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🍊 A statically typed, compiled programming language, largely inspired by Jai, Odin, and Zig.


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The Capy Programming Language

A programming language made to explore Compile-Time Execution and Runtime Reflection, largely inspired by Jai, Odin, and Zig.

core :: #mod("core");

greeting :: "Hello, World!";

main :: () -> i32 {

    // exit with code 0

From examples/hello_world.capy

Getting Started

First clone this repo,

git clone
cd capy

Then install the capy command with cargo,

cargo install --path crates/capy

Make sure you have either zig or gcc installed (they are used for linking to libc),

Then compile and run your code!

capy run examples/hello_world.capy


Variables are declared like this,

wizard_name: str = "Gandalf";

// alternatively, the compiler can figure out the type for you

wizard_name := "Gandalf";

Variables can also be made immutable. This prevents them from being updated by other code. Once immutable variables are created, they never change. They can be created by using :: instead of :=

age: i32 : 42; // age will stay the same forever!

// like before, you can let the compiler figure out the type for you

age :: 42;

Certain other languages have const definitions AND immutable variables. Capy combines these two concepts together. They are both defined the same way, using ::.

Variables can also shadow each other. So later definitions will replace earlier definitions that have the same name,

foo := true;
core.println(foo);  // will print "true"

foo :: 5;
core.println(foo);  // now, this will print "5"

foo := "Hullo :3";
core.println(foo);  // now, this will print "Hullo :3"

The value of a variable can be omitted and a default/zero value will be supplied.

milk : f64;      // without a value, this defaults to 0.0
letter : char;   // without a value, this defaults to '\0'
number : i32;    // without a value, this defaults to 0

// etc. for the other types (excluding pointers and enums)

Casting is done with type.(value)

age_int: i32 = 33;

age_float := f32.(age_int); // casts age_int -> f32

letter := char.(age_int);   // casts age_float -> char

Arrays are created like this,

the_numbers: [6]i32 = i32.[4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42];

the_numbers[2] = 10;

But what happens if we want to change the size of the_numbers? Unfortunately since the_numbers has a type of [6]i32, we can't :(

But there is a way to do it. We can use slices!

Slices are a type of reference that can hold an array of any possible size. They look very similar but lack a length within the square brackets.

the_numbers: []i32 = i32.[1, 2, 3];
the_numbers: []i32 = i32.[4, 5, 6, 7, 8];

the_numbers[2] = 10;

Arrays can automatically cast themselves to slices, which is what's happening above. If we want to convert a slice back into a fixed array we have to do the cast explicitly,

// start with a fixed array
the_numbers: [3]i32 = i32.[2, 4, 8];

// automagically turn it into a slice
my_slice: []i32 = the_numbers;

// manually cast it back to an array
the_numbers: [3]i32 = [3]i32.(my_slice);

In Capy, pointers can be mutable or immutable, just like Rust.

foo := 5;
bar := ^mut foo;

bar^ = 10;

core.println(foo);  // prints "10"

Unlike Rust however, there are currently no borrow checking rules like "either one mutable reference or many const references".

Mutable pointers greatly improve the readability of code, and allow one to see at a glance the side-effects of a function.


Types are first-class in Capy. They can be put inside variables, passed to functions, printed, etc. Structs are just values put within immutable variables:

Person :: struct {
    name: str,
    age: i32

gandalf := Person.{
    name = "Gandalf",
    age = 2000,

// birthday!
gandalf.age = gandalf.age + 1;

Types can also be created with the distinct keyword, which creates a new type with the same underlying semantics of its sub type.

Seconds :: distinct i32;

foo : Seconds = 42;
bar : i32 = 12;

bar = foo; // ERROR! Seconds != i32

And since types are first-class, type aliases are easy:

My_Int :: i32;

foo : My_Int = 42;
bar : i32 = 12;

bar = foo; // yay! My_Int == i32 :)

It is important to note that in order to actually use a variable as a type, it must be const, or, "known at compile-time." Otherwise, the compiler will throw an error as it's impossible to compile a variable whose type might change at runtime,

My_Int := i32;

if random_num() % 2 == 0 {
    My_Int = i64;

x : My_Int = 42; // ERROR! My_Int's value might change at runtime! uncompilable!

There are two requirements which determine if a variable is const.

  1. It must be immutable.
  2. It must either contain a literal value, a reference to another const variable, or a comptime block.

Const variables can also be used for enum discriminants (explained later) and array sizes.

Enums are an incredibly useful construct for dealing with varying state, and representing optional or error values. In Capy enums can be declared as follows,

Dessert :: enum {

bobs_order  : Dessert = Dessert.Chocolate_Cake.();
johns_order : Dessert = Dessert.Ice_Cream.();
mikes_order : Dessert = Dessert.Milkshake.();

Enums can also have additional data associated with each variant, and this data can be extracted using switch statements

Web_Event :: enum {
    Key_Press: char,
    Paste: str,
    Click: struct {
        x: i64,
        y: i64,

pressed : Web_Event = Web_Event.Key_Press.('x');
pasted : Web_Event = Web_Event.Paste.("hi hi hi :)");
clicked : Web_Event = Web_Event.Click.{
    x = 20,
    y = 80

switch e in clicked {
    Page_Load => core.println("page loaded"),
    Page_Unload => core.println("page unloaded"),
    Key_Press => {
        // type_of(e) == char
        core.println("pressed key: ", e);
    Paste => {
        // type_of(e) == str
        core.println("pasted: ", e);
    Click => {
        // type_of(e) == struct { x: i64, y: i64 }
        core.println("clicked at x=", e.x, ", y=", e.y);

As you can see, switches accept a parameter (e, in this case), and the type of that parameter actually changes depending on the branch.

One of the unique things about Capy's enums is that each variant of the enum is actually its own unique type. When you define the variants Web_Event.Click, Web_Event.Paste, Dessert.Chocolate_Cake, etc. inside an enum {} block you are actually creating entirely new types. You can reference and instantiate these types just like any other type.

special_click_related_code :: (click_event: Web_Event.Click) {

It's very similar to creating distincts. The only real difference is that enums allow you to mix the different variants together.

Being able to operate on each variant as its own type can be quite useful, and doing things like this in Rust can be a hassle.

Extra enum stuff

If you're doing FFI and you need to specify the discriminant you can do that with |

Error :: enum {
    IO: i32     | 10, // i32 is the file handle
    Caught_Fire | 20,
    Exploded    | 30,
    Buggy_Code  | 40,

In memory, the discriminant is always a u8 that comes after the payload of the enum itself. Reflection can be used to see what the byte offset of the discriminant is. core/meta.capy

examples/enums_and_switch_statements.capy contains more examples

With that, here are all the possible types data can have in Capy:

  1. Signed integers (i8, i16, i32, i64, i128, isize)
  2. Unsigned integers (u8, u16, u32, u64, u128, usize)
  3. Floating-point numbers (f32, f64)
  4. bool
  5. str
  6. char
  7. Fixed arrays ([6]i32, [3]f32, [10]bool, etc.)
  8. Slices ([]i32, []f32, []bool, etc.)
  9. Pointers (^i32, ^f32, ^mut bool, etc.)
  10. Distincts (distinct i32, distinct f32, distinct bool, etc.)
  11. Structs (struct { a: i32, b: i32 }, struct { foo: str }, etc.)
  12. Enums (enum { Foo: i32, Bar: str, Baz: bool }, etc.)
  13. Variants (each variant of an enum is a unique type, like distincts)
  14. Functions (() -> void, (x: i32) -> bool, etc.)
  15. Files (when you import a file, that file is actually its own type)
  16. type (types are first-class and i32 when used as a value has the type type)
  17. any (a reference type, explained later)
  18. rawptr, mut rawptr (opaque pointers, like void* in C)
  19. rawslice (an opaque slice)
  20. void

You can also look through core/meta.capy, which contains reflection related code and documentation for all of Capy's types.


One of the most powerful features of Capy is its arbitrary compile-time execution. This allows you to run any code at compile-time, returning whatever data you wish.

math :: #mod("core").math;

powers_of_two := comptime {
    // array with default value (all zeros)
    array : [3]i32;

    array[0] = math.pow_i32(2, 1);
    array[1] = math.pow_i32(2, 2);
    array[2] = math.pow_i32(2, 3);


One of the most sacred promises Capy tries its best to keep is any code that can be run at runtime, can also be run at compile-time. There are no special const functions to be found here. Mine for crypto, play a video game, or anything else your heart desires within a comptime block. Or at least, that's the end goal. A few wrinkles haven't been fully ironed out yet, like returning pointers and functions from comptime blocks.

Types work well with compile-time execution, and can be arbitrarily calculated by whatever code you want,

My_Type :: comptime {
    if random_num() % 2 == 0 {
    } else {

x : My_Type = 42;

This obviously isn't the most useful example. Something more pragmatic but far too complex to fit in a readme might be an ORM that automatically downloads the latest schema and uses it to assemble its struct types.

As this feature continues to be fleshed out, this will become the basis of Capy's compile-time generic system.


Reflection is another powerful feature of Capy, and powers the language's runtime generic system.

All types in a Capy program become 32 bit IDs at runtime. The meta file of the core module contains reflection related code for inspecting these IDs and getting information such as the length of an array type,

array_type := [3]i32;

switch info in meta.get_type_info(array_type) {
    Array => {
        core.assert(info.len    == 3);
        core.assert(info.sub_ty == i32);
    _ => {}

The size of an integer type,

int_type := i16;

switch info in meta.get_type_info(int_type) {
    Int => {
        core.assert(info.bit_width == 16);
        core.assert(info.signed    == true);
    _ => {}

The members of a struct,

struct_type := struct {
    foo: str

switch info in meta.get_type_info(struct_type) {
    Struct => {
        first := info.members[0];
        core.assert(core.str_eq(,    "foo"));
        core.assert(first.ty                == str);
        core.assert(first.offset            == 0);
    _ => {}

And anything else you'd like to know about your types.

This information is supplied in a few global arrays at both runtime and compile-time, meaning that reflection works within both.

This functionality powers the any type, which can represent any possible value.

count        : any = 5;
should_start : any = true;
greeting     : any = "Hi";


any is a reference type, and internally contains a type ID and a rawptr. Using reflection on the type ID is what allows functions like core.println to know what to do with the given pointer.

Reflection is extremely useful, and allows for things like a debug function that doesn't need to be implemented manually for all types (like Rust), or making it easy to serialize and deserialize structs.

If comptime powers Capy's compile-time generic system, reflection powers Capy's runtime generic system.

In the future reflection will be made to embrace functions. When user-defined annotations are added, this will result in automation far more powerful than Rust macros.


The defer statement allows you to code in the future by moving the given expression to the end of the current scope.

The expression in a defer is guarenteed to run, regardless of any breaks or returns.

    my_file := open_file("foo.txt");
    defer close_file(my_file);

    // do a bunch of stuff with file

} // `close_file` gets run here

Defers are "first in, last out". So later defers will run before earlier defers.

file_manager := alloc_manager();
defer free_manager(file_manager); := open_file("foo.txt");
defer close_file(;

// foo is closed, and *then* the file manager is freed


Every Capy program must contain a main function. It is the entry point of the program. This function's signature can be written in multiple ways; it can return either void or an integer type.

// this is valid
main :: () { ... };

// this is also valid
main :: () -> u32 { ... };

/// this isn't :(
main :: () -> bool { ... };

In Capy, almost everything is first-class, and that includes functions. Functions can be put within variables and bindings just like any other value.

add :: (x: i32, y: i32) -> i32 {
    x + y

mul :: (x: i32, y: i32) -> i32 {
    x * y

apply_2_and_3 :: (func: (x: i32, y: i32) -> i32) -> i32 {
    func(2, 3)


Lambdas, or anonymous functions, are extremely useful in many programming languages. This one singular lambda syntax allows for far more consistency and easier code evolution than the two separate syntaxes for lambdas and functions many languages are forced to go with.

Compiler Directives

Capy uses compiler directives to do special operations that couldn't be achieved with regular functions.

#import and #mod are used to refer to other files in your program. Just like types, They are first-class values. #import refers to a source file, relative to the current file, whereas #mod refers to a specific module in the global modules directory.

my_file :: #import("some_file.capy");
core    :: #mod("core");

The modules directory can be changed via the --mod-dir flag, and if it lacks a "core" subfolder one will automatically be downloaded from this repository.

#unwrap asserts that an enum is a certain variant, and panics otherwise.

clicked : Web_Event = Web_Event.Click.{
    x = 20,
    y = 80

unwrapped : Web_Event.Click = #unwrap(clicked, Web_Event.Click); 

The examples folder contains a lot more, and it gives a much better idea of what the language looks like in practice.


Currently, either zig or gcc must be installed for the compiler to work. They are used for linking to libc and producing a proper executable.

If you want to use libc functions, define them with extern (look in core/libc.capy for examples). Variadic functions do not work. You could try explicitly defining a function like printf to take 3 arguments, but this won't work for floats, which are passed into variadic functions differently depending on the calling convention. Cranelift is currently working on adding variadic support, so that will be added in the future.

While the end goal is to make any code than can run outside of a comptime block be allowed to run within a comptime block, this is easier said than done. printf in particular cannot be run at compile-time. Although things like this are being worked on.

If you find any bugs in the compiler, please be sure to make an issue about it and it'll be addressed as soon as possible.

Shout Outs

Big shout out to Luna Razzaghipour, the structure of this entire codebase is largely based on gingerbread and eldiro. Her help in teaching how programming languages really work is immeasurable and I'm very thankful.

Big shout out to lenawanel, she's been an enormous help in testing the limits of the language and improving the compiler in so many ways. Due to her help the language has really expanded to new heights.

Big shout out to cranelift. Trying to get LLVM on windows was just way too much effort for me and cranelift made all my dreams come true.

I know the cranelift documentation isn't the greatest, so if anyone wants to use this repo to see how I've implemented higher-level features such as arrays, structs, first class functions, etc. then it's all in crates/codegen.

This project was made by NotAFlyingGoose :)


Capy is open to contributions! See on how you can contribute. This file also explains how Capy's codebase internally works, so even if you don't plan on contributing it might be a good read.


The Capy Programming Language is licensed under the Apache License (Version 2.0) with Runtime Library Exception or the MIT license, at your option. See LICENSE-APACHE and LICENSE-MIT for details.

It is Copyright (c) The Capy Programming Language Contributors.

The Runtime Library Exception makes it clear that end users of the Capy compiler don’t have to attribute their use of Capy in their finished binary application, game, or service. End-users of the Capy programming language should feel unrestricted to create great software. The full text of this exception follows:

As an exception, if you use this Software to compile your source code and
portions of this Software are embedded into the binary product as a result,
you may redistribute such product without providing attribution as would
otherwise be required by Sections 4(a), 4(b) and 4(d) of the License.

This exception can also be found at the bottom of the LICENSE-APACHE file. This is the same exception used by the Swift programming language.

The capybara logo was AI generated by, who own the rights to it. It can be used in this non-commercial setting with attribution to them.


🍊 A statically typed, compiled programming language, largely inspired by Jai, Odin, and Zig.




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