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SOL scheduling

This project contains SOL's scheduling front-end component which is used in Hosted Pages to let a patient schedule an appointment with a provider.

This repository only contains the front-end. All the logic and interaction with APIs happens within the extension and the Hosted Pages app.


Note that we use yarn PnP which might require additional configuration in your IDE to work properly. You can follow the installation instructions below to get the repository running locally.

If you use a different IDE, check the yarn documentation for instructions on IDE setup.

Installation (VSCode)

Follow the steps below to set up the extensions repository locally on your machine:

  1. Check out the repository locally
  2. Install the ZipFS extension in VSCode
  3. Explicitly set the Typescript version in VSCode:
    • Press ctrl+shift+p in a TypeScript file
    • Choose "Select TypeScript Version"
    • Pick "Use Workspace Version"


Browse and test all components in this repository via Storybook.

Or run yarn storybook locally.


This repository currently uses UI components from Awell's ui-library to build the front-end faster. These components will be be unstyled if your app is not wrapped in Awell's ThemeProvider and you are not importing the styles from ui-library.

In this repository, this is handled by:

  • Importing the stylesheet in .storybook/preview.ts
  • All stories are decorated with the <ThemeProvider /> component

Integrating with Other Tailwind Projects

To avoid styling conflicts when using this library in another project that uses Tailwind CSS:

Prefixed Classes

All Tailwind classes in this project are prefixed with sol- to prevent conflicts with your host project's Tailwind classes. For example, instead of flex, use sol-flex.

Important Note About Modifiers

Tailwind modifiers (like hover:, focus:, sm:, etc.) are correctly positioned before the sol- prefix. Examples:

  • hover:underline becomes hover:sol-underline
  • focus:text-blue-500 becomes focus:sol-text-blue-500
  • sm:p-4 becomes sm:sol-p-4

This ensures proper functionality while still maintaining isolation from your host project's styles.

Component Styling

All internal components in this project have been updated to use the prefixed Tailwind classes. This includes:

  • Simple class names (flexsol-flex)
  • Classes with modifiers (hover:text-blue-500hover:sol-text-blue-500)
  • Complex conditional classes in clsx() objects (including multi-line expressions)
  • Nested class structures

Note on Component Consistency: Special attention has been given to components with complex conditional class styling, including:

  • ProviderCard.tsx with nested context-specific class names
  • Slots.tsx with orientation-dependent classes
  • NavigationButton.tsx with dynamic direction styling
  • DayCard.tsx with date and availability-dependent styles

Complete Prefixing Checklist

The following categories of classes have been fully prefixed with sol-:

  • Layout classes: flex, grid, block, etc.
  • Spacing classes: p-, m-, gap-, etc.
  • Sizing classes: w-, h-, max-, min-, etc.
  • Typography classes: text-, font-, etc.
  • Border classes: border, rounded, etc.
  • Background classes: bg-
  • Effect classes: shadow, ring, etc.
  • Position classes: top, left, etc.
  • DaisyUI component classes:
    • card, card-body, card-title
    • avatar
    • btn and all its variants (btn-primary, btn-secondary, btn-sm, btn-circle, etc.)
    • loading and its variants (loading-infinity, loading-md, etc.)
    • input and its variants
    • link and its variants (link-primary, etc.)
    • Filter badges and overlay components
  • List styling: list-none, list-disc, etc.
  • Custom props passing class names: classes="w-32 h-32"classes="sol-w-32 sol-h-32"
  • Complex nested conditions in clsx calls
  • Template string class assignments

All Tailwind classes in these components have been prefixed, maintaining all functionality and styling behavior while ensuring isolation from host projects.

Note: Special attention has been given to:

  • Filter badges and filter overlays with complex class conditions
  • Dynamic class assignments in buttons and interactive elements
  • Components with conditional styling based on state

All classes have been verified through both automated script processing and manual review to ensure 100% prefixing coverage.

You don't need to make any changes to the component code, as all of this was done automatically. When inspecting elements in the browser, you'll see classes like sol-flex, sol-p-4, and modifiers like hover:sol-underline.

Using the Library

When importing components from this library, use the following approach:

  1. Import the components as usual:

    import { SchedulingComponent } from '@awell-health/sol-scheduling';
  2. Import the styles:

    import '@awell-health/sol-scheduling/style.css';
  3. Use the prefixed Tailwind classes for any custom styling or make sure to target the specific component wrapper:

    <div className='sol-container'>
      <SchedulingComponent />

This approach ensures that the library's styles won't conflict with your project's Tailwind styles.

Alternative: CSS Isolation

If you're experiencing style conflicts despite the prefix, you can further isolate the library styles by wrapping the components in a specific CSS module or using Shadow DOM techniques.


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