This project is a workaround to prevent short cycling on the Komos V2 kegerator.
For some unknown reason the temperature controller occassionally turns the compressor on for about 1 second then immediately shuts it off. On my kegerator, this can happen several times per hour. It tends to happen more often when the temperature setpoint is above 45 °F.
The workaround is to insert a small microcontroller board between the controlller board and the compressor. This board intercepts the signal that controls the compressor. The software filters out any short transients and enforces a minimum on-time and a minimum off-time for the compressor.
It has been running fine on my kegerator for several years now.
The board is installed inline between the front panel temperature controller and the compressor power board.
See the other folders for more information on the hardware and software.
If you need hardware, contact me. I may still have a few boards in stock.