Hi, I'm Anushka, a Full Stack Developer. Beside's programming, I enjoy eating food and traveling and reading. Please feel free to clone projects, star it to show some love and raise issues if you think something could be better.
- 👨🏽💻 I’m currently looing for Full Time SDE opportunities💻
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Data Structures and Algorithms and MERN stack
- 💬 Ask me about anything, I am happy to help;
- ⚡️ Fun-Fact: I also write blogs on technical stuff Check here
- 📫 How to reach me: anushkagarg0811@gmail.com;
Languages and Tools:
From ❤️ [Anushka Garg](https://github.com/anushkagarg5653)
Happy Coding! 😊