use muti process worker do tasks quickily and easily.
provide child process work space ,you can do task in child work space in onWork function .
also it provide functions to get work content quickily and easily ,you can see MultiProcessWorker::getWorkContentByIdMode
and MultiProcessWorker::getWorkContentByOffsetMode
php > 7.1.3
ext-pcntl enabled
ext-swoole optional
$ composer require cr-mao/multi-process-worker
use Crmao\MultiProcessWorker\MultiProcessWorker;
$workNum = 4;
$worker = new MultiProcessWorker($workNum, MultiProcessWorker::modePcntl);
//$worker = new MultiProcessWorker($workNum, MultiProcessWorker::modeSwooleProcess);
$worker->onWork = function ($workPage, $pid) use ($workNum) {
echo PHP_EOL;
echo "工作空间编号:{$workPage},进程id:{$pid}" . PHP_EOL;
//提供便捷函数,快速获得任务内容 ,模式一:id模式
list($beginId, $endId, $isLastWorkPage) = MultiProcessWorker::getWorkContentByIdMode($workPage, 4, 1, 100001);
// select * from xxx where id >={$beginId} AND id <= {$endId},每个进程内可以自行在分页处理, 最后一个工作空间,你也许要考虑数据新增情况
echo "begin mysql id is {$beginId}, end mysql id is {$endId}, 是否是最后一个工作空间:{$isLastWorkPage}";
echo PHP_EOL;
//提供便捷函数,快速获得内容 ,模式二: offset,limit 模式
list($offset, $limit, $isLastWorkPage) = MultiProcessWorker::getWorkContentByOffsetMode($workPage, $workNum, 10001);
echo "offset is {$offset}, limit is {$limit}, 是否是最后一个工作空间:{$isLastWorkPage} ";
echo PHP_EOL;
$worker->start(); You can contribute in one of three ways:
- File bug reports using the issue tracker.
- Answer questions or fix bugs on the issue tracker.
- Contribute new features or update the wiki.
The code contribution process is not very formal. You just need to make sure that you follow the PSR-0, PSR-1, and PSR-2 coding guidelines. Any new code contributions must be accompanied by unit tests where applicable.