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Source code for the Way Of The Hunter Toolbox web application


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This interactive web application contains a suite of tools that can be used while playing Way Of The Hunter.

It allows you to:

  • Choose the most appropriate weapons to hunt every animal in the game.
  • See which animals you can hunt with each individual weapon.
  • View life cycles of all animals and birds (drinking, feeding and sleeping times).
  • Discover locations of all animals birds as well as their need zones on both in-game maps.

Maps feature official data supplied by Nine Rocks Games and THQ Nordic.

Toolbox can be accessed by visiting

Animals: Usage


To start choose an animal that you are planning to hunt from the sidebar on the left. Once an animal is selected the right side of the page will be populated with information about the animal such as its English and Latin names, a short description, its tier and the recommended hit energy (RHE) in joules that should be used when hunting it.

Under this information you will find a table listing all available weapons and their hit energy ratings at various distances in meters (50, 100, 150, 200 and 300).

Shotguns have no hit energy values associated with them and are only included for the sake of having all in-game weapons listed.

Animals: Reading results

Values highlighted in green indicate the most optimal (ethical) hit energy values for the currently selected animal at the respective distance.

Values highlighted in orange indicate hit energy values that fall within 10% of the RHE range (i.e. values that are suboptimal but still mostly applicable to the currently selected animal).

How are suboptimal values calculated?

RHE range is the difference between the minimum RHE value and the maximum one. E.g. for chamois the RHE is between 1,323 and 3,439 joules, which means that the range is 2,116 joules (3,439 - 1,323 = 2,116).

10% of this value is 212 (due to rounding up or down to the nearest whole number). That means that anything that is...

  • between 1,111 (1,323 - 212) and 1,323
  • OR
  • between 3,439 and 3,651 (3,439 + 212)

...will be highlighted in orange and considered to be a suboptimal hit energy ( yet still acceptable).

All other values that are neither optimal nor suboptimal will be grayed out to indicate that they are not ethical for the current animal at those distances.

Names of weapons that are ethical at ALL listed distances will be highlighted to make it easier to find them at a glance.

Animals: Usage example

Let's use fallow deer as an example.

To find weapons that are the most ethical when hunting these animals up to 300 meters first select "Fallow Deer" from the sidebar on the left. Once done so, you will see that the recommended hit energy values are between 1,462 and 3,510 joules:

Recommended Hit Energy

Now let's look at the weapon results:

Tier 2

You will instantly notice that none of the weapons in tier 2 are applicable as all their values are grayed out due to having insufficient hit energy at all distances.

Tier 3

Steyr Scout in tier 3, however, is perfectly usable up to 150 meters, albeit the values are rather close to the lower end of the RHE range. Values at 200 and 300 meters are just outside the recommended hit energy for fallow deer but should still yield a successful harvest granted you land a hit on vital organs.

Tier 4

Going further down in the list you will see that Grandpa's Old Rifle is similar in its hit energy to Steyr Scout but is slightly weaker and no longer optimal at 150 meters. Still usable at 0-100 meters though.

Tier 5

Now, tier 5, being the same tier as the animal itself (as displayed at the top of the page), expectedly contains quite a few rifles that we can use. You can see that four weapons are fully optimal at all ranges (Remington 783, Steyr Monoblock, Steyr Pro Hunter and Steyr Pro Hunter II) and are perfect for hunting fallow deer. Remington 1903 is a complete overkill up to 50 meters but is mostly alright at 100 meters. Distances further than that are optimal.

Tier 6

Finally, as you can see none of the tier 6 weapons should be used for hunting fallow deer as their hit energy values far exceed the recommended ones. Remington 673 Guide Rifle could be used at 300 meters but is unethical at anything less than that, which makes it a bad choice.



Firearms page is identical in its logic to the Animals page, except instead of seeing which firearms are applicable to each animal it shows which animals you can hunt with each individual firearm.

Likewise, energy rating symbolic remains the same as on the Animals page - optimal hit energy values are highlighted in green, whilst suboptimal values are highlighted in orange. Greyed out values mean that it is not ethical to use the currently selected weapon for that animal at the indicated range.

Life Cycle

Life Cycle

This page displays activity of every species at each hour of the day (00-23). You can see when animals and birds drink, feed or sleep thus making targeting correct need zones that much easier.

When hovering over individual life cycle activities (or alternatively tapping on mobile devices) activities of all other species will also be highlighted at the same hour making it easy to see what other animals are doing at the same time.

Additionally animals can be filtered by the map they are available on. To change the target map simply click on one of the buttons at the top of the page.


Just like all the other online maps you have used before maps can be panned by dragging them with your mouse or zoomed in and out by scrolling your mouse wheel up and down. They currently do not support pinch-zooming on touch devices so please use the +/- buttons available in the top right corner instead.

Maps display generic markers like lodges, shooting ranges, camps, hunting stands, views and echoes as well as locations and need zones of all animals and birds.

Need Zones

Displaying need zones

To show all need zones of an animal (or bird) group simply click or tap on the animal marker.

By default, when need zones of one animal are expanded zones of all other animals are hidden to avoid cluttering the map with irrelevant information. To override this behavior and expand multiple animal need zones at once hold Ctrl button (or Cmd on MacOS) on your keyboard while clicking on markers:



Maps support showing or hiding individual marker types to make it easier to find animals you're looking for.

To access the filter simply click on the "eye" icon in the top left of the page. Next, click on individual filter options to show or hide markers of that type ( when no filters are selected all markers are shown on the map). Alternatively click on group headers (General or Animals) to toggle all markers in that group on or off.


Note: if only one type of markers is selected they will be visible even when the map is fully zoomed out. This can be useful if you want to see all locations of one specific animal at once without having to pan the map.

Tracking and management

For those of you who like to keep track of individual herds - you can now do so! The marker editor can be opened by Shift-clicking on an animal marker, after which a panel will slide out from the right side of the page.

If you're on a touch-enabled device like tablet or phone simply press and hold on the icon instead (as there is no Shift key available).

Marker Editor

In this panel you will be able to do the following:

  • Add custom comments
  • Change marker's color
  • Manage noteworthy specimens

Choosing custom marker color
To pick a color first choose the desired hue by dragging your mouse cursor over the colored bar above the color code and then drag your mouse around the larger area above it to pick a specific tone.

Managing specimens
This section allows you to build a list of noteworthy specimen for easier tracking.

To add a new animal to the list first select its age by clicking on one of the three buttons at the top (Young, Adult or Mature) followed by choosing its trophy rating and sex from the row below. Buttons M1 to M5 denote 1-5 star males, whilst F denotes females. Finish by clicking the "Confirm" button.

Animals in the list will first be sorted by sex, followed by their trophy ratings. Females will be displayed at the end of the list whilst also sorted by their age.

Saving changes
Once you are done click the "Ok" button at the bottom of the panel to save your changes and close the editor. To open it again simply click on the same animal icon on the map while holding Shift.

To close the editor without applying any changes simply click on the X button in the top right.

Deleting marker data
To remove custom data from a marker open the editor and click on the "Clear" button at the bottom of the panel.

As you can see from the screenshot below each herd can be colored individually:

Animal Colors

Where is animal data stored?

Any changes you make to the map are ONLY stored locally in the current browser's local storage as there is no server side to this application. That means that even if you switch to a different browser none of the changes you made in the first browser will be visible. Similarly, if you switch to another device (e.g. your laptop or PC or tablet) you will not see any notes or custom colors if they were added on a different device so keep that in mind when starting out mass documenting your animal herds!


Application is available in the following languages:

  • Chinese Simplified
  • Chinese Traditional
  • Czech
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Hindi
  • Indonesian
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Polish
  • Portuguese (Brazil) by Flyskin
  • Russian
  • Slovak
  • Spanish
  • Turkish

If your native language is in the list and you have configured it as the primary language in your browser the application will automatically be displayed in said language when you visit it. To choose a different language access the settings by clicking on the cog icon in the top right corner of the page and change it by selecting another language from the list in the panel that opens.

In this panel you will also be able to adjust marker sizes for all maps:


Nez Perce Valley

Contains locations of all animals, birds as well as their need zones on the Nez Perce Valley map. Please see the "Maps" section for more information on map features and usage.

Nez Perce Valley


Contains locations of all animals, birds as well as their need zones on the Transylvania map. Please see the "Maps" section for more information on map features and usage.


Aurora Shores

Contains locations of all animals, birds as well as their need zones on the Aurora Shores (Alaska) map. Please see the "Maps" section for more information on map features and usage.


Tikamoon Plains

Contains locations of all animals, birds as well as their need zones on the Tikamoon Plains (Africa) map. Please see the "Maps" section for more information on map features and usage.



This application was primarily designed to be used on desktop browsers, however, it is a responsive web application, which means that the layout and page elements are dynamically adjusted to fit on all screen sizes. As a result the application also works perfectly well on tablets and mobile devices.

It is an open-source application so anyone willing to contribute new features is more than welcome to do so on GitHub.

Hope you enjoy using the application and please share your thoughts and ideas on Steam!

Version History

Due to it growing in size application's version history has been moved to project's wiki page and can be found here: