Photobooth system prepared for mirrored booths read more
Software tested on Rasberry Pi 3 and here's the process of configuring this device:
Install npm ( tested on 8.5.1 )
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install npm
If you natively have node >= 14.15 you can skip this step, if not - install it by node version manager
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n v14.15
Then clone this repository there
git clone
Here'll be need to refresh window by reopen bash, then:
cd uflash
sudo npm cache clean --force
npm i --no-optional
And you're ready to run uFlash* software by
npm run prod
To develop project just clone it, install, as showed above, and then install nodemon and run project
npm i nodemon -g
npm run dev
then, you can see client version on localhost:3000 and the development version with all nessesary tools on localhost:3000/?dev=on
On localhost:3000/control.html you can change configuarion, and see captured photos and results.