is an intuitive terminal-based dotfile manager.
git clone
$ pydot --list
$ pydot --add <dir>
$ pydot --remove <dir>
# Examples
$ pydot list
$ pydot add ~/.config/alacritty
Scanning Templates...
Is ~/.config/alacritty config for alacritty on path /bin/alacritty? [Y/n]
>> y
+ ~/.config/alacritty added to PyDot tracker
$ pydot rm ~/.config/alacritty
proceed with removal of alacritty from tracker? [Y/n]
>> y
- ~/.config/alacritty has been removed from PyDot tracker
$ pydot status
Tracking [2]
+ alacritty
+ polybar
Removed recently [2]
- pacman.conf
- rc.conf
$ pydot zip
Zipping Files.......................................[ 100 % ]
Creating shell extractor............................[ 100 % ]
Cleaning up.........................................[ 100 % ]
enter path to present package [default: /home/foo/ ]
>> ~/Downloads
Removing duplicate package..........................[ 100 % ]
- paste .dotfile_pkg in home folder [ eg :
- Run the following commands :
$ user@host ~ > chmod u+x ./dotfile_pkg/
$ user@host ~ > cd .dotfile_pkg
$ ./
3. Enter sudo details for package installations and other config options specified by user or package
[ Enter Sudo Password ] : *********
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.