xcode 8 环境下Archive模式打包ipa
xcode 8 use Archive package ipa
- 克隆当前工程 cd 到你想要放到目录 然后执行
download this project to folder what you choose directory.
$ git clone https://github.com/biganans/ipa-build.git
确保一定 使这些文件在你的工程下面
Make sure put all download files to your project folder. -
change APP_Build_Distribution.sh for your project- out_path:这个参数是打包到什么文件夹 但是这个文件夹必须要先建立好
out_path: The last ipa compiled directory,make sure this directory is exist.
- target: 需要编译xcode的哪个target
target: xcode target
- xcodeproj: xcode项目的名字 比如game.xcodeproj这里使用game
xcodeproj: like game.xcodeproj is game
- ipa-build: 参数类型说明
open mac terminal,make the directory permission is -x or 777,you can use this command:
-c (Debug or Release) -m (model 0:developer 1:Distribution 2:enterprise)
then,use the fllow command.$ cd xcodeproject_directory $ sudo chmod -R 777 ./
$ sh APP_Build_Distribution.sh
等啊等啊等,没有错误输出并显示:Congratulations iap is ok!! 就可以愉快的玩耍吧。
wait,wait,at last,output:"Congratulations iap is ok!!",enjoy youself.
- 修改对应的build_option.plist,可以使用archive编译,得到对应的list参数ExportOptions.plist,增加了几个字段:
Fix project build_option.plist,you can bulid with archive model,then get the ExportOptions.plist,you will find list more property in this time with xcode9 With these changes :provisioningProfiles、signingCertificate、signingStyle.
- provisioningProfiles:对应打包描述文件的UUID
mobileprovision's UUID
You can use this way to get it:
Use mac bash security,cd mobileprovision file,and excute
security cms -D -i XXX.mobileprovision
You will get the detail dict and find UUID.
- signingCertificate:为固定内容不需要修改
need no change. - signingStyle:为固定内容
nood no change. - thinning:暂时为空