Documentation | Installation | Usage example | List of functions | Cite Frites
Frites is a Python toolbox for assessing information-theorical measures on human and animal neurophysiological data (M/EEG, Intracranial). The aim of Frites is to extract task-related cognitive brain networks (i.e modulated by the task). The toolbox also includes directed and undirected connectivity metrics such as group-level statistics. Frites documentation is available online at
Run the following command into your terminal to get the latest stable version :
pip install -U frites
You can also install the latest version of the software directly from Github :
pip install git+
For developers, you can install it in develop mode with the following commands :
git clone
cd frites
python develop
# or : pip install -e .
The main dependencies of Frites are :
In addition to the main dependencies, here's the list of additional packages that you might need :
- Numba : speed up the computations of some functions
- Dcor for fast implementation of distance correlation
- Matplotlib, Seaborn and Networkx for plotting the examples
- Some example are using scikit learn estimators
See acknowledgments