Please follow these steps to recreate the code in your own org.
- Clone this repository and navigate to that folder
git clone
cd apextesting
Open the apextesting folder in your IDE
Create a new scratch org
sfdx force:org:create -f config/project-scratch-def.json --durationdays 30 -a **YOUR_ALIAS_HERE**
- Run the following command to get scratch org username and populate queue with it
- For Mac:
sfdx force:user:display --json | grep -E -o "\b[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,6}\b" > user.txt; sed -i '' "s/\usernameHere/$(cat user.txt)/g" force-app/main/default/queues/Temp_Queue.queue-meta.xml; rm user.txt
The script will do the following
- Get user data from scratch org
- Write username to temp file
- Replace text "usernameHere" with org username in Temp Queue file
- Delete temp file
For Windows:
- Open the Temp_Queue file under force-app/main/default/queues
- Replace the text
with your org's username - Run the following command to get the username if you don't have it
sfdx force:user:display
- Push source to org,
sfdx force:source:push
Set the Opportunity Data Model to Private
Assign the Permission Set
sfdx force:user:permset:assign --permsetname Apex_Testing_Admin