A Singer target that writes data to Google BigQuery.
works together with any other Singer Tap to move data from sources like Braintree, Freshdesk
and Hubspot to Google BigQuery.
- Contact
- Dependencies
- How to use it
- Step 1: Enable Google BigQuery API
- Step 2: Authenticate with a service account
- Step 3: Configure
- Step 4: Install and run
- Step 5: target-tables-config file: set up partitioning and clustering
- Step 6 (Optional): target-tables-config file: force data types and modes
- Step 7 (Optional): target-tables-config file: rename a field
- Unit tests set up
- Config files in this project
Email: analytics-help@adswerve.com
Install requirements, using either of the two methods below.
Method 1
pip install -r requirements.txt
Method 2
Alternatively, you can run the following command. It runs setup.py and installs target-bigquery into the env like the user would. -e emulates how a user of the package would install requirements.
pip install -e .
Additional development and testing requirements
Install additional dependencies required for development and testing.
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
- GCP web console -> API & Services -> Library
- Search for BigQuery API -> click Enable
It is recommended to use target-bigquery
with a service account.
Create a service account credential:
- API & Services -> Credentials -> Create Credentials -> Service account
- Under Service account details, enter Service account name. Click Create
- Under Grant this service account access to the project, select BigQuery Data Editor and BigQuery Job User as the minimal set of permissions. Click Done
- BigQuery Data Editor permission allows the service account to access (and change) the data.
- BigQuery Job User permission allows the service account to actually run a load or select job.
- On the API & Services Credentials screen, select the service account you just created.
- Click ADD KEY -> Create new key -> JSON key. Download the service account credential JSON file.
Name the file client_secrets.json. You can place the file where
will be executed or provide a path to the service account json file. -
Set a GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable on the machine, where the value is the fully qualified path to client_secrets.json file:
- Creating an environment variable on a Windows 10 machine
- Creating an environment variable on a Mac machine
Create a file called target-config.json in your working directory, following this sample target-config.json file (or see the example below).
- Required parameters are the project name
. - Optional parameters are
,validate records
. - Default data location is "US" (if your location is not the US, you can indicate a different location in your ** target-config.json** file).
- The data will be written to the dataset specified in your target-config.json.
- If you do not have the dataset with this name yet, it will be created.
- The table will be created.
- There's an optional parameter
that can either be:append
: Adding new rows to the table (Default value)truncate
: Deleting all previous rows and uploading the new ones to the tableincremental
: Upserting new rows into the table, using the primary key given by the tap connector (if it finds an old row with same key, updates it. Otherwise it inserts the new row)
- WARNING: We do not recommend using
option (which usesMERGE
SQL statement). It might result in loss of production data, because historical records get updated. Instead, we recommend using theappend
replication method, which will preserve historical data.
Sample target-config.json file:
"project_id": "{your_GCP_project_id}",
"dataset_id": "{your_dataset_id}",
"table_suffix": "_sample_table_suffix",
"validate_records": true,
"add_metadata_columns": true,
"location": "EU",
"table_config": "target-tables-config.json"
This is a little bit outside of the scope of this documentation, but let's quickly take a look at sample tap config files as well, to see how tap and target work together.
Sample tap-config.json file configures the data source:
{ "base": "USD",
"start_date": "2021-01-01"
- Sample state.json file is now just a empty JSON file
, and it will be written or updated when the tap runs. - This is an optional file.
- The tap will write the date into state.json file, indicating when the data loading stopped at.
- Next time you run the tap, it'll continue from this date in the state file. If state.json file is provided, then it takes presedence over the "start_date" in the tap config file.
Learn more: https://github.com/singer-io/getting-started
First, make sure Python 3 is installed on your system or follow these installation instructions for Mac or Ubuntu.
can be run with any Singer Tap, but we'll use tap-exchangeratesapi - which pulls currency exchange rate data from a public data set - as an example. (Learn more about Exchangeratesapi.io) -
In the target-config.json file, enter the id of your GCP (Google Cloud Platform Project) - you can find it on the Home page of your GCP web console.
Sample target-config.json file:
"project_id": "{your project id}",
"dataset_id": "exchangeratesapi"
- These commands will install
with pip and then run them together, piping the output oftap-exchangeratesapi
We recommend that you install tap and target in their own virtual environments. It will be easier to manage requirements and avoid dependency conflicts.
- The commands below are for running locally on a Windows machine. For a Mac or Linux machine, the syntax will be slightly different.
cd "{your project root directory}"
# upgrade pip
# Windows:
py -m pip install --upgrade pip
# Linux:
# python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
# create a virtual env for tap
# Windows:
py -m venv tap
# Linux:
# python3 -m venv /pyenv/tap
# activate the virtual env and install tap
# Windows:
.\tap\Scripts\activate && pip install tap-exchangeratesapi==0.1.1
# create a virtual env for target
# Windows:
py -m venv target
# Linux:
# python3 -m venv /pyenv/target
# activate the virtual env and install target
.\target\Scripts\activate && pip install git+git://github.com/adswerve/target-bigquery
# load data
{project_root_dir}\tap\Scripts\tap-exchangeratesapi --config sample_config/tap-config-exchange-rates-api.json | ^
{project_root_dir}\target\Scripts\target-bigquery --config sample_config/target-config-exchange-rates-api.json > sample_config/state.json
# if directory has spaces, you can use quotes:
# "{project root dir with spaces}\tap\Scripts\tap-exchangeratesapi"
# ^ on a Windows machine indicates a new line. On a Mac, use "\\".
- If you're using a different tap, substitute
in the final command above to the command used to run your tap.
A partitioned table is a special table that is divided into segments, called partitions, that make it easier to manage and query your data. By dividing a large table into smaller partitions, you can:
- improve query performance,
- control costs by reducing the number of bytes read by a query.
You can partition BigQuery tables by:
Ingestion time: Tables are partitioned based on the data's ingestion (load) time or arrival time.
Date/timestamp/datetime: Tables are partitioned based on a TIMESTAMP, DATE, or DATETIME column.
Integer range: Tables are partitioned based on an integer column.
- When you create a clustered table in BigQuery, the table data is automatically organized based on the contents of one or more columns in the table’s schema.
- The columns you specify are used to colocate related data.
- When you cluster a table using multiple columns, the order of columns you specify is important. The order of the specified columns determines the sort order of the data.
- Clustering can improve the performance of certain types of queries such as queries that use filter clauses and queries that aggregate data.
- You can cluster up to 4 columns in a table
Learn more about BigQuery partitioned and clustered tables:
Example 1: tap-recharge data
This is not a follow-along example. Additional tap configuration would be required to run it. This example is just for illustration purposes.
If we were to load tap-recharge charges table into BigQuery, we could partition it by date.
For clustering, we can selected:
- foreign keys and
- columns likely to appear in
To configure partitioning and clustering in BigQuery destination tables, we create target-tables-config.json:
"streams": {
"charges": {
"partition_field": "updated_at",
"partition_type": "DAY", // optional, DAY by default, must be one of [DAY, HOUR, MONTH, YEAR]
"cluster_fields": ["type", "status", "customer_id", "transaction_id"]
We can verify in BigQuery web UI that partitioning and clustering worked:
Example 2: tap-exchangeratesapi data
You can follow along and try this example on your own. We will continue where we left off in Step 4: Install and Run above.
- Take a look at our tap-exchangeratesapi data. We have:
- dates
- datetimes
- floats which show exchange rates
In our tap-exchangeratesapi example, no columns are good candidates for clustering.
You can only set up partitioning.
- Create your target-tables-config.json with partitioning configuration. Leave cluster fields blank:
"streams": {
"exchange_rate": {
"partition_field": "date",
"cluster_fields": []
Clear you state.json, so it's an empty JSON
, because we want to load all data again. Skip this step, if you didn't previously load this data in Step 4 above. -
Delete your BigQuery destination table exchangeratesapi, because we want to re-load it again from scratch. Skip this step, if you didn't previously load this data in Step 4 above.
Load data data into BigQuery, while configuring target tables. Pass target-tables-config.json as a command line argument.
{project_root_dir}\tap\Scripts\tap-exchangeratesapi --config sample_config/tap-config-exchange-rates-api.json | ^
{project_root_dir}\target\Scripts\target-bigquery --config sample_config/target-config-exchange-rates-api.json ^
-t sample_config/target-tables-config-exchange-rates-api.json > sample_config/state.json
- "^" indicates a new line in Windows Command Prompt. In Mac terminal, use "\".
- If you don't want to pass target-tables-config.json file as a CLI argument, you can add
"table_config": "target-tables-config.json"
to your target-config.json file. See Step 3: Configure above.
- Verify in BigQuery web UI that partitioning and clustering worked (in our example below, we only set up partitioning):
- Normally, tap catalog file governs schema of data which will be loaded into target-bigquery.
- However, sometimes you can get a column of an undesired data type, which is not following your tap-catalog file.
- You can force that column to the desired data type by using the
flag inside your target-tables-config.json file.
- We used this solution to fix
field from"ads_insights_age_and_gender"
stream from tap-facebook. - In the tap catalog file, we said we wanted this column to be a date.
- However, the tap generates schema where this column is a string, despite our tap catalog file.
- Therefore, we used
flag in target-tables-config.json to override what the tap generates and force the column to be a date. - Example of target-tables-config.json file:
"streams": {
"ads_insights_age_and_gender": {
"partition_field": "date_start",
"cluster_fields": ["age", "gender","account_id", "campaign_id"],
"force_fields": {
"date_start": {"type": "DATE", "mode": "NULLABLE"},
"date_stop": {"type": "DATE", "mode": "NULLABLE"}
- You can rename a field, using the
flag inside your target-tables-config.json file.
- Example of target-tables-config.json file where we renamed a field from
"ads_insights_age_and_gender": {
"partition_field": "date_start",
"cluster_fields": ["age", "gender","account_id", "campaign_id"],
"force_fields": {
"old_name":{"bq_field_name": "new_name"}
Add the following files to sandbox directory under project root directory:
sa.json with GCP credential
{ "project_id": "{your-project-id}", "dataset_id": "{your_dataset_id}" }
{ "project_id": "{your-project-id}", "dataset_id": "{your_dataset_id}", "replication_method": "truncate", "max_cache": 0 }
{ "project_id": "{your-project-id}", "dataset_id": "{your_dataset_id}", "replication_method": "append", "max_cache": 0 }
{ "project_id": "{your-project-id}", "dataset_id": "{your_dataset_id}", "max_cache": 0 }
if you're running unit test from the unit test .py file:
{ "project_id": "{your-project-id}", "dataset_id": "{your_dataset_id}", "table_config": "rsc/config/simple_stream_table_config.json" }
if you're running unit test from shell, for example:
pytest --verbose tests/test_simplestream.py::TestSimpleStreamLoadJob::test_simple_stream_with_tables_config_passed_inside_target_config_file
In this case, here's your config file, notice the difference in directory:
{ "project_id": "{your-project-id}", "dataset_id": "{your_dataset_id}", "table_config": "tests/rsc/config/simple_stream_table_config.json" }
{ "project_id": "{your-project-id}", "dataset_id": "{your_dataset_id}", "validate_records": false }
{ "project_id": "{your-project-id}", "dataset_id": "{your_dataset_id}", "merge_state_messages": 0 }
{ "project_id": "{your-project-id}", "dataset_id": "{your_dataset_id}", "replication_method": "incremental" }
This project has three locations with config files:
- sample_config - sample config files to illustrate points made in this README
- tests/rsc/config - config files necessary for unit tests
- sandbox - config files you create for unit tests. We didn't include them because they have sensitive info (e.g., GCP project names). Follow instructions in the section Unit tests set up, as well as comments in unit tests.