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Jarget - Toolbox for Java Platform to build uber jars, get information about jar files and download jars libraries from Maven Central.


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Jarget - Command Line Toolbox for Java Platform



Jarget is a command line application to download java libraries or jar files from Maven Central in a easy and fast way without the need to set up a project. It is useful to experiment java libraries with languages hosted in JVM such as Jython (Python implemented in Java), Scala or Clojure.


  • Download Scala and Java libraries from without creating a project. It is useful for quick experiments and library evaluation.
  • Display information about Java packages.
  • Start Scala with all jar files from directory loaded in Classpath.
  • Run scala compiler with all jars from some directory in classpath.
  • Parallallel download of dependencies.
  • Inspect and extract data from jar files.
    • Show MANIFEST
    • Display files
    • Show assets
    • Extract files
  • Build uber jar, jar file bundled with all dependencies making deployment and distribution easier.
  • Build self-exectutable *nix uber jar file that can be run with ./application

Use Case Example

Evaluation of Scala cats library, based on Scala Cats library for dummies — part 1

Jarget allows evaluation of Scala libraries without the need to create a project or complicated Maven directory structure.

Instead of creating a SBT project with:

libraryDependencies += "org.typelevel" %% "cats" % "0.7.2"

It is possible to:

  1. Get information about the library. Note: 2.11 is the Scala version.
$ jarget mvn-show org.typelevel/cats_2.11/0.7.2
Package:         catsJVM
Packaging:       jar
Coordinates[1]:  group = org.typelevel artifact = cats_2.11 version = 0.7.2
Coordinates[2]:  org.typelevel/cats_2.11/0.7.2
Description:     catsJVM


  - org.scala-lang/scala-library/2.11.8

  - org.typelevel/cats-macros_2.11/0.7.2

  - org.typelevel/cats-kernel_2.11/0.7.2

  - org.typelevel/cats-kernel-laws_2.11/0.7.2

  - org.typelevel/cats-core_2.11/0.7.2

  - org.typelevel/cats-laws_2.11/0.7.2

  - org.typelevel/cats-free_2.11/0.7.2

  - org.typelevel/cats-jvm_2.11/0.7.2

  - com.github.mpilquist/simulacrum_2.11/0.8.0

  - org.typelevel/machinist_2.11/0.4.1
  1. Install it and run with:

Load Scala REPL with all jars from ./lib in classpath and test the package:

$ jarget exec -p=org.typelevel/cats-core_2.12/0.9.0 -- scala 
Welcome to Scala 2.12.3 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_144).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.

scala> import cats._, cats.instances.all._ 
import cats._
import cats.instances.all._

scala> val len: String => Int = _.length
len: String => Int = $$Lambda$1089/1057262726@255d9277

scala> Functor[List].map(List("scala", "cats")) (len)
res0: List[Int] = List(5, 4)



  • [ ] - Add search in console feature.
  • [X] - Add search in browser feature.
  • [X] - Add package cache
  • [ ] - Show all versions of a given package available in the repository.
  • [ ] - Support multiple repositories.
  • [ ] - Support project configuration file.
  • [X] - Improve command line handling
  • [X] - Improve error handling.
  • [X] - Feature to make Uber Jar
  • [X] - Shrink the generated uber jar using Pro-guard.
  • [X] - Create a Windows exe wrapper
  • [X] - Crypto Hash commands such as md5sum, sha256sum …
  • [X] - Improve project’s web site design.

Building Instructions

Build Standalone app

Build a standalone jarget by running

  • $ make sh
# Build 
$ make sh
scala jarget.jar uber -scala -sh -o bin/jarget -m jarget.jar -j /home/archbox/opt/scala/lib/scala-xml_2.12-1.0.6.jar
Built file:  bin/jarget ok
Run it with: $ java -jar bin/jarget

# Run it with 
$ ./bin/jarget 

# Or run it with 
$ java -jar bin/jarget

# Or run it with 
$ sh ./bin/jarget doc

Build standalone app and shrink its size with proguard

Build a standalone jarget redeucing the app size with proguard.

  • $ make pgd-unix
# Build 
$ make pgd-unix -k CC=scalac

Makefile:63: warning: overriding recipe for target 'bin/jarget'
Makefile:58: warning: ignoring old recipe for target 'bin/jarget'
scalac src/logger.scala src/main.scala src/mvn.scala src/utils.scala src/reader.scala src/utils.JarBuilder.scala src/optPa
rser.scala src/crypto.scala -d jarget.jar
warning: there were 6 deprecation warnings (since 2.12.0); re-run with -deprecation for details
warning: there were 5 feature warnings; re-run with -feature for details
two warnings found
mkdir -p bin
cp -v exeLoaders/loaderCLI.exe exeLoaders/loaderGUI.exe assets || true
'exeLoaders/loaderCLI.exe' -> 'assets/loaderCLI.exe'
'exeLoaders/loaderGUI.exe' -> 'assets/loaderGUI.exe'
scala jarget.jar uber -scala -r=assets -o=bin/jarget-uber.jar jarget.jar /home/archbox/opt/scala/lib/scala-xml_2.12-1.0.6.
java -jar proguard.jar
ProGuard, version 5.3.3
Reading input...
Reading program jar [/home/archbox/Documents/projects/jarget.scala/bin/jarget-uber.jar]
Reading library jar [/home/archbox/opt/java/jre/lib/rt.jar]

... .... ...

  Final number of program classes:    1123
Inlining subroutines...
Writing output...
Preparing output jar [/home/archbox/Documents/projects/jarget.scala/bin/jarget-pro.jar]
  Copying resources from program jar [/home/archbox/Documents/projects/jarget.scala/bin/jarget-uber.jar]
rm -rf bin/jarget-uber.jar
scala jarget.jar jar-to-exe -exe=uexe bin/jarget-pro.jar bin/jarget
Built file ./bin/jarget-pro

Install jarget tool in ~/bin

  • make pgd-unix -k CC=scalac && make install

Getting a Binary Release

An fat-jar executable binary release can be downloaded from this link:

From version >= 1.5 jarget will be shrunk with proguard.

  • Release jarget v1.5.0 (1.7 MB)
  • Release jarget v1.5.1
  • Release jarget v2.0-beta - Added pacakge caching feature.
  • Release jarget v2.0.1-beta - Allows scripting with dependencies (maven coordinates).
  • Release jarget v2.1.0-beta - Uber-jars can be built with maven coordinates specifications and added more examples to documentation.
  • Release jarget-v2.2.0-beta - Fixed uber-jars shell script header edge-case bug and also added command jarget utils -info to show platform informations such as number of processors, version of operating system, default line separator ‘\r’, ‘\n’, ‘\r\n’, path separator and so on.
  • Release jarget-v3.0
    • Improved command line handling allowing future scalability and implementation of new functionalities.
    • Improved user interface. Now jarget has git-like subcommands. Each command works as it was a separated command line application in similar fashion to git and busybox.
    • Implemented generation of uber jars embedded in Windows’ native executables. - (Still experimental.)
  • Release jarget-v3.2
    • Enhance commnand line help readability.
    • Add commands jarget run
    • Added more command examples in the sub-commands help.
    • Add command jarget mvn-run-jar - to run standalone jar file from cache downloading it if not available yet. It allows to run proguard, rhino javascript engine, clojure and so on.
    • Add command jarget mvn-run-cls - to run main class of java package. It is similar to mvn-run-jar, but mvn-run-cls is useful to run jars with multiple entry points (main classes).
  • Release: jarget-v4.0
    • Improve command line handling.
    • Create build automation feature - to build project from configuration file.

Or it can be downloaded with those shell commands below:

$ curl -O -L
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   130  100   130    0     0     28      0  0:00:04  0:00:04 --:--:--    32
100 5675k  100 5675k    0     0   490k      0  0:00:11  0:00:11 --:--:-- 1011k

$ chmod +x jarget

$ ./jarget 
jarget - Tool to download jar packages.

 -show [package]                 - Show package's information

 -pom  [package]                 - Show package's pom file

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 


$ curl -O -L && chmod +x jarget && ./jarget 

On Windows the application can be executed with:

$ java -jar jarget

 Jarget 3.2 - command line toolbox for Scala and the Java Platform.

Usage: $  [COMMAND] [OPTIONS] [<ARGS> ...]


[Main Commands]

  uber               Build uber jar file for deployment by bundling dependencies and resource files.
  exec               Execute a shell command and pass -cp <CLASSPATH> of packages downloaded to it.
  script             Run a scala script with a given set of packages from cache.
  scala              Run Scala REPL (scala) passing the class of packages from the repository.
  run                Run a main class from a set of jar file passing the classpath of packages in repository.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 

On the Windows Operating Systems, the app can also be installed by running the commands below in the cmd.exe shell:

  • Step 1 - Add ~/bin directory in $PATH variable.
# Create directory ~/bin or C:\Users\<user>\bin 
C:\Users\archbox> mkdir %USERPROFILE%\bin

# Add bin directory in $PATH variable 
  • Step 2 - Copy jarget to C:\Users\<user>\bin
  • Step 3 - Create a batch script to load the app at this directory, named jarget.bat with the contents below.

File: jarget.bat

@echo off
java -jar %~dp0\jarget %*
exit /b 
  • Step 4 - Open another cmd.exe shell to test. After typing $ jarget, it will show the user help below:
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.16299.371]
(c) 2017 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\archbox> jarget

 Jarget 3.2 - command line toolbox for Scala and the Java Platform.

Usage: $  [COMMAND] [OPTIONS] [<ARGS> ...]



 Jarget 3.2 - command line toolbox for Scala and the Java Platform.

Usage: $  [COMMAND] [OPTIONS] [<ARGS> ...]


C:\Users\archbox> where jarget

User Guide

Info commands

Now the app adopts git subcommands:

  • $ jarget
$ jarget
jarget v4.0 - command line toolbox for Scala and the Java Platform.
Usage: $ jarget [COMMAND] [OPTIONS] [<ARGS> ...]


[Main Commands]

  uber                  Build uber jar file for deployment by bundling dependencies and resource files.
  exec                  Execute a shell command and pass -cp <CLASSPATH> of packages downloaded to it.
  script                Run a scala script with a given set of packages from cache.
  scala                 Run Scala REPL (scala) passing the class of packages from the repository.
  run                   Run a main class from a set of jar file passing the classpath of packages in repository.

[Mvn Commands]

  mvn-show              Show package's information.
  mvn-search            Search for a package at the site
  mvn-doc               Open package documentation in the web browser.
  mvn-run-jar           Run main method of executable jar package in repository.
  mvn-run-cls           Run a main class of a java package (class with main static method).
  mvn-pom               Show package's pom.xml file.
  mvn-pull              Download package to cache directory.
  mvn-copy              Copy jar packages from cache directory to ./lib downloading them if not available.
  cache                 Show packages in cache directory.

[Jar Commands]

  jar-to-exe            Embed Uber jar into Unix executable or Windows Executable (experimental).
  jar-man               Show manifest of a jar file.
  jar-main-class        Show main class of a jar file.
  jar-ls                Show contents of a jar file.
  jar-rs                Show resources of a jar file ignoring *.class files.
  jar-cat               Show content of a file in a jar package.
  jar-ex                Extract <file> from jar file <FILE.jar> to current directory.

[Project Commands]

  pj-show               Show project configuration
  pj-make               Create development build.
  pj-run                Run development build, compiling it if out of sync with sources.
  pj-release            Compile project building uber jar in executable wrapper.

[Misc Commands]

  utils                 General utilities helpers for platform information and debugging.
  digest-s              Compute crypto hash of string. - Algorithm: [md5 | sha1 | sha256 ]
  digest-f              Compute crypto hash of a file. - Algorithm: [md5 | sha1 | sha256 ]

Each sub-command has its own help:

  • Example: subcommand uber to build uber jars.
$ jarget uber
Build uber jar file for deployment by bundling dependencies and resource files.

    Note - <EXE> can be:
      + empty - (default) for jar file without any executable wrapper.
      + uexe  - for Unix executable - Shell script with embedded uber-jar payload.
      + wcli  - for Windows CLI command line executable. *.exe file.
      + wgui  - for Windows GUI with user interface. -> *.exe file.

 Usage: uber [OPTIONS] <MAIN-JAR> [<JARFILE1.jar> <JARFILE2.jar> ...]

  -output=<file>,       -o   Output file, default out.jar
  -scala,               -s   Bundle Scala runtime library scala-runtime.jar
  -package=<pack>,      -p   MVN Coordinates of a java package -  <group>/<artifact>/<version>.
  -file=<file>,         -f   Jar files to be added to the package.
  -resource=<folder>,   -r   Resource directory
  -jardir=<folder>,     -jd  Directory containing jar files to be bundled into the uber jar.
  -exe=<EXE>,           -e   Executable wrapper - default (empty).
  • Example: subcommand cache
$ jarget cache
Show packages in cache directory.

 Usage: cache <ACTION>

  -path,    -  Show cache's directory path.
  -pack,    -  Show packages in cache directory
  -jars,    -  Show all jar files in cache directory
  -clean,   -  Clean cache directory freeing space.

Maven / Packages Commands

Show package information

  • $ jarget mvn-show org.jfree/jfreechart/1.0.17
$ jarget mvn-show
Show package's information.

 Usage: mvn-show <PACKAGE>

$ jarget mvn-show org.jfree/jfreechart/1.0.17
Package:         JFreeChart
Packaging:       jar
Coordinates[1]:  group = org.jfree artifact = jfreechart version = 1.0.17
Coordinates[2]:  org.jfree/jfreechart/1.0.17
    JFreeChart is a class library, written in Java, for generating charts.
    Utilising the Java2D APIs, it currently supports bar charts, pie charts,
    line charts, XY-plots and time series plots.


  - org.jfree/jcommon/1.0.21

  - xml-apis/xml-apis/1.3.04

Show package’s POM file

  • $ jarget mvn-pom org.jfree/jfreechart/1.0.17
$ jarget mvn-pom
Show package's pom.xml file.

 Usage: mvn-pom <PACKAGE>

$ jarget mvn-pom org.jfree/jfreechart/1.0.17
<project xsi:schemaLocation="                    
v4_0_0.xsd" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">




    ... ... ... .... .... ...

Open package Documentation Online

  • $ jarget mvn-doc org.jfree/jfreechart/1.0.17

It will open the package’s documentation at

$ jarget mvn-doc
Open package documentation in the web browser.

 Usage: mvn-doc <PACKAGE>

$ jarget mvn-doc org.jfree/jfreechart/1.0.17

Install packages in the cache

This command installs/downloads all packages to jarget cache directory: file:~/.jarget/cache

  • jarget mvn -pull -p=pack1 -p=pack2 -p=pack3…

Example: Get teh packages org.jfree/jfreechart/1.0.17 and org.scalaz/scalaz-core_2.11/7.3.0-M15.

$ jarget mvn-pull
Download package to cache directory.

Note: Packages are in the the format <group>/<artifact>/<version>
 Usage: mvn-pull <PACKAGE1> [<PACKAGE2> ...]

    $ jarget mvn-pull org.scalaz/scalaz-core_2.11/7.3.0-M15 org.jfree/jfreechart/1.0.17

$ jarget mvn-pull org.scalaz/scalaz-core_2.11/7.3.0-M15 org.jfree/jfreechart/1.0.17
Downloading ---------------------

... ... ...  ... ... ...  ... ... ...  ... 

File /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/org/jfree/jcommon/1.0.21/jcommon-1.0.21.jar downloaded. Ok.
File /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/org/jfree/jfreechart/1.0.17/jfreechart-1.0.17.jar downloaded. Ok.
Download Successful

Show packages in cache:

$ jarget cache -pack

Copy packages from cache to local directory

This command copies a package from cache to ./lib directory. The packages are downloaded if not available in the cache directory yet.

$ jarget mvn-copy org.jfree/jfreechart/1.0.17 org.scalaz/scalaz-core_2.11/7.3.0-M15

Downloading ---------------------
Downloading file /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/org/scala-lang/scala-library/2.11.11/scala-library-2.11.11.pom.
File /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/org/scalaz/scalaz-core_2.11/7.3.0-M15/scalaz-core_2.11-7.3.0-M15.pom downloaded. Ok.
Downloading file /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/org/scalaz/scalaz-core_2.11/7.3.0-M15/scalaz-core_2.11-7.3.0-M15.jar.
File /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/org/scala-lang/scala-library/2.11.11/scala-library-2.11.11.pom downloaded. Ok.
Downloading file /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/org/scala-lang/scala-library/2.11.11/scala-library-2.11.11.jar.
File /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/org/scala-lang/modules/scala-java8-compat_2.11/0.7.0/scala-java8-compat_2.11-0.7.0.pom downloaded. Ok.
Downloading file /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/org/scala-lang/modules/scala-java8-compat_2.11/0.7.0/scala-java8-compat_2.11-0.7.0.jar.
File /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/org/scala-lang/modules/scala-java8-compat_2.11/0.7.0/scala-java8-compat_2.11-0.7.0.jar downloaded. Ok.
File /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/org/scala-lang/scala-library/2.11.11/scala-library-2.11.11.jar downloaded. Ok.
File /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/org/scalaz/scalaz-core_2.11/7.3.0-M15/scalaz-core_2.11-7.3.0-M15.jar downloaded. Ok.
Download Successful
Copying xml-apis-1.3.04.jar to ./lib
Copying scalaz-core_2.11-7.3.0-M15.jar to ./lib
Copying scala-library-2.11.11.jar to ./lib
Copying jfreechart-1.0.17.jar to ./lib
Copying jcommon-1.0.21.jar to ./lib
Copying scala-java8-compat_2.11-0.7.0.jar to ./lib

$ ls lib/
jcommon-1.0.21.jar     scala-java8-compat_2.11-0.7.0.jar  scalaz-core_2.11-7.3.0-M15.jar
jfreechart-1.0.17.jar  scala-library-2.11.11.jar          xml-apis-1.3.04.jar

$ rm -rf lib

When the command is run the second time, the packages are copied from cache to ./lib.

$ jarget mvn-copy org.jfree/jfreechart/1.0.17 org.scalaz/scalaz-core_2.11/7.3.0-M15
Copying xml-apis-1.3.04.jar to ./lib
Copying scalaz-core_2.11-7.3.0-M15.jar to ./lib
Copying scala-library-2.11.11.jar to ./lib
Copying jfreechart-1.0.17.jar to ./lib
Copying jcommon-1.0.21.jar to ./lib
Copying scala-java8-compat_2.11-0.7.0.jar to ./lib

Clean cache removing all packages

  • $ jarget mvn -clear
$ jarget mvn -clear 
Cleaning cache
Removing file: /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/xml-apis/xml-apis/1.3.04/xml-apis-1.3.04.pom
Removing file: /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/xml-apis/xml-apis/1.3.04/xml-apis-1.3.04.jar

                           ... ... ... ... ... 

Deleting directory: /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/xml-apis/xml-apis/1.3.04
Deleting directory: /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/xml-apis/xml-apis
Deleting directory: /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/xml-apis
Deleting directory: /home/archbox/.jarget/cache

Execute program with classpath for packages from cache


  • $ jarget exec -p=pack1 -p=pack2 … – program arg1 arg2 arg2 …

It will execute a program with arguments arg1, arg2 and arg3 passing the option -cp <classpath of pack1,pack2,..,packn>, where (-cp) argument is the class path of the packages pack1,pack2… from the cache directory ~/.jarget/cache, to it. So the program will be executed with:

  • $ program -cp <classpath of pack1,pack2…> arg1 arg2 arg3 …

NOTE: The packages are downloaded to cache if not available yet.

Command help:

$ jarget exec
Execute a shell command and pass -cp <CLASSPATH> of packages downloaded to it.

 Usage: exec [OPTIONS] -- <PROGRAM> [<PROGRAM ARGS> ...]

  -package=<PACK>  -p=<PACK>  Package maven's coordinate

Example: Running scala with a set of packages in classpath

Example: Run Scala with org.typelevel/cats-core_2.12/0.9.0

$ jarget exec -p=org.typelevel/cats-core_2.12/0.9.0 -- scala
Downloading ---------------------
 ... ... ... ... 
Package path = PackData(org.typelevel,cats-macros_2.12,0.9.0)
Downloading file /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/org/typelevel/cats-macros_2.12/0.9.0/cats-macros_2.12-0.9.0.pom.
 ... .... ... .... ... 
File /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/org/scala-lang/scala-library/2.12.1/scala-library-2.12.1.jar downloaded. Ok.
Download Successful
Welcome to Scala 2.12.4 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_162).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.


scala>  import cats._, cats.instances.all._ 
import cats._
import cats.instances.all._

scala>  val len: String => Int = _.length
len: String => Int = $$Lambda$1041/28318221@2ed71727


scala> Functor[List].map(List("scala", "cats")) (len)
res0: List[Int] = List(5, 4)


Example: Running scalac with ase packages in classpath

Run script with scala and dependencies

It runs the script scripts/chartTest.scala with jfreechart library in passed to scala classpath.

$ jarget exec -p=org.jfree/jfreechart/1.0.17 -- scala scripts/chartTest.scala 

The command above runs:

scala -cp <classpath of  org.jfree/jfreechart/1.0.17> scripts/chartTest.scala 

Compile scala program with dependencies

$ jarget exec -p=org.jfree/jfreechart/1.0.17 -- scalac scripts/chartTest.scala -d chart.jar 

$ file chart.jar 
chart.jar: Java archive data (JAR)

# Run the program:
$ jarget exec -p=org.jfree/jfreechart/1.0.17 -- scala chart.jar 

Download and run executable jar from repository (mvn-run-jar)

This sub command runs an executable jar (uber jar) from cache repository, the package is downloaded if not available yet.

Command help:

$ jarget mvn-run-jar
Run main method of executable jar package in repository.

 Usage: mvn-run-jar <PACKAGE> --  [<ARGS>...]

 Example 1 :  This command download the file proguard-base-6.0.2.jar
 to the cache repository and runs the command java -jar <path-to-jar>/proguard-base-6.0.2.jar
 Once the file was downloaded, it will be run from cache repository.
  >> $ jarget mvn-run-jar net.sf.proguard/proguard-base/6.0.2

 Example 2 :
   >> $ jarget mvn-run-jar org.codehaus.groovy/groovy/2.5.0-rc-1 -- file1.groovy

 Example 3:  Show Clojure help, to run the repl remove (--help) switch.
  >> $ jarget mvn-run-jar org.clojure/clojure/1.8.0 -- --help

Example: It downloads the clojure 1.8.0 package and runs the command

  • $ java -jar <path-to-package>/clojure-1.8.0.jar
$  jarget mvn-run-jar org.clojure/clojure/1.8.0
Downloading ---------------------
Package path = PackData(org.clojure,clojure,1.8.0)
Downloading file /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/org/clojure/clojure/1.8.0/clojure-1.8.0.pom.
File /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/org/clojure/clojure/1.8.0/clojure-1.8.0.pom downloaded. Ok.
Downloading file /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/org/clojure/clojure/1.8.0/clojure-1.8.0.jar.
File /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/org/clojure/clojure/1.8.0/clojure-1.8.0.jar downloaded. Ok.
Download Successful
Clojure 1.8.0

user=> (+ 1 2 3 4 5 6)
user=> (* 1 2 3 4 5 6)

Run a main class of a java package - (mvn-run-cls)

$  jarget mvn-run-cls
Run a main class of a java package (class with main static method).

Note: this command is useful to run packages with multiple entry points.
 Usage: mvn-run-cls <PACKAGE> <CLASS> [<JAVA-PROPERTIES> ...] --  [<ARGS>...]

 Example 1: Run scala compiler and invokes -help by calling class
 If the scala compiler packages are not in the cache, they will be downloaded. Further
 commands needing those packages will no longer downloaded them.
  >>> $ jarget mvn-run-cls org.scala-lang.virtualized/scala-compiler/2.11.2  \ -Dscala.usejavacp=true -- -help

 Example 2: It will run the Scala REPL.
  >>> $ jarget mvn-run-cls org.scala-lang.virtualized/scala-compiler/2.11.2  \ -Dscala.usejavacp=true

Example: This command downloads the package rg.scala-lang.virtualized/scala-compiler/2.11.2 and all its dependencies if not available at cache repository, then it runs the class which invokes the Scala’s REPL interactive shell.

This command is useful to run classes of packages with multiple entry-points (main classes).

$ jarget mvn-run-cls org.scala-lang.virtualized/scala-compiler/2.11.2  \ -Dscala.usejavacp=true

$ jarget mvn-run-cls org.scala-lang.virtualized/scala-compiler/2.11.2  \
> -Dscala.usejavacp=true
Downloading ---------------------
Package path = PackData(org.scala-lang.virtualized,scala-compiler,2.11.2)
Downloading file /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/org/scala-lang/virtualized/scala-compiler/2.11.2/scala-compiler-2.11.2.pom.
Package path = PackData(org.scala-lang.modules,scala-xml_2.11,1.0.2)
Package path = PackData(org.scala-lang.virtualized,scala-library,2.11.2)

... .... ... ...

Download Successful
Welcome to Scala version 2.11.2 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_162).
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.


scala> import javax.swing._
import javax.swing._

scala> val frame = new JFrame("Hello world")
frame: javax.swing.JFrame = javax.swing.JFrame[frame0,0,27,0x0,invalid,.... ....

scala> frame.setSize(400, 500)

scala> frame.setVisible(true)

Command “run”

$ jarget run
Run a main class from a set of jar file passing the classpath of packages in repository.

 Usage: run [OPTIONS] <MAIN-CLASS> <JAR0> [<JAR1> ....] [<JAVA-PROPERTIES> ...] -- [<ARGS>...]

  -package=<pack>,   -p  MVN Coordinates of a java package -  <group>/<artifact>/<version>.

 + <MAIN-CLASS> : Is the a class with a main static method that will be executed.
 + <JAR0>       : Is a jar package such as ImageViewer.jar
 + <ARGS>       : Are the arguments passed to the main class.

 Example and use case: Run the class Main from the jar
 demoImageViewer.jar passing the classpath of the package
 com.jtattoo/JTattoo/1.6.11 from ( and setting
 the property swing.defaultlaf that changes to Java Swing default look
 and feel theme.

$  jarget run Main demoImageViewer.jar -p=com.jtattoo/JTattoo/1.6.11 \

Cache commands

Show cache path

  • $ jarget cache -path


$ jarget cache -path

$ tree $(jarget cache -path)
├── com
│   └── github
│       └── mpilquist
│           └── simulacrum_2.12
│               └── 0.10.0
│                   ├── simulacrum_2.12-0.10.0.jar
│                   └── simulacrum_2.12-0.10.0.pom
└── org
    ├── scala-lang
    │   └── scala-library
    │       └── 2.12.1
    │           ├── scala-library-2.12.1.jar
    │           └── scala-library-2.12.1.pom
    └── typelevel
        ├── cats-core_2.12
        │   └── 0.9.0
        │       ├── cats-core_2.12-0.9.0.jar
        │       └── cats-core_2.12-0.9.0.pom
        ├── cats-kernel_2.12
        │   └── 0.9.0
        │       ├── cats-kernel_2.12-0.9.0.jar
        │       └── cats-kernel_2.12-0.9.0.pom
        ├── cats-macros_2.12
        │   └── 0.9.0
        │       ├── cats-macros_2.12-0.9.0.jar
        │       └── cats-macros_2.12-0.9.0.pom
        └── machinist_2.12
            └── 0.6.1
                ├── machinist_2.12-0.6.1.jar
                └── machinist_2.12-0.6.1.pom

Show all packages in cache

  • $ jarget cache -pack
$ jarget cache -pack 

Show all versions of a given package in cache

Show all jar files in the cache folder

$ jarget cache -jars

Scripting with jarget


Jarget can be used to run scala scripts with java packages dependencies by downloading them if they are not available in the jarget package cache file:~/.jarget/cache.

Show command help:

$ jarget script
Run a scala script with a given set of packages from cache.

 Usage: script [OPTIONS] -- <SCRIPT.scala> [<SCRIPT ARGS> ...]

  -package=<PACK>,                   -p   Package maven's coordinate
  -package-str=<PACK1>,<PACK2>...,   -ps  Package's separated by command <pack1>,<pack2>...<packN>

Example 1 - Script with JFreeChart

Example: scripts/

exec jarget script -ps="$DEPS" -- "$0" "$@"

import org.jfree.chart.{ChartPanel, ChartFactory, JFreeChart, ChartUtilities}

object Main{

  def main(args: Array[String]){
    val dataset = new DefaultPieDataset()

    dataset.setValue("A", 75)
    dataset.setValue("B", 10)
    dataset.setValue("C", 10)
    dataset.setValue("D", 5)

    val chart = ChartFactory.createPieChart(
       "Sample Pie Chart", // Title
       dataset,            // Dataset 
       true,               // Show legend
       true,               // Tooltips on

    // Save chart to a png file
    ChartUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(new"mychart.png"), chart, 500, 500)

     // Show Chart in a Java Swing Frame
    val frame = new javax.swing.JFrame()
    frame.add(new ChartPanel(chart))
    frame.setSize(693, 513)
    frame.setTitle("Sample Pie Chart")


Running the scala script: It is assumed that jarget is in any directory listed in ‘$PATH’ variable.

# Make the script executable
$ chmod +x 

# As the dependency jfree chart package has not been downloaded yet,
# jarget will download it to the cache directory and run the scala script 'chartScript.scala'
# passing the dependency in the classpath parameter. 
$ ./ 
Downloading ---------------------
Package path = PackData(org.jfree,jfreechart,1.0.17)
Downloading file /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/org/jfree/jfreechart/1.0.17/jfreechart-1.0.17.pom.
Package path = PackData(org.jfree,jcommon,1.0.21)
Package path = PackData(xml-apis,xml-apis,1.3.04)
                            ... ... ... ... ... 
File /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/org/jfree/jcommon/1.0.21/jcommon-1.0.21.jar downloaded. Ok.
File /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/org/jfree/jfreechart/1.0.17/jfreechart-1.0.17.jar downloaded. Ok.
Download Successful

# When the scala script is run again and the dependencies are in the
# cache directory ~/.jarget/cache, the dependencies no longer needs to
# be downloaded and the script is executed immediately by passing the
# dependencies' classpath to scala runtime.
$ ./

Example 2 - Script that generates QRCode

This script generates a QRCode from argument passed from command line saving it to an image file or showing it with a JFrame window.

File: scripts/

exec jarget script -ps="$DEPS" -- "$0" "$@"

object QRCode { 

  import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
  import java.util.HashMap
  import{BarcodeFormat, BinaryBitmap, EncodeHintType, MultiFormatReader}
  import{MultiFormatWriter, NotFoundException, Result, WriterException}
  import{ BitMatrix, HybridBinarizer}

  def writeToFile(
    data:    String,
    file:    String  = "out.png",
    width:   Int     = 200,
    height:  Int     = 200,
    charset: String  = "UTF-8") = {
    val hintMap = {
      val h = new HashMap[EncodeHintType, ErrorCorrectionLevel]();
      h.put(EncodeHintType.ERROR_CORRECTION, ErrorCorrectionLevel.L);
    val matrix = new MultiFormatWriter().encode(
      new String(data.getBytes(charset), charset),
      BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE, width, height, hintMap)
    MatrixToImageWriter.writeToFile(matrix, "png", new File(file));

  def writeToImage(
    data:    String,
    width:   Int     = 200,
    height:  Int     = 200,
    charset: String  = "UTF-8" ): java.awt.image.BufferedImage = {
    val hintMap = {
      val h = new HashMap[EncodeHintType, ErrorCorrectionLevel]();
      h.put(EncodeHintType.ERROR_CORRECTION, ErrorCorrectionLevel.L);
    val matrix = new MultiFormatWriter().encode(
       new String(data.getBytes(charset), charset),
      BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE, width, height, hintMap)

  /** Show QR code in a JFrame */
  def show(
    data:    String,
    width:   Int         = 200,
    height:  Int         = 200,
    charset: String      = "UTF-8",
    title:   String      = "QRCode",
    exitOnClose: Boolean = false
  ) = {
    import javax.swing.{ImageIcon, JFrame, JLabel, JPanel}
    val bimg  = writeToImage(data, width, height, charset)
    val frame = new javax.swing.JFrame("Frame 1")
    frame.setSize(400, 400)
    val pic = new javax.swing.JLabel(new ImageIcon(bimg))
    if (exitOnClose)

} // ------- End of Object QRCode ------------ // 

val testUrl = ""

args.toList match { 
  case List("-show", data)
      =>, exitOnClose = true)
  case List("-file", data, file)
      => QRCode.writeToFile(data, file)

  case List("-test1")
      => {
        println("Generating QRcode for testing URL: " + testUrl), exitOnClose = true)

  case List("-test2")
      => {
        println("Generating QRcode image file images/qrcodeTest.png for testing URL: " + testUrl)
        QRCode.writeToFile(testUrl, "images/qrcodeTest.png")

  case _
      => {
        println("Valid commands")
        println("$ jqrcode -file <file> <data>")
        println("$ jqrcode -show <data>")


$ scripts/ 
Valid commands
$ jqrcode -file <file> <data>
$ jqrcode -show <data>

Generating image with QRcode.

It will generate a QRCode shown in the image below containing “Hello world QRCode”. The script dependencies are downloaded to the cache directory if they are not available yet.

$ scripts/ -file "Hello world QRCode" images/qrcode.png
Downloading ---------------------
Package path = PackData(,core,2.2)
Downloading file /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/com/google/zxing/core/2.2/core-2.2.pom.
File /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/com/google/zxing/core/2.2/core-2.2.pom downloaded. Ok.
Downloading file /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/com/google/zxing/core/2.2/core-2.2.jar.
File /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/com/google/zxing/core/2.2/core-2.2.jar downloaded. Ok.
Download Successful
Downloading ---------------------
Package path = PackData(,javase,2.2)
Downloading file /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/com/google/zxing/javase/2.2/javase-2.2.pom.
File /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/com/google/zxing/javase/2.2/javase-2.2.pom downloaded. Ok.
Downloading file /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/com/google/zxing/javase/2.2/javase-2.2.jar.
File /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/com/google/zxing/javase/2.2/javase-2.2.jar downloaded. Ok.
Download Successful

File: images/qrcode.png


Show QRcode in a window

$ scripts/ -show "Hello world QRCode" 

$ scripts/ -test1 
Generating QRcode for testing URL:

$  scripts/ -test2 
Generating QRcode image file images/qrcodeTest.png for testing URL:

Command to manipulate Jar packages


The commands to manipulate jars are listed below:

$ jarget | grep jar
  uber               Build uber jar file for deployment by bundling dependencies and resource files.
  run                Run a main class from a set of jar file passing the classpath of packages in repository.
  mvn-run-jar        Run main method of executable jar package in repository.
  mvn-copy           Copy jar packages from cache directory to ./lib downloading them if not available.
  jar-to-exe         Embed Uber jar into Unix executable or Windows Executable (experimental).
  jar-man            Show manifest of a jar file.
  jar-main-class     Show main class of a jar file.
  jar-ls             Show contents of a jar file.
  jar-rs             Show resources of a jar file ignoring *.class files.
  jar-cat            Show content of a file in a jar package.
  jar-ex             Extract <file> from jar file <FILE.jar> to current directory.

Those commands are simple and self-explanatory and easier to remember.

$ jarget jar-ls -h
Show contents of a jar file.

 Usage: jar-ls <FILE.jar>

$ jarget jar-ex -h
Extract <file> from jar file <FILE.jar> to current directory.

 Usage: jar-ex <FILE.jar> <file>

$ jarget jar-to-exe
Embed Uber jar into Unix executable or Windows Executable (experimental).

 Usage: jar-to-exe [OPTIONS] <FILE.jar>

  -exe=<EXE>,       -e  Executable type.
  -output=<FILE>,   -o  Output file, default <FILE> without extension + .sh or .exe.

 Note - <EXE> can be:
   + uexe - for Unix executable - Shell script with embedded uber-jar payload.
   + wcli - for Windows CLI command line executable. *.exe file.
   + wgui - for Windows GUI with user interface. -> *.exe file.

Show manifest file

  • $ jarget jar-man JARFILE.jar
$  jarget jar-man lib/jfreechart-1.0.17.jar
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.8.2
Implementation-Title: JFreeChart
Implementation-Version: 1.0.17
Specification-Title: JFreeChart
Created-By: 1.7.0_21-b12 (Oracle Corporation)
Specification-Version: 1.0.17

Show contents of single file

  • $ jarget jar-cat [jar] [file]
$ jarget jar-cat lib/jfreechart-1.0.17.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.8.2
Created-By: 1.7.0_21-b12 (Oracle Corporation)
Specification-Title: JFreeChart
Specification-Version: 1.0.17
Implementation-Title: JFreeChart
Implementation-Version: 1.0.17

... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... ....

$ jarget jar-cat lib/jfreechart-1.0.17.jar org/jfree/chart/plot/
# org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel ResourceBundle properties file - portuguese version
# Changes (from 09-Set-2003)
# --------------------------
# 09-Set-2003 : Initial version (Eduardo Ramalho);

Combined_Domain_XYPlot=Curvas combinadas pela abcissa
Combined_Range_XYPlot=Curvas combinadas pela ordenada
Period_Marker_Plot=Period Marker Plot
Pie_3D_Plot=Sectores 3D
Too_many_elements=Too many elements

# points of the compass

List all files

  • $ jarget jar-ls [jar]
$ jarget jar-ls jarget.jar 


List resource/asset files

  • $ jarget jar-rs [jar]

Show all resource files disregarding *.class files.

$ jarget jar-rs lib/jfreechart-1.0.17.jar 

 ... ... ... ...  ... ... ... ...  ... ... ... ... 


Extract file to current directory

  • jarget jar -extract [jar] [file]

Extract file from jar to current directory.

$ jarget jar-ex -h
Extract <file> from jar file <FILE.jar> to current directory.

 Usage: jar-ex <FILE.jar> <file>

$ jarget jar-ex lib/jfreechart-1.0.17.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.8.2
Created-By: 1.7.0_21-b12 (Oracle Corporation)
Specification-Title: JFreeChart
Specification-Version: 1.0.17
Implementation-Title: JFreeChart
Implementation-Version: 1.0.17

Convert a jar file to executable jar file

Show Help:

$ jarget jar-to-exe
Embed Uber jar into Unix executable or Windows Executable (experimental).

 Usage: jar-to-exe [OPTIONS] <FILE.jar>

  -exe=<EXE>,       -e  Executable type.
  -output=<FILE>,   -o  Output file, default <FILE> without extension + .sh or .exe.

 Note - <EXE> can be:
   + uexe - for Unix executable - Shell script with embedded uber-jar payload.
   + wcli - for Windows CLI command line executable. *.exe file.
   + wgui - for Windows GUI with user interface. -> *.exe file.


  • $ jarget jar-to-exe application.jar

Generates an Unix shell script with a jar payload, named ./application from the file application.jar that can be run with $ java -jar application.jar

Example: Generate a *nix executable (runnable or self-executable jar file) named proguard from proguard.jar.

$ java -jar proguard.jar 
ProGuard, version 5.3.3
Usage: java proguard.ProGuard [options ...]

# Builds Unix executable with embedded shell script 
$ jarget jar-to-exe proguard.jar
Built file ./proguard

# Build Windows executable with proguard embedded - (Note: Experimental)
$  jarget jar-to-exe -exe=wcli proguard.jar
Built file ./proguard.exe

$ proguard 
bash: proguard: command not found

#   If the app is moved to some directory in $PATH variable, 
# it can be ran without forward slash (/) as any ordinary unix app 
# such as ls, echo, ps, ... 
$ mv proguard ~/bin

$ proguard 
ProGuard, version 5.3.3
Usage: java proguard.ProGuard [options ...]

$ which proguard 

# Check the file type 
$ file /home/archbox/bin/proguard
/home/archbox/bin/proguard: a /usr/bin/env sh script executable (binary data)

# Check the executable header 
$ head -n 7 proguard
#!/usr/bin/env sh

# Check if JAVA_HOME is Set
if [ -n "${JAVA_HOME}" ]
    # Check if JAVA is Installed in this JAVA_HOME
    if [ -f  "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" ] ;

Build fatjar, uber Jar or executable uber jar


$ jarget uber
Build uber jar file for deployment by bundling dependencies and resource files.

    Note - <EXE> can be:
      + empty - (default) for jar file without any executable wrapper.
      + uexe  - for Unix executable - Shell script with embedded uber-jar payload.
      + wcli  - for Windows CLI command line executable. *.exe file.
      + wgui  - for Windows GUI with user interface. -> *.exe file.

 Usage: uber [OPTIONS] <MAIN-JAR> [<JARFILE1.jar> <JARFILE2.jar> ...]

  -output=<file>,       -o   Output file, default out.jar
  -scala,               -s   Bundle Scala runtime library scala-runtime.jar
  -package=<pack>,      -p   MVN Coordinates of a java package -  <group>/<artifact>/<version>.
  -file=<file>,         -f   Jar files to be added to the package.
  -resource=<folder>,   -r   Resource directory
  -jardir=<folder>,     -jd  Directory containing jar files to be bundled into the uber jar.
  -exe=<EXE>,           -e   Executable wrapper - default (empty).

The parameter <EXE> from -exe=<EXE> can be:

  • empty -> (default) Simple uber jar intended to be executed by double clicking at it or by
  • uexe -> Unix executable: Shell script with uber jar payload
  • wcli -> Embed generated uber-jar into a Windows command line executable. This feature is still experimental and Anti Virus complains about the lack of signature.
  • wgui -> Embed generated uber-jar into a Windows GUI executable. This feature is still experimental.

Example: Make a scala uber-jar from the program scripts/chartTest.scala

# Step 1 -  Compile app to jar file.
# If the dependency is not available in the cache, it will be downloaded
# from the package default repository.
$ jarget exec -p=org.jfree/jfreechart/1.0.17 -- scalac scripts/chartTest.scala -d chartTest.jar

Downloading ---------------------
  ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 
Downloading file /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/xml-apis/xml-apis/1.3.04/xml-apis-1.3.04.jar.
File /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/xml-apis/xml-apis/1.3.04/xml-apis-1.3.04.jar downloaded. Ok.
File /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/org/jfree/jcommon/1.0.21/jcommon-1.0.21.jar downloaded. Ok.
File /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/org/jfree/jfreechart/1.0.17/jfreechart-1.0.17.jar downloaded. Ok.
Download Successful

# The next time the command is run, the packages will no longer be downloaded as
# they are already in the cache directory. ~/.jarget/cache/
$ jarget exec -p=org.jfree/jfreechart/1.0.17 -- scalac scripts/chartTest.scala -d chartTest.jar 

# Step 2 - Run the jar file. 
$ jarget exec -p=org.jfree/jfreechart/1.0.17 -- scala chartTest.jar 

# Step 3 - Make uber-jar by packing dependencies into a single jar.

#-- Create an ordinary uber jar that can be run with java -jar or by clicking on it, 
# if the application is a GUI.
$ jarget uber chartTest.jar -scala -p=org.jfree/jfreechart/1.0.17
Built file: chartTest-out.jar

# -- Embedding in a shell script for running on UNIX, Linux, MacOSX, BSD ... 
$ jarget uber chartTest.jar -scala -exe=uexe -p=org.jfree/jfreechart/1.0.17

#--- Embedding Uber jar into an Windows Executable
$ jarget uber chartTest.jar -o=chartTest.exe -scala -exe=wgui -p=org.jfree/jfreechart/1.0.17

$ file chartTest.exe
chartTest.exe: PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows

# Run the uber-jar - Way 1 
$ ./ 

# Run the uber-jar - Way 2
$ java -jar ./

# Run the uber-jar - Way 3
$ sh ./

Example: Make a scala self-executable jar for the app jarget.

$ scala jarget.jar uber -scala -sh -o jarget -m jarget.jar -j /home/archbox/opt/scala-2.12.3/lib/scala-xml_2.12-1.0.6.jar 
Built file:  jarget ok
Run it with: $ java -jar jarget

# Run it 
$ ./jarget 

Build Automation - Project file

WARNING: Experimental feature.

Jarget has the ability build small or simple projects with a simple configuration file with a declarative json-like syntax provided by the parser library


  • File: build.conf
scalaVersion = 2.12
# Name of the library, program or application without extension. 
app = jptk 
# Directories containing source that will be compiled 
src = ./proejct/src
# Output file - destination of object files
output = ./out
# Depdencies in the format (com.typesafe/config/1.3.3) 
packages = [

# List of resource directories that will be appended to release build
resources = [


  • app = <name of application>
  • src = <directory which contains source code> *.scala files.
    • Default value: ./src
  • output = <output directory>
    • Default value: ./bin
  • packages

Project Commands:

  • Show project file:
$ cat build.conf

# Jarget configuration file
scalaVersion = 2.12

# Program name without any extension
app = jmhttp
# Main class
mainclass = JargetMain

# Directories that will be compiled  (default ./src)
src = src

# Output Directory (default ./bin)
output = ./bin

# Depdencies
packages = [

# resources = [
#     ./assets
# ]
  • Show build details.
$ jarget pj-show -h
Show project configuration

USAGE: $ jarget pj-show

  -file=<FILE>,   -f  Project file. (default build.conf)

$ jarget pj-show

Source directory = src
Development build output file = ./bin/jmhttp-dev.jar
Output directory              = ./bin
Scala Version    = 2.12

Source files:
 - src/server.scala
 - src/utils.Utils.scala
 - src/utils.ImageUtils.scala
 - src/main.scala
 - src/optParse.scala

 - javax.jmdns/jmdns/3.4.1

  • Carry out development build (build without any bundled dependency and cannot be run as standalone app.)
$ jarget pj-make -h
Create development build.

 Note: the development build is the project compiled without
       any dependency bundled with object file.

USAGE: $ jarget pj-make

  -file=<FILE>,   -f  Project file. (default build.conf)
  -verbose,       -   Turn verbosity on.

$ jarget pj-make
Downloading ---------------------
Package path = PackData(javax.jmdns,jmdns,3.4.1)
Downloading file /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/javax/jmdns/jmdns/3.4.1/jmdns-3.4.1.pom.
File /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/javax/jmdns/jmdns/3.4.1/jmdns-3.4.1.pom downloaded. Ok.
Downloading file /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/javax/jmdns/jmdns/3.4.1/jmdns-3.4.1.jar.
File /home/archbox/.jarget/cache/javax/jmdns/jmdns/3.4.1/jmdns-3.4.1.jar downloaded. Ok.
Download Successful

# Generates: 
$ ls bin/jmhttp-dev.jar

  • Run the develpment build.
 $ jarget pj-run -h
 Run development build, compiling it if out of sync with sources.

 USAGE: $ jarget pj-run pj-run -- [<PROGRAM ARG> ...]

   -file=<FILE>,   -f  Project file. (default build.conf)

$ jarget pj-run
A micro Java/Scala http server to share files on the local network


$ jarget pj-run -- --version
jmhttp - v1.3

  • Perform release build - the object code is bundled with all dependencies and the scala runtime library.
$ jarget pj-release -h
Compile project building uber jar in executable wrapper.

USAGE: $ jarget pj-release

  -file=<FILE>,     -f  Project file. (default build.conf)
  -verbose,         -   Turn verbosity on.
  -exe=<EXE>,       -e  Executable wrapper - [empty, uexe, wcli, wgui] - default (empty)
  -show,            -   Show project configuration before building.
  -output=<FILE>,   -o  Output file, default <FILE> without extension + .sh or .exe.

 # Build uber jar ready to use 
 $ jarget pj-release
 Built file: ./bin/jmhttp-release.jar

 $ java -jar bin/jmhttp-release.jar --version
 jmhttp - v1.3

 # Build uber jar embed in Unix shell script (non native executable)
 $ jarget pj-release -exe=uexe
 Built file: ./bin/

 $ bin/ --version
 jmhttp - v1.3

 # Build uber jar embedded in Windows console native executable (.exe)
 $ jarget pj-release -exe=wcli
 Built file: ./bin/jmhttp-release.exe

 # Build uber jar embedded in Windows GUI native executable (*.exe)
 $ jarget pj-release -exe=wgui
 Built file: ./bin/jmhttp-release.exe

 $ file bin/jmhttp-release.exe
 bin/jmhttp-release.exe: PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows

System Information

Show Enviroment Variables

Command help:

$ jarget utils
General utilities helpers for platform information and debugging.

   + env        - Show environment variables
   + env <var>  - Show a given environment variable.
   + prop       - Show java properties.
   + prop <var> - Show a given a java property.
   + path       - Show path variable
   + info       - Show platform information.

  Example: $ jarget utils info

 Usage: utils <ACTION>

  • $ jarget utils -env

On Linux:

$ jarget utils env
   Environment Variable         Value
   ------------------------     --------------------------------------------------
   PATH                         /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/li...
   XAUTHORITY                   /home/archbox/.Xauthority
   LC_MEASUREMENT               pt_BR.UTF-8
   LC_TELEPHONE                 pt_BR.UTF-8
   GDMSESSION                   xfce
   XDG_DATA_DIRS                /usr/local/share:/usr/share
   LC_TIME                      pt_BR.UTF-8
   ... ... ... ... 
   NLSPATH                      /usr/dt/lib/nls/msg/%L/
   QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME         qt5ct
   XDG_RUNTIME_DIR              /run/user/1001
   XDG_VTNR                     7
   HOME                         /home/archbox
   ------------------------     --------------------------------------------------

On Windows:

C:\Users\archbox\Desktop>java -jar jarget utils env
   Environment Variable          Value
   -------------------------     --------------------------------------------------
   LOCALAPPDATA                  C:\Users\archbox\AppData\Local
   ChocolateyLastPathUpdate      Thu Feb 15 06:11:43 2018
   PROCESSOR_LEVEL               6
   USERDOMAIN                    DESKTOP-2TJVI2H
   LOGONSERVER                   \\DESKTOP-2TJVI2H
   JAVA_HOME                     C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_162
   PROMPT                        $P$G
   SESSIONNAME                   Console
   ALLUSERSPROFILE               C:\ProgramData
   PSModulePath                  C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;C:\W...
   SystemDrive                   C:
   =ExitCode                     00000000
   OneDrive                      C:\Users\archbox\OneDrive
   =C:                           C:\Users\archbox\Desktop
   APPDATA                       C:\Users\archbox\AppData\Roaming
   USERNAME                      archbox
           ... . .. ... . .. .. . .. . .. 
   Path                          C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\Syste...
   PATHEXT                       .COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WS...
   OS                            Windows_NT
   COMPUTERNAME                  DESKTOP-2TJVI2H
   PROCESSOR_REVISION            4e03
   CLASSPATH                     .;
   CommonProgramW6432            C:\Program Files\Common Files
   ComSpec                       C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe
   ProgramData                   C:\ProgramData
           ... . .. ... . .. .. . .. . .. 
   windir                        C:\Windows
   =::                           ::\
   -------------------------     --------------------------------------------------

Show PATH Environment Variable

  • $ jarget utils -path

On Linux:

$ jarget utils -path
... ... ... ... 

On Windows:

C:\Users\archbox\Desktop> java -jar jarget utils path

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_162\bin

Show Java Properties

  • $ jarget utils -prop

Show all Java properties from System.getProperties().

On Linux:

$ jarget utils prop
   Java Property                     Value
   -----------------------------     --------------------------------------------------                 OpenJDK Runtime Environment
   sun.boot.library.path             /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/jre/lib/amd64
   java.vm.version                   25.141-b15
   java.vm.vendor                    Oracle Corporation
   path.separator                    :                      OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
   file.encoding.pkg                             US                 SUN_STANDARD
   sun.os.patch.level                unknown        Java Virtual Machine Specification
   user.dir                          /home/archbox/Documents/projects/jarget.scala
   java.runtime.version              1.8.0_141-b15
   java.awt.graphicsenv              sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment
   java.endorsed.dirs                /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/jre/lib/endorsed
   os.arch                           amd64                    /tmp

   java.vm.specification.vendor      Oracle Corporation                           Linux
   sun.jnu.encoding                  UTF-8
   java.library.path                 /usr/java/packages/lib/amd64:/usr/lib64:/lib64:...           Java Platform API Specification
   java.class.version                52.0           HotSpot 64-Bit Tiered Compilers
   os.version                        4.9.31-1-MANJARO
   user.home                         /home/archbox
   java.awt.printerjob               sun.print.PSPrinterJob
   file.encoding                     UTF-8
   java.specification.version        1.8
   java.class.path                   /home/archbox/bin/jarget                         archbox
   java.vm.specification.version     1.8                  /home/archbox/bin/jarget -system prop
   java.home                         /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/jre               64
   user.language                     en
   java.specification.vendor         Oracle Corporation
   awt.toolkit                       sun.awt.X11.XToolkit                      mixed mode
   java.version                      1.8.0_141
   java.ext.dirs                     /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/jre/lib/ext:/usr/ja...
   sun.boot.class.path               /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/jre/lib/resources.j...
   java.vendor                       Oracle Corporation
   file.separator                    /
   java.vendor.url.bug                UnicodeLittle
   sun.cpu.endian                    little
   -----------------------------     --------------------------------------------------

On Windows:

C:\Users\archbox\Desktop>java -jar jarget utils prop
   Java Property                     Value
   -----------------------------     --------------------------------------------------                 Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
   sun.boot.library.path             C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_162\jre\bin
   java.vm.version                   25.162-b12
   java.vm.vendor                    Oracle Corporation
   path.separator                    ;                      Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
   file.encoding.pkg                             US
   user.script                 SUN_STANDARD
   sun.os.patch.level        Java Virtual Machine Specification
   user.dir                          C:\Users\archbox\Desktop
   java.runtime.version              1.8.0_162-b12
   java.awt.graphicsenv              sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment
   java.endorsed.dirs                C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_162\jre\lib\endo...
   os.arch                           amd64                    C:\Users\archbox\AppData\Local\Temp\

   java.vm.specification.vendor      Oracle Corporation
   user.variant                           Windows 10
   sun.jnu.encoding                  Cp1252
   java.library.path                 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_162\bin;C:\Windo...           Java Platform API Specification
   java.class.version                52.0           HotSpot 64-Bit Tiered Compilers
   os.version                        10.0
   user.home                         C:\Users\archbox
   file.encoding                     Cp1252
   java.specification.version        1.8
   java.class.path                   jarget                         archbox
   java.vm.specification.version     1.8                  jarget utils -prop
   java.home                         C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_162\jre               64
   user.language                     en
   java.specification.vendor         Oracle Corporation
   awt.toolkit                                   mixed mode
   java.version                      1.8.0_162
   java.ext.dirs                     C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_162\jre\lib\ext;...
   sun.boot.class.path               C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_162\jre\lib\reso...
   java.vendor                       Oracle Corporation
   sun.stderr.encoding               cp437
   file.separator                    \
   java.vendor.url.bug                UnicodeLittle
   sun.cpu.endian                    little
   sun.stdout.encoding               cp437
   sun.desktop                       windows
   sun.cpu.isalist                   amd64
   -----------------------------     --------------------------------------------------

Show Path to Program

  • $ jarget utils expath <program>
$ jarget utils expath java

$ jarget utils expath jarget

Show Platform Information

  • jarget utils -info

Output on Linux:

$ jarget utils info

Operating System              = Linux
Operating System Version      = 4.14.16-200.fc26.x86_64
Operating System Architecture = amd64
Number of processors          = 4 cores
Processor endianess           = little

OS Path Separators and File Encoding

- path.separator  = ':'
- file.separator  = '/'
- line.separator  =  '\n' - LF
- file.enconding  =  UTF-8

Java Runtime

- java.vm.specification.version = 1.8
- java.runtime.version          = 1.8.0_161-b14
-                  = OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
- java.home                     = /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-

Output on Windows 10:

C:\Users\archbox\Desktop>java -jar jarget utils info

Operating System              = Windows 10
Operating System Version      = 10.0
Operating System Architecture = amd64
Number of processors          = 1 cores
Processor endianess           = little

OS Path Separators and File Encoding

- path.separator  = ';'
- file.separator  = '\'
- line.separator  =  '\r\n' - CRLF
- file.enconding  =  Cp1252

Java Runtime

- java.vm.specification.version = 1.8
- java.runtime.version          = 1.8.0_162-b12
-                  = Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
- java.home                     = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_162\jre


Jarget - Toolbox for Java Platform to build uber jars, get information about jar files and download jars libraries from Maven Central.








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