The site that used to be found at, before the humourless jackasses at The Guardian had it taken down via takedown notice.
Lest this parody gem be lost to history (unlikely, but you never know) I downloaded the source files from the Internet Archive Wayback Machine, cleaned it all up a little, and fixed all the internal links so that there are no external dependencies.
You should just be able to download, and double click index.html to launch in your desktop browser.
If using Safari on macOS, you will likely need to disable local file restrictions in order to be able to run the above.
If you don’t have a Develop
menu available in your Safari menu bar, you will first need to enable it. Go to Safari’s preferences, and on the Advanced tab, enable Show Develop menu in menu bar

Then, from the Develop
menu, enable Disable Local File Restrictions

Regrettably, the Internet Archive Wayback Machine only captured a handful of pundit headshots (24 to be exact). Trying to use the others just raises a not found error.
When I get a moment, I might go over to The Guardian website and see if the others can be retrieved and added. It seems such a shame to not be able to avail ourselves of all the massive talent that newspaper can supply.
Link to Press Gazette article “Guardian takes legal action to shut down parody headline generator”
Source code originally from:
A certain anonymous donor has provided most of the missing pictures, and there were a few left which I just bodged up myself with images found via Google.
So a huge “thank you very much!” to our anonymous benefactor, and may the headlining continue merrily upon its way… 😀