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Web Utils 🛠️

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Common TypeScript web utilities

Table of Contents

Getting started

Run the following command to start using web-utils in your projects:

npm i @alessiofrittoli/web-utils

or using pnpm

pnpm i @alessiofrittoli/web-utils

API Reference

Blob utilities

Importing the utilitites
import { ... } from '@alessiofrittoli/web-utils'
// or
import { ... } from '@alessiofrittoli/web-utils/blob'


Create and download a blob object.

Parameter Type Description
filename string The download file name.
data BodyInit The download file data.
init ResponseInit (Optional) The ResponseInit object.

Download file from HTTP Response
fetch( ... )
  .then( response => response.formData() )
  .then( async data => {
    await Promise.all(
      Array.from( data.entries() )
        .map( async ( [, file ] ) => {
          if ( ! ( file instanceof File ) ) return
          await downloadBlob(, file )
        } )
  } )
  .catch( error => {
    console.error( error )
  } )

Generators utilities

Importing the utilitites
import { ... } from '@alessiofrittoli/web-utils'
// or
import { ... } from '@alessiofrittoli/web-utils/generators'


Check if a function is a GeneratorFunction or AsyncGeneratorFunction.

Parameter Type Description
reference unknown The function to check.


Type: reference is GeneratorFunction | AsyncGeneratorFunction

  • true if the given reference is a GeneratorFunction or AsyncGeneratorFunction.
  • false otherwise.


Check if a function is a GeneratorFunction.

Parameter Type Description
reference unknown The function to check.


Type: reference is GeneratorFunction

  • true if the given reference is a GeneratorFunction.
  • false otherwise.


Check if a function is an AsyncGeneratorFunction.

Parameter Type Description
reference unknown The function to check.


Type: reference is AsyncGeneratorFunction

  • true if the given reference is an AsyncGeneratorFunction.
  • false otherwise.


Check if reference is a Generator or AsyncGenerator.

Parameter Type Description
reference unknown The reference to check.


Type: reference is Generator<T> | AsyncGenerator<T>

  • true if the given reference is a Generator or AsyncGenerator.
  • false otherwise.


Check if reference is a Generator.

Parameter Type Description
reference unknown The reference to check.


Type: reference is Generator<T>

  • true if the given reference is a Generator.
  • false otherwise.


Check if reference is an AsyncGenerator.

Parameter Type Description
reference unknown The reference to check.


Type: reference is AsyncGenerator<T>

  • true if the given reference is an AsyncGenerator.
  • false otherwise.

Map utilities

Importing the utilitites
import { ... } from '@alessiofrittoli/web-utils'
// or
import { ... } from '@alessiofrittoli/web-utils/map'

Interface TypedMap<T, P, K>

A type-safe extension of the Map class that enforces key-value relationships based on a provided type.

Type parameters
Parameter Type Default Description
T Record<string, unknown> unknown The object type defining the key-value relationships.
P boolean true Defines whether the Map.get() method should return a possibily undefined value.
K keyof T keyof T Internal - The subset of keys in T that are allowed in the Map.

getTypedMap<T, P, K>

Creates a new instance of a type-safe Map with the given type.

Type parameters

Parameter Type Description
iterable Iterable<readonly [ K, T[ K ] ]> | null Initial Map constructor iterable object.


Type: TypedMap<T, P, K>

A new instance of a type-safe Map.

Basic usage
interface User
  name      : string
  age       : number
  isActive  : boolean

const user = getTypedMap<User>( [
  [ 'name',     'Foo' ],
  [ 'age',      27 ],
  [ 'isActive', true ],
] )

console.log( user.get( 'name' ) ) // type: `string | undefined`
console.log( user.get( 'age' ) ) // type: `number | undefined`
console.log( user.get( 'isActive' ) ) // type: `boolean | undefined`

Respect the given type
interface User
  name      : string
  age       : number
  isActive  : boolean
  banned?   : boolean

const user = getTypedMap<User, false>( [
  [ 'name',     'Foo' ],
  [ 'age',      27 ],
  [ 'isActive', true ],
] )

console.log( user.get( 'name' ) ) // type: `string`
console.log( user.get( 'age' ) ) // type: `number`
console.log( user.get( 'isActive' ) ) // type: `boolean`
console.log( user.get( 'banned' ) ) // type: `boolean | undefined`

Promises utilities

Importing the utilitites
import { ... } from '@alessiofrittoli/web-utils'
// or
import { ... } from '@alessiofrittoli/web-utils/promises'


Await a void Promise that resolves after the given time.

Parameter Type Description
time number The sleep time in milliseconds after the Promise get resolved.


Type: Promise<void>

A new Promise which get resolved after the specified time.

const fn = async () => {
  // ...
  await sleep( 2000 )
  // ...

Strings utilities

Importing the utilitites
import { ... } from '@alessiofrittoli/web-utils'
// or
import { ... } from '@alessiofrittoli/web-utils/strings'


Make first letter uppercase.

Parameter Type Description
input string The input string to convert.


Type: string

The processed string.

console.log( ucFirst( 'String value' ) ) // Outputs: 'String value'
console.log( ucFirst( 'string value' ) ) // Outputs: 'String value'


Make first letter lowercase.

Parameter Type Description
input string The input string to convert.


Type: string

The processed string.

console.log( lcFirst( 'String value' ) ) // Outputs: 'string value'
console.log( lcFirst( 'string value' ) ) // Outputs: 'string value'


Convert string to camelCase.

Parameter Type Description
input string The input string to convert.


Type: string

The converted string to camelCase.

console.log( toCamelCase( 'font-family' ) ) // Outputs: 'fontFamily'
console.log( toCamelCase( 'background-color' ) ) // Outputs: 'backgroundColor'
console.log( toCamelCase( '-webkit-align-content' ) ) // Outputs: 'WebkitAlignContent'
console.log( toCamelCase( 'some value' ) ) // Outputs: 'someValue'
console.log( toCamelCase( 'some_value' ) ) // Outputs: 'someValue'
console.log( toCamelCase( 'some value_with mixed_Cases' ) ) // Outputs: 'someValueWithMixedCases'
console.log( toCamelCase( '-string@with#special$characters' ) ) // Outputs: 'StringWithSpecialCharacters'


Convert string to kebab-case string.

Parameter Type Description
input string The input string to convert.


Type: string

The converted string to kebab-case.

console.log( toKebabCase( 'fontFamily' ) ) // Outputs: 'font-family'
console.log( toKebabCase( 'backgroundColor' ) ) // Outputs: 'background-color'
console.log( toKebabCase( 'string with spaces' ) ) // Outputs: 'string-with-spaces'
console.log( toKebabCase( 'string_with_underscores' ) ) // Outputs: 'string-with-underscores'
console.log( toKebabCase( 'WebkitAlignContent' ) ) // Outputs: '-webkit-align-content'
console.log( toKebabCase( 'some value_with mixed_Cases' ) ) // Outputs: 'some-value-with-mixed-cases'
console.log( toKebabCase( '-string@with#special$characters' ) ) // Outputs: '-string-with-special-characters


Stringify value.

Parameter Type Description
input any The value to stringify.


Type: string

The stringified input.

console.log( stringifyValue( new Date( 'Sat, 20 Apr 2025 16:20:00 GMT' ) ) )
// Outputs: '2025-04-20T16:20:00.000Z'

console.log( stringifyValue( null ) )
// Outputs: 'null'

console.log( stringifyValue( { prop: 'value', prop2: true } ) )
// Outputs: '{"prop":"value","prop2":true}'

console.log( stringifyValue( [ 1, 2, true, null, () => {} ] ) )
// Outputs: '[1,2,true,null,null]'

console.log( stringifyValue(
  new Map( [
    [ 'key', 'value' ],
    [ 'key2', 'value' ],
  ] )
) )
// Outputs: '[["key","value"],["key2","value"]]'

console.log( stringifyValue(
  new Headers( {
    key   : 'value',
    key2  : 'value',
  } )
) )
// Outputs: '[["key","value"],["key2","value"]]'

console.log( stringifyValue( true ) ) // Outputs: 'true'
console.log( stringifyValue( false ) ) // Outputs: 'false'
console.log( stringifyValue( 0 ) ) // Outputs: '0'
console.log( stringifyValue( 420 ) ) // Outputs: '420'

console.log( stringifyValue( undefined ) ) // Outputs: ''
console.log( stringifyValue( () => {} ) ) // Outputs: ''
console.log( stringifyValue( new Promise<void>( resolve => resolve() ) ) ) // Outputs: ''


Parse stringified value.

Type parameters
Parameter Description
T The expected returned value type.

Parameter Type Description
input string The value to parse.


Type: T | undefined

  • The parsed input.
  • undefined if no input or empty string is given.

console.log( parseValue<Date>( stringifyValue( new Date() ) ) )
// Outputs: current Date object.

console.log( parseValue<number>( '12345' ) ) // Outputs: 12345
console.log( parseValue() ) // Outputs: undefined
console.log( parseValue( ' ' ) ) // Outputs: undefined

console.log( parseValue<true>( stringifyValue( true ) ) )
// Outputs: true

console.log( parseValue( stringifyValue( { key: 'value' } ) ) )
// Outputs: { key: 'value' }

console.log( parseValue( stringifyValue( [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] ) ) )
// Outputs: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]

console.log( parseValue( 'String value' ) ) // Outputs: 'String value'

Types utilities

⚠️ Docs coming soon

Validation utilities

⚠️ Docs coming soon

Browser API utilities

Importing the utilitites
import { ... } from '@alessiofrittoli/web-utils'
// or
import { ... } from '@alessiofrittoli/web-utils/browser-api'

Opens a webpage in a browser PopUp.

The openBrowserPopUp uses under the hood, but provides default options to make your work easier.

Parameter Type Default Description
options OpenBrowserPopUpOptions - An object defining custom PopUp options.
options.url UrlInput - The URL or path of the resource to be loaded. See UrlInput for more info about accepted formats.
options.width number 600 The PopUp width.
options.height number 800 The PopUp height.
options.context string - A string, without whitespace, specifying the name of the browsing context the resource is being loaded into.
options.features OptionsFeatures - Additional custom PopUp features.


Type: WindowProxy | null

  • a WindowProxy object is returned if the browser successfully opens the new browsing context.
  • null is returned if the browser fails to open the new browsing context, for example because it was blocked by a browser popup blocker.

Re-focus a previously opened popup
let windowProxy: WindowProxy | null = null

const clickHandler = () => {
  if ( windowProxy && ! windowProxy.closed ) {
    return windowProxy.focus()

  windowProxy = openBrowserPopUp( {
    url     : {
      pathname  : '/',
      query     : { key: 'value' }
  } )

Re-use a popup
const clickHandler = () => {
  openBrowserPopUp( {
    context : 'some-context-name',
    url     : {
      pathname  : '/',
      query     : { key: 'value' }
  } )

const clickHandler2 = () => {
  openBrowserPopUp( {
    context : 'some-context-name',
    url     : '/other-path',
  } )

Storage utilities

Cookie Class
Importing the class
import { Cookie } from '@alessiofrittoli/web-utils'
// or
import { Cookie } from '@alessiofrittoli/web-utils/storage/Cookie'

Importing enum and types
import { Priority, SameSite } from '@alessiofrittoli/web-utils'
// or
import { Priority, SameSite } from '@alessiofrittoli/web-utils/storage/Cookie'

import type { RawCookie, ParsedCookie, ParsedCookieMap } from '@alessiofrittoli/web-utils'
// or
import type { RawCookie, ParsedCookie, ParsedCookieMap } from '@alessiofrittoli/web-utils/storage/Cookie'

Priority Enum

The Cookie Priority.

Constant Value Description
Low Low Low priority.
Medium Medium Medium priority (default).
High High High priority.

SameSite Enum

Controls whether or not a cookie is sent with cross-site requests, providing some protection against cross-site request forgery attacks (CSRF).

Constant Value Description
Strict Strict The browser sends the cookie only for same-site requests.
Lax Lax The cookie is not sent on cross-site requests, such as on requests to load images or frames, but is sent when a user is navigating to the origin site from an external site.
None None The browser sends the cookie with both cross-site and same-site requests.

RawCookie<K, V>

Interface representing Cookie properties before it get parsed.

Property Type Description
name K The Cookie name.
value V The Cookie value.
domain string Defines the host to which the cookie will be sent.
expires string | number | Date Indicates the maximum lifetime of the cookie.
httpOnly boolean Forbids JavaScript from accessing the cookie, for example, through the Document.cookie property.
maxAge number Indicates the number of seconds until the cookie expires. If set, expires is ignored.
partitioned boolean Indicates that the cookie should be stored using partitioned storage.
path string Indicates the path that must exist in the requested URL for the browser to send the Cookie header.
sameSite SameSite Controls whether or not a cookie is sent with cross-site requests, providing some protection against cross-site request forgery attacks (CSRF).
secure boolean Indicates that the cookie is sent to the server only when a request is made with the https: scheme.
priority Priority Defines the Cookie priority.

ParsedCookie<K, V>

Interface representing Cookie properties after it get parsed.

Property Type Description
expires Date Indicates the maximum lifetime of the cookie.

ParsedCookieMap<K, V>

Map representation of a parsed Cookie.

Static methods
Cookie.parse<K, V>()

Parse the given cookie parameters to a Cookie Map.

Type parameters
Parameter Description
K The typed cookie name.
V The type of the cookie value.

Parameter Type Description
options RawCookie<K, V> | ParsedCookieMap<K, V> The cookie options or a parsed Cookie Map.


Type: ParsedCookieMap<K, V>

The parsed Cookie Map.

const cookie = Cookie.parse( {
  name        : 'cookiename',
  value       : { test: 'value' },
  path        : '/specific-path',
  priority    : Priority.High,
  expires     : + 20 * 60 * 1000,
  domain      : '',
  secure      : true,
  httpOnly    : true,
  sameSite    : SameSite.Lax,
  maxAge      : + 30 * 60 * 1000,
  partitioned : true,
} )

Cookie.toString<K, V>()

Stringify a Cookie ready to be stored.

Type parameters
Parameter Description
K The typed cookie name.
V The type of the cookie value.

Parameter Type Description
options RawCookie<K, V> | ParsedCookieMap<K, V> The cookie options or a parsed Cookie Map.


Type: string

The stringified Cookie ready to be stored.

document.cookie = (
  Cookie.toString( {
    name        : 'cookiename',
    value       : { test: 'value' },
    path        : '/specific-path',
    priority    : Priority.High,
    expires     : + 20 * 60 * 1000,
    domain      : '',
    secure      : true,
    httpOnly    : false,
    sameSite    : SameSite.Lax,
    maxAge      : + 30 * 60 * 1000,
    partitioned : true,
  } )

Cookie.fromString<K, V>()

Parse a cookie string to a Cookie Map.

Type parameters
Parameter Description
K The typed cookie name.
V The expected cookie value type.

Parameter Type Description
cookie string The cookie string.


Type: ParsedCookieMap<K, V> | null

The parsed Cookie Map or null if parsing fails.

const cookies = (
  document.cookie.split( '; ' )
    .map( Cookie.fromString )
    .filter( Boolean )

Cookie.fromListString<T, K>()

Parse a cookie list string to a Map of cookies.

Type parameters
Parameter Description
T A Record o key-value pairs (key: cookie name, value: expected cookie value type).
K Internal.

Parameter Type Description
list string The cookie list string.


Type: TypedMap<{ [P in K]: ParsedCookieMap<P, T[P]>; }>

The Map of parsed cookies indexed by the Cookie name.

Defining custom types
/** On-site stubbed cookie names. */
enum CookieName
  COOKIE_1 = 'cookie-1',
  COOKIE_2 = 'cookie-2',

interface Cookie1
  test: 'value'

interface Cookie2
  test: boolean

type CookiesMap = {
  [ CookieName.COOKIE_1 ]: Cookie1
  [ CookieName.COOKIE_2 ]: Cookie2

Get parsed cookies from Document.cookie
const cookies     = Cookie.fromListString<CookiesMap>( document.cookie )
const cookie      = cookies.get( CookieName.COOKIE_1 ) // `ParsedCookieMap<CookieName.COOKIE_1, Cookie1> | undefined`
const cookieValue = cookie?.get( 'value' ) // `Cookie1 | undefined`

Get parsed cookies from a request Cookie header
const { headers } = request
const cookielist  = headers.get( 'Cookie' )

if ( cookielist ) {
  const cookies     = Cookie.fromListString<CookiesMap>( cookielist )
  const cookie      = cookies.get( CookieName.COOKIE_2 ) // `ParsedCookieMap<CookieName.COOKIE_2, Cookie2> | undefined`
  const cookieValue = cookie?.get( 'value' ) // `Cookie2 | undefined`


Get a cookie by cookie name from Document.cookie.

Type parameters
Parameter Description
T The expected type for the Cookie value.

Parameter Type Description
name string The name of the cookie.


Type: ParsedCookieMap<typeof name, T> | undefined

  • The found parsed cookie.
  • undefined if no cookie has been found in Document.cookie.

const cookie  = Cookie.get<string>( 'access_token' )
const value   = cookie?.get( 'value' ) // `string | undefined`


Get a Map of all cookies found in Document.cookie.

Type parameters
Parameter Description
T A Record o key-value pairs (key: cookie name, value: expected cookie value type).


Type: TypedMap<{ [P in K]: ParsedCookieMap<P, T[P]>; }>

The Map of parsed cookies indexed by the Cookie name.

const cookies = Cookie.getAll()
const cookie  = cookies.get( 'somecookie' )
Cookie.set<K, V>()

Set a cookie to Document.cookie.

Type parameters
Parameter Description
K The typed cookie name.
V The cookie value type.

Parameter Type Description
options RawCookie<K, V> | ParsedCookieMap<K, V> The cookie options or a parsed Cookie Map.


Type: ParsedCookieMap<K, V> | false

  • The set Cookie Map if successful.
  • false on failure.

const cookieOptions: RawCookie = {
  name        : 'cookiename',
  value       : { test: 'value' },
  path        : '/specific-path',
  priority    : Priority.High,
  expires     : + 20 * 60 * 1000,
  domain      : '',
  secure      : true,
  httpOnly    : false,
  sameSite    : SameSite.Lax,
  maxAge      : + 30 * 60 * 1000,
  partitioned : true,

Cookie.set( cookieOptions )
// or
Cookie.set( Coookie.parse( cookieOptions ) )


Delete a cookie by cookie name from Document.cookie.

Parameter Type Description
name string The cookie name to delete.


Type: boolean

  • true on successfull.
  • false on failure.

Cookie.delete( 'some_cookie' )

LocalStorage Class

A browser-compatible implementation of localStorage.

Importing the class
import { LocalStorage } from '@alessiofrittoli/web-utils'
// or
import { LocalStorage } from '@alessiofrittoli/web-utils/storage/LocalStorage'

Static methods

Get storage item name by item numeric index.

Parameter Type Description
index number The item index in the storage.


Type: string | null

  • The name of the nth key.
  • null if n is greater than or equal to the number of key/value pairs.

console.log( LocalStorage.key( 0 ) ) // Outputs: first item name if any.


Get the number of key/value pairs.


Type: number

The number of key/value pairs.

console.log( LocalStorage.getLength() )


Get the current value associated with the given key, or undefined if the given key does not exist.

Type parameters
Parameter Description
T The expected item value type.

Parameter Type Description
key string The item name.


Type: T | undefined

  • The current value associated with the given key.
  • undefined if the given key does not exist.

LocalStorage.get<Date>( 'expiration' )


Sets the value of the pair identified by key to value, creating a new key/value pair if none existed for key previously.

Dispatches a storage event on Window objects holding an equivalent Storage object.

Type parameters
Parameter Description
T The item value type.

Parameter Type Description
key string The item name.
value T The item value.


Type: DOMException

A "QuotaExceededError" DOMException exception if the new value couldn't be set. (Setting could fail if, e.g., the user has disabled storage for the site, or if the quota has been exceeded.)

LocalStorage.set<Date>( 'expiration', new Date() )


Removes the key/value pair with the given key, if a key/value pair with the given key exists.

Dispatches a storage event on Window objects holding an equivalent Storage object.

Parameter Type Description
key string The item name.

LocalStorage.delete( 'expiration' )


Removes all key/value pairs, if there are any.

Dispatches a storage event on Window objects holding an equivalent Storage object.


SessionStorage Class

A browser-compatible implementation of sessionStorage.

Same API References of LocalStorage Class is applied to the SessionStorage Class.

Please, refer to LocalStorage Class static methods API Reference for more informations.

Importing the class
import { SessionStorage } from '@alessiofrittoli/web-utils'
// or
import { SessionStorage } from '@alessiofrittoli/web-utils/storage/SessionStorage'


Install depenendencies

npm install

or using pnpm

pnpm i

Build the source code

Run the following command to test and build code for distribution.

pnpm build

warnings / errors check.

pnpm lint

Run all the defined test suites by running the following:

# Run tests and watch file changes.
pnpm test:watch

# Run tests in a CI environment.
pnpm test:ci

Run tests with coverage.

An HTTP server is then started to serve coverage files from ./coverage folder.

⚠️ You may see a blank page the first time you run this command. Simply refresh the browser to see the updates.



Contributions are truly welcome!

Please refer to the Contributing Doc for more information on how to start contributing to this project.

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GitHub Sponsor


If you believe you have found a security vulnerability, we encourage you to responsibly disclose this and NOT open a public issue. We will investigate all legitimate reports. Email to disclose any security vulnerabilities.

Made with ☕

Alessio Frittoli |