This project is still in development
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see directory ./examples
feature | supports |
config | bootstrap.yml SpringCloudConfig |
discovery | nacos |
scheduling | @Scheduled |
api routers | @RestController |
The appropriate configuration is required to enable the corresponding feature: config
name | description |
FindMicroserviceConfigure | 定义自定义的服务发现处理方法 |
FeignClientConfigure | 定义FeignClient的默认headers等信息 |
RestControllerConfigure | 定义RestController的默认headers等信息 |
By default, nacos is used to find micro-service; You can customize it by @FindMicroserviceConfigure
class Configure {
async onFindMicroservice(serviceName: string, excludeHost: string): Promise<ServiceInfo> {
return {
定义RestController的默认headers等信息, 使用如下方式.
class Configure {
onConfigure(): bp.RestControllerConfigureInfo {
return {
defaultHeaders: {'content-type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8'},
用于忽略rest请求的日志, 使用如下方式.
@RestController({ path: '/api' })
class Rest {
@RequestMapping({ path: '/url', method: RequestMethod.GET })
async request(
@RestObject obj: RestObjectTypeRest<koa.Context> // or RestObjectType
): Promise<ListRolesRequest> {
定义FeignClient的默认headers等信息, 使用如下方式.
class Configure {
onConfigure(): bp.FeignClientConfigureInfo {
return {
defaultHeaders: {'content-type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8'},
* 对每次请求后接收的消息进行过滤.
filterResponseCallback: (data: FeignClientFilterResponseData) => {
* Processing the data of the request.
filterRequestCallback: (data: FeignClientFilterRequestData, feignData: FeignDataType) => {
使用 @Value 注解设置初始值或获取配置值.
class Demo {
@Value("Miss A")
teacher1Name: string; // will set to 'Miss A'
teacher2Name: string; // will set to config value "teacherName2"
teacher3Name: string; // will set to 'defaultName' if config value "teacherName3" isn't existed.
name | description |
ContextRefreshedEventListener | 本地配置加载完成, 系统service对象初始化完成 |
RefreshRemoteEventListener | 远程配置动态刷新事件 |
InstanceRegisteredEventListener | 实例注册到注册中心后的事件 |
本地配置加载完成, 系统service对象初始化完成.
class ApplicationEvent {
async onContextRefreshed(ev:ContextRefreshedEvent):void {
class ApplicationEvent {
async onRefreshRemote(ev:RefreshRemoteEvent):void {
class ApplicationEvent {
async onInstanceRegistered(ev:InstanceRegisteredEvent):void {
class Demo {
@Scheduled({cron:'* * * * * *'})
async onTick(): Promise<false|void> {
return false; // 返回false则表明停止此task.
- Start task: 当类实例被创建后, task即按照时间间隔运行
- Stop task: 当@Scheduled修饰的方法明确返回false时, task将停止
* 加载所有的bean, 并进行实例化等操作.
export function finishBeans(): Promise<void>;
* @desc 获得已装配完的指定类型的service.
export function getServiceInstances(key: any): ServiceInstanceType;
* 无需等待执行 finishBeans().
* @returns {ClassDecorator}
export function ImmediatelyService(name: string): ClassDecorator;
export function ImmediatelyService(cfg?: { singleton?: boolean, name?: string }): ClassDecorator;
* @desc 表明指定的类为Service类.
* 定义为Service的类, 在源文件被引用后, 单例bean将会自动在全局创建一个实例.
* @description
* `Service` 与 `Bean` 都是延迟注入类型; 需要在 `finishBeans()` 方法调用之后才能够生效.
* 需实现立即生效类型使用 `ImmediatelyService`
* @param cfg.singleton 是否为单例; (默认单例)
* @param 使用名称注入; 如不使用名称,则使用类型注入.
* @returns {ClassDecorator}
export function Service(name: string): ClassDecorator;
export function Service(cfg?: { singleton?: boolean, name?: string }): ClassDecorator;
* 在app初始化完成后将自动实例化.
class Example {
constructor() {}
* 立即自动实例化.
class Example {
constructor() {}
* @desc 表明指定的属性为Bean.
* <Bean修饰的方法不允许带参数, 并且返回的类型作为注入对象的类型.>
* 定义为Bean, 在源文件被引用后, 单例bean将会自动在全局创建一个实例.
* @description
* `Service` 与 `Bean` 都是延迟注入类型; 需要在 `finishBeans()` 方法调用之后才能够生效.
* 需实现立即生效类型使用 `ImmediatelyService`
* @param cfg.singleton 是否为单例; (默认单例)
* @param 使用名称注入; 如不使用名称,则使用方法名注入.
* @example
* ﹫Service()
* class {
* ﹫Bean()
* foo(): Object {
* return {};
* }
* ﹫Autowired('foo')
* private obj: Object;
* }
* @returns {PropertyDecorator}
export function Bean(name: string): MethodDecorator;
export function Bean(cfg?: { singleton?: boolean, name?: string }): MethodDecorator;
* @desc 表明指定的属性可以自动装载指定的Service实例.
* @example
* ﹫Autowired(ClassA)
* obj: ClassA; // will to auto create object.
* @returns {PropertyDecorator}
export function Autowired(type: Function|string): PropertyDecorator;
* @desc 表明指定的属性可以自动装载指定的值.
* @description 无需添加 RefreshScope 注解; 在配置刷新时会自动变更值.
* @example
* ﹫Service()
* class Demo {
* ﹫Value("Miss A")
* teacher1Name: string; // will set to 'Miss A'
* ﹫Value("${teacherName2}")
* teacher2Name: string; // will set to config value "teacherName2"
* ﹫Value("${teacherName3:defaultName}")
* teacher3Name: string; // will set to 'defaultName' if config value "teacherName3" isn't existed.
* }
* @returns {PropertyDecorator}
export function Value(value: any): PropertyDecorator;