PuppyGit is A Git Client for Android, Open Source and No Ads and Free to use
PuppyGit made by Bandeapart1964 of catpuppyapp
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I appreciate every sponsor and user. You give me faith and make me feel that I've done something meaningful!
Clone A Repo
Obisdian + PuppyGit
Markor + PuppyGit
Markdown Preview
Switch DarkMode and Chinese
Resolve Conflicts/Squash Commits
Auto Sync Obsidian Vault
PuppyGit + Tasker

PS:If you are an old user, maybe you was saw "PuppyGit Pro",and now it's disappeared, Don't worry, No Difference Of "PuppyGit Pro" and "PuppyGit", just changed the name for simple.
Not only sync codes, You can use PuppyGit sync your notes repository create by note-taking apps like: Obsidian / Markor or Other!
also see: Auto Sync Obsidian Vault
You can call PuppyGit by Tasker via Http Request, check the demo video: PuppyGit + Tasker
If your github/gitlab or other platforms account enabled 2fa, you may need create a personal access token instead your password
github create personal access token
gitlab create personal access token
- fetch
- merge
- pull
- push
- files explorer
- simple file editor (only utf8 supported)
- commit history (git log)
- shallow clone(git clone with depth)
- rebase
- cherry-pick
- patch
- reflog
- tags
- stashes
- remotes
- branches
- submodules
- squash commits
- reset
- resolve conflicts
- markdown preview
- auto pull/push when enter/exit specified apps(useful for auto sync note taking app like obsidian/markor)
- call pull/push/sync by tasker or other automation tools via http service
when first time connect to an unkown host, PuppyGit will ask you allow/reject as default, its more safty, also, if you want, you can allow unknown hosts by default, just checkout the Settings page.
note: PuppyGit only require private key and passphrase for connect to remote repo by ssh, it doesn't support generate ssh keys, if you want to generate ssh keys on android, try another app of mine: Ssh Key Man
see: #4
see: #11
import project to Android Studio, then build, that's all. (android NDK is required)
The workflow describe how to build libs and the apk
I recommend every user set a master password, it will used to encrypt password/passphrase of your credentials, you can set it on Settings screen. If you don't set master password, will use a public default password encrypt your credential, it is not enough safe cause it is public and actually no way hidden it.
- find the
in theres/values-your_language_code
- update it
- send pr
- Download strings.xml
- Translate the file's values to your language, e.g.
<help>help translate</help>
- Create an issue attaching the file you was translated, the issue should tell which language you translated to
Then I'll add your language into PuppyGit in further version, after added, if have new strings need translate, you can simple update existed res/vlaues-your_language_code/strings.xml
in the PuppyGit project then send a pr to update it.
The string in strings.xml like "ph_a3f241dc_NUMBER" are place holders, the last NUMBER is order, e.g. a string resource <str1>name: ph_a3f241dc_1, age: ph_a3f241dc_2</str1>
, will replaced when running, it maybe will show as: "name: abc, age: 123"
, if you have mistake with the order number, e.g.<str1>name: ph_a3f241dc_2, age: ph_a3f241dc_1</str1>
, it may cause app show wrong text like "name: 123, age: abc"
this project has many chinese comments, and some comments are out-of-date or nonsense, I have no plan clean them, but if you read the codes, and you wonder know some comments meaning, try translator or ask me is ok
The PuppyGit logo designed by Bandeapart1964(myself)
The Git Logo in PuppyGit logo is created by Jason Long, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. (The Git Logo)
The libgit2.so
built from libgit2 1.9.0(LICENSE)
The libssh2.so
built from libssh2 1.11.1(LICENSE)
The libgit24j.so
's source code is edited from Git24j and A fork of Git24j(LICENSE)(I've sent pr after I made changes and tested)
The libcrypto.so
and libssl.so
built from openssl 3.4.0(LICENSE)
The Editor of PuppyGit is modified from kaleidot725's text-editor-compose(LICENSE)
The Log class MyLog
changed from: changyiqiang's blog
The MIMEType
related util classes copied from ZhangHai's Material Files(LICENSE)
The function FsUtil.openFileEditFirstIfFailedThenTryView()
origin version copied from MGit FsUtil.openFile()(LICENSE)
The PermissionUtils
copied from Neo-Backup PermissionUtils class(LICENSE)