Python 3 program to read temperature and humidity from a TEMPerHUM USB sensor on a Raspberry Pi
In a Raspberry Pi, terminal or ssh session, run the following commands, you can ignore the first one, if you already have git installed.
sudo apt-get install git
git clone
cd temperhum
At a command prompt enter
This should return the temperature, in Celsius and the humidity, in the format below
23.9C 38%
Various options can be given on the command line, see the --help option listing below --help
Usage: [OPTION]
Reads the temperature and humidity from a PCSensor, TEMPerHum, USB sensor, USB ID 413d:2107
--help shows this :-)
--version displays version information and exits
--f output temperature in Fahrenheit, default is Celsius
--nosymbols do not show C, F or %
--raw include the raw data from the sensor in the output, as hex bytes
--debug turn on debugging output
--reattach if the usb device is attached to a kernel driver, default is to detach it,
and leave it that way, this option forces a reattach to the kernel driver on exit
for example --f --nosymbols
will return the temperature in Fahrenheit and the humidity, without any symbols, as below
75.2 38