/j/k/l
-> move container left/down/up/rightsuper + p
-> system control mode (logout, suspend, hibernate, reboot, poweroff)super + s
-> spotify control mode (play, pause, next, previous, toggle play/pause)super + w
-> window and container move trought output mode (up, down, right, left)super + m
-> change output layout (horizontal|vertical left|right)super + Shift + agrave
-> Mode start and stop dropbox (start, stop)super + Shift + x
-> lock screenprint
-> grab a screenshoot of the active windowsuper + print
-> select area to grab to screenshotsuper + Shift + print
-> grab a screenshoot of the entire screenXF86Tools
-> open with vim the config fileXF86Display
-> open arandr for graphical management of monitor viewsuper + XF86Display
-> load the second monitor inplacesuper + backslash
-> open vifm in the home directorysuper + Shift + comma
-> create a new file and edit with vimsuper + Shift + ograve
-> open mailspring mail clientsuper + v
-> open empty vim in home directorysuper + -
-> open gtopsuper + comma
-> open .Xresources with vimsuper + period
-> open .vimrc with vimsuper + backslash
-> open vifm
For this configuration I use this modes:
Resize -> default resize modality of i3, use:
- l -> resize shrink width
- j -> resize grow height
- k -> resize shrink height
- h -> resize grow width
- q or Escape -> return to default mode
System -> use to exit from i3, use:
- l -> logout
- s -> suspend
- h -> hibernate
- r -> reboot
- p -> shutdown
- q or Escape -> return to default mode
Spotify -> use to control spotify desktop app, use:
- h -> previous song
- j -> pause
- k -> play
- l -> next song
- s -> toggle pause and play
- q or Escape -> return to default mode
ContentMove -> move workspace or containers from output to another:
- Shift+l -> move workspace to right
- Shift+h -> move workspace to left
- Shift+j -> move workspace to down
- Shift+k -> move workspace to up
- q or Escape -> return to default mode
Output layout -> use to change layout of output:
- h -> Vertical left
- h -> Horizontal left
- h -> Horizontal right
- h -> Vertical right
- q or Escape -> return to default mode
Dropbox -> Start and Stop for dropbox, added after known about the memory usage of dropbox (see the introduction of dorfiles)
- s -> dropbox start
- d -> dropbox stop
- q or Escape -> return to default mode
Not yet tested
Make argument:
Basic dependencies:
make i3
All dependencies:
make i3_all
You can find the config here -> file
- On the corner top left: spotify view of song
- On the middle top: wireless connection, wired connection (it's red because is not connected)
- On the corner top right: tray icons
- On the corner bottom left: cpu status with animated bar that represents the 4 cores, rap status with the animated status bar, filesystem status with free and percentage of usage, temperature of core.
- On the middle bottom: i3wm workspaces
- On the corner bottom right: volume percentage, brightness percentage, battery status with animated charging and color change if the adapter is disconnected, date and time
Upper bar:
- left -> spotify
- center -> wireless-network wired-network
- right -> tray
Bottom bar:
- left -> cpu memory filesystem temperature
- center -> i3
- right -> pulseaudio backlight battery date
Not yet tested
Make argument:
make polybar
You can find the Xresources here -> file
-> increase the font sizeCtrl+-
-> decrease the font sizeCtrl+Shift+c
-> copy to the clipboardCtrl+Shift+v
-> paste from the clipboard
Not yet tested
Make argument:
make urxvt
You can find the zshrc here -> file
Theme in use: agnoster with powerline
Vim bindkey is active.
- debian
- git
- colorize
- zsh-completions
- zsh-autosuggestions
- zsh-syntax-highlighting
- copydir
- copyfile
- sudo
- themes
- vscode
- web-search
Not yet tested
Make argument:
make zsh
You can find the config here -> file
-> open the nerd tree<F2>
-> copy to the clipboard<F3>
-> paste from the clipboardCtrl+<motion>
-> move line/sCtrl+w <motion>
-> switch between splitted editorCtrl+d
-> switch to bash terminalSpace+f
-> foldingSpace+>
-> switch to next tabSpace+<
-> switch to previous tabTab
-> move specified vim window in the visual
I'm using plugged
- i3-vim-syntax
- vim-sensible
- jedi-vim
- gojo.vim
- nerdtree
- nerdtree-git-plugin
- vim-airline
- vim-airline-themes
- tpope/vim-fugitive
- vim-gitgutter
- vim-signify
- vim-polyglot
- jellybeans.vim
- luochen1990/rainbow
- matze/vim-move
- vim-ctrlspace
Not yet tested
Make argument:
make vim
You can find the config here -> file
To see all of the keyboard shortcut go to cheatsheets: vifm.info/cheatsheets.shtml:
Make argument:
make vifm
You can find the config here -> file
Make argument:
make albert
To see the keyboard setup you can read the keybinding.json
- All the Vim keybinding are set up with the VSCodeVim plugin
To install this plugins you can use the script install_extension.sh
Not yet tested
Make argument:
make code
Not yet tested
First of all, you need to be in the sudoers:
$ usermod -aG sudo <username>
Download or clone one of the release and run:
git clone https://github.com/wabri/dotfiles
cd dotfiles
make all
Now reboot and prey.
Or you can follow the commands you find on the makefile step by step -> makefile
You can find the config here -> file
Not yet tested
Make argument:
make i3blocks
After this installation you need to update the i3config with this value:
bar {
font pango:FontAwesome Mono 13
separator_symbol "|"
status_command i3blocks -c .config/i3blocks/i3blocks.conf
For more blocks you can use this repository i3blocks-contrib
You can see all the configuration here
Alt + Shift + d
-> Clear input lineAlt + Shift + i
-> Beginning of the lineAlt + Shift + a
-> End of lineAlt + b
-> Move back one wordAlt + w
-> Move forward one wordAlt + h
-> Move back one charAlt + l
-> Move forward one charAlt + Shift + c
-> Delete till the end of the lineAlt + Shift + s
-> Delete till the start of the lineControl + Tab
-> Switch to the next modeAlt + Shift + h
-> Go to the previous columnAlt + Shift + l
-> Go to the next columnControl + Space
-> Set selected item as input textAlt + s
-> Take a screenshot of the rofi windowEscape
-> Quit rofi
Not yet tested
Make argument:
make rofi