Scrapes profile data from people and things on the website that you specify (or generalize).
Installation is done with PIP and can be done from GitHub, either as a Git install or a download/clone that you cd into. This package isn't available on PyPI, in case you were wondering.
Note: It's recommended to install this package in a virtual environment instead of your main system python because of potential dependency conflicts.
python >= 3.8
(see or requirements.txt for full dependencies that will be installed with this package.)
Install from GitHub (you need Git):
pip install git+
Install from repo:
Download/Clone from GitHub
cd into the downloaded repo where the file is
pip install .
I was interested in seeing if I could get income and wealth data from celebrities and rich people. I found out about and wrote this program to scrape and collect data from the website. Great backstory, I know.
This project won't be consistently maintained and I doubt I'll work on it further. It was mostly a coding exercise/idea.
This software is licensed under MIT.