The script is designed to help archive articles from the livejournal site. It parses all articles of a specified user, then automatically opens them in a browser and saves them in PDF format.
- Downloading articles by any user;
- Moving comments to a single page and automatically expand them (script.js);
- Clear downloading without ads and banners;
- Potencial ability to download hidden articles (for friends only) (available only after logging in to your account) (theoretically, not tested);
- OS: windows, linux (mac not supported sorry);
- Ruby (3.1.4);
Install ruby (3.1.4):
- (For Windows) you can use RubyInstaller;
- For rvm:
rvm install ruby-3.1.4
- For rbenv:
rbenv install 3.1.4
Download repository:
git clone
cd ./livejournal-archive-helper
- Run bundler:
- Run intall script:
ruby install.rb
- Download Chrome For Testing (chrome) and Chromedriver from link:
- Extract
chrome archive
(The folder will contain the chrome (ex. chrome-win64) folder) - From
chromedriver archive
file to:./livejournal-archive-helper/_browsers
(The folder will contain the chromedriver (ex. chromedriver.exe) file) - Extract the contents of file
- Now you can run main script:
ruby main.rb
If you need to customize your browser (install/change extensions or log in to your account), you need to do the following:
- Run debug script:
ruby browser-debug.rb
- Go to chrome browser folder;
(For windows): Create shortcut .lnk and add:
, where you need to change the path to your path where the _ChromeData folder is located.
(For linux): just run chrome with this param;
- Now you can run chrome and make your changes;
- Fork tis project;
- Make changes to the forked project;
- On the page of this repository, poke Pull Requests and make a Pull Request by selecting your fork in the right list;
If you have any ideas or your own developments, or just questions about the performance of the code, then you can always contact me at the following addresses: