This whatsapp clone made in javafx contains the basic features of whatsapp.
For Example:
- Sign up and login
- Add another user in your contact
- Profile settings
- Single user chat
- Delete messages, delete contact
- Javafx- 11.0.2
- Fontawesomefx- 8.2
- My Sql Connector Java- 8.0.19
- Jfoenix- 9.0.10
All the dependencies are provided in src/lib dir.
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd my-project
Copy the src folder from project dir and paste into new intellij idea project. And setup your intellij idea for javafx and other dependencies. By adding the dependencies in library and modules path. And setting up the vm options.
Setup the database
import the in your mysql database.
Start the server
Start the client
Note: This project might contain some bugs. So if you find any one of them, please inform me. I will try to solve that bug, and this project will be improved in future.