Releases: bitwarden/clients
Browser v2025.3.0
Bug fixes
Web v2025.3.0
- Bug fixes
Web v2025.2.2
Refreshed UI for most login flows
Added new Enterprise policy for disallowing Unlock with PIN
Added verification of logins from unrecognized devices
Updated flow for recovery code to log user in
Added feature to move existing organizations into the provider portal
Updated item UI when viewing items from reports
Small bug fixes, enhancements, and dependency updates
Thank you! 💙 A big shout-out to the following community members for their contributions!
nick411077 - fix: zh-TW registerLocaleData missing extra error
Desktop v2025.2.1
Added verification of logins from unrecognized devices
Added support for FIDO2 two-step login to macOS
Added back “prevent screenshots” setting on Windows and macOS
Small bug fixes, enhancements, and dependency updates
Thank you! 💙 A big shout-out to the following community members for their contributions!
nick411077 - fix: zh-TW registerLocaleData missing extra error
CLI v2025.2.0
- Added verification of logins from unrecognized devices
- Small bug fixes, enhancements, and dependency updates
Browser v2025.2.2
Added verification of logins from unrecognized devices
Added copy button to version information
Small bug fixes, enhancements, and dependency updates
Thank you! 💙 A big shout-out to the following community members for their contributions!
nick411077 - fix: zh-TW registerLocaleData missing extra error
Browser v2025.2.1
- Bug fix - DomQueryService erroring as undefined
Web v2025.2.1
- Organizations managed by resellers can now see seat counts
- Added opt-out for new device login protection
- Improved performance for exposed passwords reports
- Bug-fix for TOTP not generating for users with Premium
- Small bug-fixes, enhancements, and dependency updates
Desktop v2025.2.0
- Fix for offline unlock not working
Web v2025.2.0
- Bug fixes