Scan GitHub Workflow logs for IOCs from the tj-actions/changed-files breach.
- This script should not be seen as a universal detector of compromise; rather, a single result likely indicates that other Workflow runs in the search window were also compromised
- If the script detects base64 content in a Workflow's run logs as well as consecutive empty lines (no secrets leaked from the compromised action), then only the base64 data will be returned
- This script will scan either an organization's or a repository's Workflow run logs for IOCs (double base64-encoded strings) and will attempt to decode them
- This script was adapated from a mess of Python code that was built to scan the entirety of GitHub so there may be quirks or bugs
- Since Workflows may no longer use the Action, this script just lists all Workflows and searches the logs during the period of time when the Action was compromised
- This script is intended to be run using a short-lived GitHub Token from
- chainctl installed to handle ephemeral authentication
The ID required for the trust policy can be retrieved with:
$ chainctl auth status -o json | jq .identity | tr -d '"'
The policy file will look something like this:
# Use ONE of subject or subject_pattern
subject: <ID from above>
subject_pattern: (<ID from above>)
email: ".*"
actions: read
contents: read
-cache string
Path to JSON cache file (default "cache.json")
Reset the findings cache
-csv string
Path to final CSV output file
-end string
End time for workflow run filtering (RFC3339) (default "2025-03-16T00:00:00Z")
-json string
Path to final JSON output file
-start string
Start time for workflow run filtering (RFC3339) (default "2025-03-14T00:00:00Z")
-target string
Organization name or owner/repository (e.g. octocat/Hello-World)
-token string
GitHub Personal Access Token
For example:
$ chainctl auth octo-sts --scope chainguard-dev/tj-scan --identity ephemerality -- go run cmd/tj-scan/main.go -target owner/repo -json="final.json" -csv="final.csv"
2025/03/18 11:27:59 INFO Found 1 repositories to scan
2025/03/18 11:27:59 INFO No existing cache found at cache.json, starting fresh
Results will be saved in the results/