Component provides the creation and operation of digital projects catalog (programs, files, scripts, extensions, modules, etc.) and allows you to manage their description, characteristics and provides the ability of downloads.
Thanks to the key manager, you can organize paid downloads on your site.
To do this, just select in the project "Download Type: Paid" and then you can download the file only if the key is specified.
Component provides versioning of digital projects with the ability to specify the stability (Development, Alpha, Beta, Release Candidate, Stable) and changelog management.
Component includes statistical functionality with ability to track the count of downloads for each specific version.
File storage structure allows you to store files outside the root directory, which provides a high degree of protection and excludes downloading by direct link to the file, bypassing the component.
Developers who create extensions for Joomla! CMS are provided with additional functionality for creating and running their own update server, as part of the component.
- Convenient multilingual
- Duplicate pages protection
- OpenGraph and Twitter meta
- Caching Joomla! Extensions Server Update Manifest
- Version Module
- Projects Module
- Categories Module
- Content plugin for handling SW JProjects short-codes
- Editor-xtd plugin for inserting link to project or project data with custom HTML layout
- Smart search plugin for projects
- Smart search plugin for documentation
- User actions log plugin
- JLSitemap integration plugin Download separately
- JoomShopping integration plugin Download separately
- WT Telegram bot - SW JProjects plugin Download separately