XTENS 2 is an open source web-based digital repository for heterogeneous data in life science.
It is designed with the following features:
- Define simply and quickly complex hierarchical structures without any code updating
- new v2.1 Handle multiple projects. For each project, you can define a different Data type structure
- Manage heterogenous data (subjects, samples, any type of data)
- Roles and privileges system to handle data access and allowed operations for any authenticated user
- Allows to handle binary data, organizing them in a distributed storage between all different centers of research
- Execute complex query through a simple and intuitive query builder interface ( based hierarchical data structure dynamically) and then export the query results in Excel format
- Provided by a RestFul Api Interface to allow direct communication with third application programs
The following software packages are required to be installed on your system:
Download the file .zip or Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/biolab-unige/xtens-app.git
Move into xtens-app directory:
cd xtens-app
Install npm packages:
npm [sudo] install sails -g npm install && npm install sails npm [sudo] install grunt-cli -g npm [sudo] install bower -g
Install ruby and sass
[sudo] apt-get install ruby [sudo] gem install sass
Install bower packages:
bower install
Load the bower packages:
grunt bower
Create logs folder
mkdir logs
Now configure PostgreSQL:
Create a PostreSQL user with a password
Create a database owned by the user just created
Import the sql-schema located in xtens-app/db-schema/ into database
Then create a file named local.js
in the config/
directory. This config file should include any settings specific of your local system/setup (db passwords, operators etc.).
In the minimal setup it should contain the following information, including two default users with two user groups (admin and general user).
module.exports = {
port: process.env.PORT || #port,
environment: process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development',
connections: {
'default': 'postgresql', //your default database connection
postgresql: { //your database connection
adapter: 'sails-postgresql', //sails adapter
host: '', //ip host
port: '5432', //db port (postgresql default port 5432)
user: 'user', //db user
password: 'password', //db user password
database: 'xtensdatabase', //db name
schema: true
defaultGroups: [ //array of default groups
name: "admin",
privilegeLevel: "wheel",
canAccessPersonalData: true,
canAccessSensitiveData: true
}, {
name: "public",
privilegeLevel: "standard",
canAccessPersonalData: false,
canAccessSensitiveData: false
defaultOperators: [ //array of default users
firstName: 'default administrator',
lastName: 'sysadmin',
birthDate: '1970-01-01',
sex: 'N.A.',
email: 'email@domain.com',
login: 'defaultAdmin',
password: 'password',
groups: [1] //operator "defaultAdmin" is associated with group "admin"
}, {
firstName: 'default user',
lastName: 'demo user',
birthDate: '1970-01-01',
sex: 'N.A.',
email: 'email@domain.com',
login: 'demouser',
password: 'password',
groups: [2] //operator "demouser" is associated with group "public"
Last set your connection in config/models.js
module.exports.models = {
migrate: 'safe',
connection: 'postgresql' // your db connection name
You can choose among two options to store raw/bulk data files:
First choice:
This solution uses the file system of the local (server) machine. It is raccomended if it is not necessary share data with different centers or distribuite them across machines
- Edit local.js file in xtens-app/config/ with the proper settings
module.exports = {
port: ..,
environment: ..,
connections: {
'default': 'dbconnection',
dbconnection: { ... }
fileSystemConnections: {
'default': 'localConnection',
localConnection: {
type: 'local',
path: '/filesystem/home/path/', // your fs home path
repoDirectory: 'xtens-repo', // default Directory name
landingDirectory: 'landing', // landing directory name
defaultOperators: [{ ... }]
Second choice:
This is the supported solution for distribuited data grid scenarios, using iRODS (https://irods.org/) Irods File System Prerequisities:
- Irods Data Grid
- Tomcat Server
- Java
- Irods Rest Api
Install and configure irods following the official guide at: https://docs.irods.org/4.1.10/
Before install tomcat, must be install Java environment
Install JAVA environment:
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer
Set env variable $JAVA_HOME in /etc/environment
sudo update-alternatives --config java // Display the JAVA_HOME directory to be setted in $JAVA_HOME sudo nano /etc/environment JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle // e.g. line to be added source /etc/environment
Now can install Tomcat Server (7th version): follow any installation guide like this.
Install maven to build the tomcat package:
sudo apt-get purge maven maven2 maven3 sudo apt-add-repository ppa:andrei-pozolotin/maven3 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install maven3
Download the zip file or clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/DICE-UNC/irods-rest.git
Edit the config file jargon_beans.xml located in /irods-rest/src/main/resources/ with the right settings
sudo nano /irods-rest/src/main/resources/jargon_beans.xml
For any problem read the documentation at: https://github.com/DICE-UNC/irods-rest/blob/master/docs/iRODS_REST_API_Documentation.pdf
Built the tomcat package. In /irods-rest directory execute:
mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
Load the irods-rest.war package located in /irods-rest/target on tomcat server ( e.g. at http://host:8080 )
Last Put into local.js file in xtens-app/config/ the file system settings choosed during configuration
module.exports = {
port: ..,
environment: ..,
connections: {
'default': 'dbconnection',
dbconnection: { ... }
fileSystemConnections: {
'default': 'irodRestConn',
irodRestConn: {
type: 'irods-rest',
restURL: { // irods-rest url
protocol:'http:', // protocol
hostname: 'host', // tomcat ip host
port: 8080, // tomcat port
path: '/irods-rest/rest' // path
irodsHome: '/nameZone/home/rods', // irods home path
repoCollection: 'xtens-repo', // irods default Collection name
landingCollection: 'landing', // irods landing directory name
username: 'user', // irods user
password: 'password' // irods user password
defaultOperators: [{ ... }]
You need to be in xtens-app directory:
cd path/xtens-app
To start sails (and the application) in production mode:
sails lift --prod
node app.js --prod
To ensure that XTENS 2 will be executed without interrupts, install a simple CLI tool like ForeverJS:
$ [sudo] npm install forever -g
and now you can start your XTENS 2 Platform:
NODE_ENV=production forever start app.js
Now you can go to the application page http://host:port/#/. (the host is the ip address that you set in local.js and port is the "port: process.env.PORT || #port;" that you set in local.js).
To discover XTENS 2 RESTful API follow the link: RESTful API
To migrate from XTENS 2.0 to 2.1 follow the link: guide
XTENS 2 is published under the BSD 3-clause License.