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I originally wrote a blog system in Rust, but it was terrible, so I rewrote it in a more familiar language. This project should be used as a personal blog, meaning you should be the only person who uses it. But if you want more than one to use it, go right ahead. That's fine too.
The Codebase follows the Vertical Slice Architecture, or at least it tries. All contributions are appreciated thank you.
You can modify anything to your liking.
For the program to work PostgreSQL must be running and be configured inside the Web/appsettings.json
before execution.
- Install PostgreSQL 15.3
- Install .NET 7 SDK
- Blazor Server
git clone
cd simpleblog
# Build
dotnet build
# Run
cd Web
dotnet run
# Unit tests
dotnet test Tests/Tests.csproj
# Publish
dotnet publish Web/Web.csproj --configuration Release
Please before running the migration commands ensure that Postgres is RUNNING && CONFIGURED inside appsettings.json
# Run directly from root folder. ./simpleblog
dotnet ef migrations add "InitialMigration" --project Application --startup-project Web --output-dir Infrastructure/Persistence/Migrations
dotnet ef database update --project Application --startup-project Web
If you plan to host your site on a pathbase, please continue reading. If not, don't worry.
Here's an example.
✅ and have a pathbase..
❌ and do not have a pathbase.
- Go to
- Add
make sure you change/pathbase
to your PathBase
If you would like the user to only be able to sign in with a confirmed account, please follow the instructions.
- Go to
- change
options.SignIn.RequireConfirmedAccount = false
- change
options.SignIn.RequireConfirmedEmail = false
I preferably just want commits from #first-timers-only
. But contributions from anyone is welcomed.
- Bug Fixes (love it)
- Features (you shouldn't have)
- More tests (i'm sorry)