👋 Hi, I am Wuor Bhang Gatwech
🌱 I’m currently learning Front-End Web Development for 3 months at Learning Lion ICT campus starting in 30th/September - 23th/December 2024 and I’m also a Foundational Track of Computer and Data Science student at MIT ReACT.
💻 I know front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on Carepulse of a real-world project.
📫 email:uhuribhang211@gmail.com
😄 Pronouns: Him/HE
⚡ Fun fact: In programming, the term "bug" comes from an actual insect. In 1947 , computer scientist Grace Hopper found a moth inside a Mark II computer, which caused a malfunction. She taped the moth into her logbook, marking it as the "first actual case of bug being found."