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Getting Started always better than reading white paper; Robonomics Wiki aims to bring all the knowledge about Robonomics to everyone who is interested in the project


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Repository files navigation

Robonomics Wiki is open source. Any corrections are welcome: fixing errors, typos, some unclear or outdated information, translation into any language. You'll need a GitHub account.

Robonomics network is an open-source project built by core maintainers from Airalab and contributors. We want to make it easy for anyone to contribute. You may contribute to core, suggest changes, improve documentation or write a blog post. Please, read some rules and suggestions for contributing.

How to edit

If you need to edit docs of Robonomics Wiki, please, follow these steps

Make sure, you have Node.js installed.

1. Clone repo

At first, you need to clone the wiki repository:

git clone

Go to the directory of the repository and run the following commands:

using npm

cd robonomics-wiki
npm install

using yarn

cd robonomics-wiki
yarn install

2. Serve locally (develop, develop-m1)

node version must be 20 || >=22

Then deploy the project locally:

npm run start

may need to create .env file with the same variables as in .env.example file

3. Make PR

Make pull request to wiki repo


A tip when adding custom components:

If there is something wrong with the layout after adding a component you might want to check spaces. It should help to REMOVE spaces after opening tag and closing tag (like in example below)

{% roboWikiNote {title:"test", type: "okay"}%}Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.{% endroboWikiNote %}


You can add helpful extras to your code:

code with copy button

{% codeHelper { copy: true}%}

some text code
	another test line
		something else

{% endcodeHelper %}

or code with additional line

{% codeHelper { additionalLine: "additional line"}%}

some text code
	another test line
		something else

{% endcodeHelper %}

Properties for code-helper

Property Type Required Default Description
copy Boolean false false add a copy button for your code
additionalLine String false additional line for you code that will be displayed above
{% codeHelper { additionalLine: "additional line", copy: true}%}

some text code
	another test line
		something else

{% endcodeHelper %}


Docs in Robonomics Wiki contain frontmatter block. It must be at the top of the Markdown file, and must take the form of valid YAML set between triple-dashed lines. Between the triple-dashed lines, you can set or edit following options:

title: How to contribute # Title for the page, you do not need to duplicate it in text
contributors: [positivecrash] # Main contributors (who actively curates this page). GitHub nickname required, without any additional symbols
  - rust 1.62.0
  - Robonomics 1.4.0
  - baxter
    # Tools that were used for technology testing


Helps to add grid layout to elements:

  • Use grid wrapper component first:
{% roboWikiGridWrapper %}{% endroboWikiGridWrapper %}
  • And then use as many grid items components as you like inside wrapper:
{% roboWikiGridWrapper {columns: '3', align: center} %}
	{% roboWikiGrid %} first element {% endroboWikiGrid %}
	{% roboWikiGrid %} second element {% endroboWikiGrid %}
	{% roboWikiGrid %} third element {% endroboWikiGrid %}
{% endroboWikiGridWrapper %}

Properties for robo-wiki-grid-wrapper

Property Type Required Default Description
columns Number false 4 you can choose column number:
- from 1 to 5
align String false align items on the block axis:
- options: start, center, end
justify String false align items on the inline axis:
- options: start, center, end
textAlign String false left align text inside grid:
- options: left, center, right


{% roboWikiGridWrapper {columns: '2', textAlign: 'center'} %}
	{% roboWikiGrid %} {% roboWikiPicture {src:"docs/home-assistant/need_5.png", alt:"need"} %}{% endroboWikiPicture %}
	 <a href="" target="_blank"> <b> Zigbee smart devices(Optionally) </b> </a>  {% endroboWikiGrid %}
	{% roboWikiGrid %} 	{% roboWikiPicture {src:"docs/home-assistant/need_9.png", alt:"need"} %}{% endroboWikiPicture %}
	<b>Desktop for setup</b>  {% endroboWikiGrid %}
{% endroboWikiGridWrapper %}


How to upload

Upload image in folder src/assets/docs/images/url-of-your-doc

  • If image needs to be localized, insert all of them in one folder
  • Use locale appendix in name of images if it's localized, e.g. image_en.jpg
  • Make sure your image is web optimized and at the same time it looks good

How to insert

There are two ways for inserting pictures in your documents:

It is recommended to insert pictures with built-in tag {% roboWikiPicture %}, however you may also use standard way for Markdown files.

with caption

{% roboWikiPicture {src:"robonomics-lab.png", alt:"explore robomomics wiki", link: '/docs/overview', caption: "EXPLORE"} %}{% endroboWikiPicture %}

or without caption

{% roboWikiPicture {src:"robonomics-lab.png", alt:"explore robomomics wiki", link: '/docs/overview'} %}{% endroboWikiPicture %}

or simple image

{% roboWikiPicture {src:"robonomics-lab.png", alt:"explore robomomics wiki"} %}{% endroboWikiPicture %}

or simple image with caption

{% roboWikiPicture {src:"robonomics-lab.png", alt:"explore robomomics wiki", caption: "EXPLORE"} %}{% endroboWikiPicture %}

Properties for robo-wiki-picture:

Property Type Required Default Description
src String true path to the image:
- if you uploaded your image directly to the /src/assets/images/docs/ use: url-of-your-doc
- if you uploaded image in one of the folders than use: folder-name/url-of-your-doc
link String false align items on the block axis:
- options: start, center, end
caption String false align items on the inline axis:
- options: start, center, end
alt String true picture provides alternative information for an image if a user for some reason cannot view it
zoom Boolean false zoom image
loading String false lazy there are two options: lazy and eager

Notes & warnings

You can add notes and give them specific types:

  • warning (with image)
  • okay (green color)
  • note (grey color)

note with title

{% roboWikiNote {title:"EXAMPLE TITLE", type: "okay"}%} {% endroboWikiNote %}

note with content

{% roboWikiNote {type: "okay"}%} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.  {% endroboWikiNote %}

note with title and content

{% roboWikiNote {title: "TITLE", type: "okay"}%} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.  {% endroboWikiNote %}


{% roboWikiNote {title: "Join Discord", type: "okay"}%} [Join Robonomics Developers Discord]( to connect with community and get technical support. {% endroboWikiNote %}

Properties for robo-wiki-note

Property Type Required Default Description
type String false - there are three types in total: note, warning, okay
title String false adds title to your note


You can add tabs to the doc:

  • Use tabs wrapper component:
{% roboWikiTabs {tabs: [{title: "Linux"}, {title: "OSX"}]} %} {% endroboWikiTabs %}
  • And then use as many tab items components as you like inside wrapper:
{% roboWikiTabs {tabs: [{title: "Linux"}, {title: "OSX"}]} %}
	{% roboWikiTab {border: true} %} ip a {% endroboWikiTab %}
	{% roboWikiTab %} <pre>ifconfig </pre> {% endroboWikiTab %}
{% endroboWikiTabs %}

horizontal tabs

{% roboWikiTabs {tabs: [{title: "Linux"}, {title: "OSX"}]} %}
	{% roboWikiTab %} ip a {% endroboWikiTab %}
	{% roboWikiTab %} ifconfig {% endroboWikiTab %}
{% endroboWikiTabs %}

vertical tabs

{% roboWikiTabs {tabs: [{title: "Linux"}, {title: "OSX"}], mode: 'vertical'} %}
	{% roboWikiTab %} ip a {% endroboWikiTab %}
	{% roboWikiTab %} ifconfig {% endroboWikiTab %}
{% endroboWikiTabs %}

tab item with border

{% roboWikiTabs {tabs: [{title: "Linux"}, {title: "OSX"}] %} %}
	{% roboWikiTab {border: true} %} ip a {% endroboWikiTab %}
	{% roboWikiTab %} ifconfig {% endroboWikiTab %}
{% endroboWikiTabs %}

Properties for robo-wiki-tabs (wrapper)

Property Type Required Default Description
tabs Array true - Array with titles for each tab
mode String false horizontal you can choose tabs mode:
- horizontal
- vertical

Properties for robo-wiki-tab (item)

Property Type Required Default Description
border Boolean false false - add border to the content wrapper


{% roboWikiTabs {tabs: [{title: "Linux"}, {title: "OSX"}], mode: 'vertical'} %}
	{% roboWikiTab {border: true} %} ip a {% endroboWikiTab %}
	{% roboWikiTab %} ifconfig {% endroboWikiTab %}
{% endroboWikiTabs %}

Title with anchors

You can create custom titles with anchors and give them certain value

title with anchor

{% roboWikiTitle { type: 2, anchor: 'test-anchor'} %} Robonomics Wiki {% endroboWikiTitle %}

or title without anchor

{% roboWikiTitle { type: 5} %} Robonomics Wiki {% endroboWikiTitle %}

Properties for robo-wiki-title

Property Type Required Default Description
type Number (from 2 to 6) true choose heading level
anchor String false value for the anchor


There are two ways for inserting videos in your documents:

It is recommended to insert videos with built-in tag {% roboWikiVideo %}, however you may also use standard way for Markdown files.

IPFS / Server

You need to specify format of video

{% roboWikiVideo {videos:[{src: 'QmYd1Mh2VHVyF3WgvFsN3NFkozXscnCVmEV2YG86UKtK3C', type: 'mp4'}], attrs:['loop', 'controls']} %}{% endroboWikiVideo %}
  • About gateways

Gateway for the link is chosen automatically from config file - src/_data/video_config.js. You can add or remove some gateways by changing the file.


{% roboWikiVideo {videos:[{src: '/videos/add-ext.mp4', type:'mp4'}], attrs:['loop', 'controls']} %}{% endroboWikiVideo %}
  • If you adding a file with the size of more than 10MB, please, upload it on server, not in repo.

  • You may use any properties for HTML5 video tag.

  • Acceptable formats - mp4, webm, ogg.

Property Type Required Default Description
videos Array true Array of objects [{src: path to video, type: type of video}]


You can embed any YouTube video in doc by inserting share link as separate paragraph without any additional quotes or tags, e.g.:

However, if you need an autoplay you must use special component:

{% roboWikiYoutube { link:'https:\//', autoplay: true} %}{% endroboWikiYoutube %}

Properties for robo-wiki-youtube

Property Type Required Default Description
link String true link to youtube video
autoplay Boolean false false autoplays youtube video
loop Boolean false false loops youtube video

How to edit sidebar navigation

If you need to edit sidebar navigation of Robonomics Wiki, please, follow these steps:

  • Edit file src/_data/sidebar_docs.json.

  • Decide where to place your doc

  • Use valid JSON for src/_data/sidebar_docs.json and rely on the existing file structure

  • You must add new lines to translation file translations/pages/en.json as well, if you are not translated new content before hand, e.g:

{"Launch Robot from Cloud": "Launch Robot from Cloud"}
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: if you're using the same doc in different sections/subsections e.g:
	"title": "Upgrade Home Assistant OS",
	"children": [
		"title": "Subscription Activate",
		"url": "/docs/sub-activate",
	"title": "Upgrade Home Assistant Docker for Unix-like OS",
		"children": [
		"title": "Subscription Activate",
		"url": "/docs/sub-activate",


(for navigation to work properly)

	"title": "Upgrade Home Assistant OS",
	"children": [
		"title": "Subscription Activate",
		"url": "/docs/sub-activate",
		"topic": "Upgrade Home Assistant OS"
	"title": "Upgrade Home Assistant Docker for Unix-like OS",
		"children": [
		"title": "Subscription Activate",
		"url": "/docs/sub-activate",
		"topic": "Upgrade Home Assistant Docker for Unix-like OS"

How to add custom navigation for docs

  • Edit file src/_data/sidebar_docs.json.

  • Find the right doc and add parameters prev and next like this:

		"title": "Overview",
		"url": "/docs/robonomics-smart-home-overview",
		"next": [
				"title": "Add User",
				"url": "/docs/add-user"
		"prev": [
				"title": "Add User",
				"url": "/docs/add-user"
  • If you want to remove navigation completely than add withoutNav parameter:
	"title": "Overview",
	"url": "/docs/robonomics-smart-home-overview",
	"withoutNav": true
  • If you want to remove just previous page or next page navigation than add withoutPrev or withoutNext parameter:
	"title": "Overview",
	"url": "/docs/robonomics-smart-home-overview",
	"withoutPrev": true


	"title": "Overview",
	"url": "/docs/robonomics-smart-home-overview",
	"withoutNext": true

How to translate a document

You must create .env file and add OPENAI_KEY variable with your key!

If you wish to translate your md document you need to run the command:

npm run translate-md

To translate all at once, every new lines in pages, new document or changed document you need only one command now

npm run translate-all

Also, make sure you are translating only the changed files that are needed to be translated. For example, you need to change 5 files. Three of them includes text changes and removing some outdated information. And the other two need to update links for some images or just change an external link. In this case, it would be wise to change the first three files and translate them and only then change links in the other two.

Translation happens to all changed files, but it's not necessary for the updated links, especially if the file large and therefore translation takes some time.

After running the needed command all you have to do is wait and maybe check the files (ai translations have some flaws). To check files run npm run build and see if there are any errors.

Translations troubleshooting

You may run into some troubles with translations.

  1. Try to run the command again and see if it worked.

  2. Sometimes tags in md files can be written incorrectly, for example:

	[11ty] 1. Having trouble rendering njk template ./src/de/docs/ (via TemplateContentRenderError)
	[11ty] 2. (./src/de/docs/ [Line 168, Column 96]
	[11ty]   unknown block tag: endroboWiki (via Template render error)

	{% roboWikiPicture {src:"docs/datalog/extrinsics.jpg", alt:"extrinsics"} %}{% endroboWikiPicture {% endroboWikiPicture %}

	{% roboWikiPicture {src:"docs/datalog/extrinsics.jpg", alt:"extrinsics"} %}endroboWikiPicture %}

Then, you just need to fix the tag.

If you have any specific questions, that are not covered in docs below, please, open an Issue and describe your suggestion. It is preferred to open Issue in English, so that as many people as possible have the opportunity to understand it.


Getting Started always better than reading white paper; Robonomics Wiki aims to bring all the knowledge about Robonomics to everyone who is interested in the project





