GopherTask is a simple and easy-to-use command-line interface (CLI) based task manager written in Go. It allows you to manage your tasks efficiently, providing basic functionalities such as adding tasks, deleting tasks, listing tasks, and saving tasks to a file for future use.
To install GopherTask, you need to have Go installed on your machine. Clone the repository and build the executable using the following commands:
git clone
cd gopherTask
go build
This will generate an executable file. You can then move the executable to a directory included in your system's PATH for easy access.
Adding a Task To add a task, use the add command followed by the title, description, and due date (in the format yyyy-mm-dd):
./gopherTask add "Task Title" "Task Description" 2024-01-15
Deleting a Task To delete a task, use the delete command followed by the task ID:
./gopherTask delete 1
Listing Tasks To list all tasks, use the list command:
./gopherTask list
Quitting the Application To exit the application and save your tasks, use the quit or exit command:
./gopherTask quit
Welcome to the Task Manager!
Commands: add, delete, list, quit (or exit)
> add "Buy groceries" "Milk, eggs, bread" 2024-01-20
Task added successfully!
> list
ID Title Description Due Date Completed
1 Buy groceries Milk, eggs, bread 2024-01-20 false
> delete 1
Task deleted successfully!
> list
ID Title Description Due Date Completed
If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvement, feel free to open an issue or create a pull request. Your contributions are always welcome!