StatGo give you access to OS metrics like network interface bandwith, cpus usage ...
It supports FreeBSD, Linux, OSX & more, it's in fact a libstatgrab binding for Golang.
Tested on FreeBSD, OSX, Linux amd64, Linux arm.
You need at least libstatgrab 0.91, Debian & Ubuntu only have 0.90 ...
On Debian/Ubunt & OSX, you can simply install libstatgrab with the usual commands:
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
sudo make install
You may have to set CGO_LDFLAGS and CGO_CFLAGS environment according to your path:
export CGO_CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include
export CGO_LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib
Note: On OSX you need to install gcc to access cgo.
go get
s := NewStat()
OSName: Darwin
OSRelease: 14.4.0
OSVersion: Darwin Kernel Version 14.4.0: Thu May 28 11:35:04 PDT 2015; root:xnu-2782.30.5~1/RELEASE_X86_64
Platform: x86_64
HostName: kamoulox
NCPUs: 4
MaxCPUs: 4
BitWidth: 64
User: 7.500000
Kernel: 2.500000
Idle: 90.000000
IOWait 0.000000
Swap: 0.000000
Nice: 0.000000
LoadMin1: 2.206055
LoadMin5: 2.031250
LoadMin15: 1.970703
DeviceName: /dev/disk1
FSType: hfs
MountPoint: /
Size: 249769230336
Used: 224367140864
Free: 25402089472
Available: 25139945472
TotalInodes: 60978814
UsedInodes: 54841132
FreeInodes: 6137682
AvailableInodes: 6137682
Name: en2
Speed: 0
Factor: 1000000
Duplex: Full Duplex
State: UP
Total: 16649420800
Free: 4323848192
Used: 12325572608
Cache: 0
SwapTotal: 3221225472
SwapUsed: 2528378880
SwapFree: 692846592
IntName: en0
TX: 2310272606
RX: 3336240203
IPackets: 114473581
OPackets: 129430304
IErrors: 0
OErrors: 0
Collisions: 0
Total: 343
Running: 335
Sleeping: 0
Stopped: 0
Zombie: 8
PageIn: 90173695
PageOut: 90173695
- Host infos
- cpu stats
- load average
- network interfaces infos
- mem stats
- swap stat
- io stats
- net io stats
- process count
- page stats