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HAL-based driver for the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, implemented on an STM32F446RE Nucleo board. Key features include temperature-compensated distance calculation, pulse width validation with hardware timeouts, multi-sample averaging, and diagnostic output via UART. The driver is designed for easy integration into embedded systems


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STM32F446RE HC-SR04 HAL Driver

Ultrasonic distance measurement with temperature compensation, 3-sample moving average, and UART output

License: GPLv3 GitHub release


This project implements an ultrasonic distance measurement system using the HC-SR04 sensor and an STM32F446RE Nucleo-64 board. It features temperature-compensated sound speed, a 3-sample moving average for stable readings, pulse width filtering to reject invalid measurements, timeout handling for lost signals, and diagnostic output via UART.

Step-by-step Russian guide available at:

Key Features

  • Hardware: Direct interfacing with HC-SR04 using 5V tolerant pins (PB8 — ECHO, PB9 — TRIG)

  • Timing: TIM2 configured at 1 µs resolution

  • Compensation & Filtering: Temperature-based sound speed calculation and 3-sample averaging

  • Robustness: Pulse width validation (100–25000 µs, or ~1.7–425 cm) with hardware timeouts

  • Debug Output: UART2 at 115200 baud for diagnostic messages (to Linux host via Minicom)

Hardware Connections

HC-SR04 STM32F446RE (Nucleo)
TRIG PB9 (Arduino D14)
ECHO PB8 (Arduino D15)

Development Setup

  • Clock: HSI 16 MHz → SYSCLK 16 MHz

  • TIM2: Internal clock, Prescaler=15 (1 µs resolution)

  • USART2: 115200 baud, 8N1

  • GPIO:

    • PB9: Push-pull output (TRIG)
    • PB8: Floating input (ECHO)
  • Compiler Flag:

    -u _printf_float  # Enable floating-point support in printf

Measurement Algorithm


  • Trigger Generation: Set TRIG LOW for stabilization (4 µs), then HIGH for 10 µs, and back to LOW

  • Echo Detection & Timeout: Wait for the rising edge on ECHO with a timeout to avoid blocking

  • Pulse Measurement: Record pulse start and end times (accounting for timer overflow)

  • Validation: Discard pulses shorter than 100 µs or longer than 25000 µs

  • Distance Calculation:

    distance = (pulse_width * sound_speed * calibration_factor) / 2.0;
  • Averaging: Use a static 3-sample buffer to compute a moving average

  • Output: Transmit the result over UART


Note: All necessary variables (e.g., timeout, pulse_start, pulse_end, pulse_width, sound_speed, calibration_factor, uart_buffer) were declared earlier. The sound_speed variable is computed based on the ambient temperature for accurate compensation.

while (1) {
  /* *** Generate trigger pulse for HC-SR04 *** */
  // Reset the TRIG pin to LOW and wait 4 µs to stabilize the sensor.

  // Generate a HIGH pulse lasting 10 µs.

  /* *** Wait for the signal to appear on the ECHO pin *** */
  // Use the timer to limit the waiting time (timeout) to avoid an infinite loop if no signal is received.
  uint32_t timeout_timer = __HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER(&htim2); // Record the start time of the waiting period.
    // If the difference between the current time and the start time exceeds the timeout, break the waiting loop.
    if ((__HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER(&htim2) - timeout_timer) > timeout) {

  // After the waiting loop, check if the ECHO pin has been set to HIGH:
  // If the pin is still LOW, the signal was not received and the measurement is considered invalid.
    // Send an error message via UART and skip the current measurement.
    HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, (uint8_t*)"Error: No echo\r\n", strlen("Error: No echo\r\n"), 100);

  /* *** Measure the pulse duration on the ECHO pin *** */
  // Record the time at the start of the pulse.
  pulse_start = __HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER(&htim2);
  // Set an additional timeout for the pulse measurement.
  uint32_t pulse_timeout = pulse_start + timeout;

  // Wait while the ECHO pin remains HIGH:
  // If the measurement time exceeds the timeout, break out of the loop.
    if (__HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER(&htim2) > pulse_timeout) {

  // Record the time at the end of the pulse.
  pulse_end = __HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER(&htim2);

  /* *** Calculate the pulse duration accounting for timer overflow *** */
  // If the timer did not overflow, the difference between pulse_end and pulse_start gives the duration.
  // If an overflow occurred (pulse_end < pulse_start), adjust the value accordingly.
  if (pulse_end >= pulse_start) {
    pulse_width = pulse_end - pulse_start;
  } else {
    pulse_width = (0xFFFFFFFF - pulse_start) + pulse_end;

  /* *** Filter the measurements *** */
  // Discard measurements that are too short (< 100 µs, which corresponds to ~1.7 cm)
  // or too long (> 25000 µs, which corresponds to ~425 cm), as they are likely erroneous.
  if (pulse_width > 25000 || pulse_width < 100) {
    HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, (uint8_t*)"Invalid pulse\r\n", strlen("Invalid pulse\r\n"), 100);

  /* *** Calculate the distance *** */
  // Use the formula: distance = (pulse_width * sound_speed * calibration_factor) / 2.
  // Division by 2 is required because the measured time corresponds to the signal traversing the path twice.
  distance = (pulse_width * sound_speed * calibration_factor) / 2.0;

  /* *** Averaging multiple measurements *** */
  // To improve result stability, store the last three measurements in a static buffer,
  // then calculate their average.
  static float avg_buf[3] = {0};
  static uint8_t idx = 0;
  avg_buf[idx++] = distance;
  if (idx >= 3) idx = 0;
  float avg = (avg_buf[0] + avg_buf[1] + avg_buf[2]) / 3;

  /* *** Send the result via UART *** */
  // Form a string with the averaged distance value and send it via UART.
  sprintf(uart_buffer, "Distance: %.1f cm\r\n", avg);
  HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, (uint8_t*)uart_buffer, strlen(uart_buffer), 100);

  // A short delay (200 ms) between measurements.

Data Transmission

Linux Host Configuration:

minicom -D /dev/ttyACM0 -b 115200

Output Format:

Distance: 153.2 cm   # Averaged from 3 samples
Error: No echo       # Timeout occurred
Invalid pulse        # Out-of-range measurement

Build & Deployment

  • Generate code from STM32CubeMX
  • Build the project using STM32CubeIDE
  • Flash the firmware via STM32CubeProgrammer

Pre-built Binaries

  • HCSR04-UART-HAL.elf: Firmware file in ELF format (for debugging and development)
  • HCSR04-UART-HAL.bin: Firmware file in binary format (for flashing onto the MCU)


  • HCSR04-UART-HAL.elf: f9b950dd1d6cd54f41f8bb25eae6cf492fc0faf51f0e445a234141d0c680f81c
  • HCSR04-UART-HAL.bin: 08924f3c5479d4a6d00dd415fa0d301d67dd09f6d61f4fddd2fd9069bd846cc6

To check the integrity of the downloaded binaries, run the following command in your terminal:

sha256sum HCSR04-UART-HAL.elf  
sha256sum HCSR04-UART-HAL.bin

Alternatively, you can use the following command to directly check the checksums:

echo "f9b950dd1d6cd54f41f8bb25eae6cf492fc0faf51f0e445a234141d0c680f81c HCSR04-UART-HAL.elf" | sha256sum --check  
echo "08924f3c5479d4a6d00dd415fa0d301d67dd09f6d61f4fddd2fd9069bd846cc6 HCSR04-UART-HAL.bin" | sha256sum --check

Note: If the output does not match the provided checksums, do not proceed with flashing the firmware, as the file may have been corrupted during download. In such a case, re-download the file and check the checksum again.

Calibration & Optimization

Parameter Default Adjustment Method
Calibration factor 1.0 Based on empirical measurements (e.g., with a laser reference)
Measurement delay 200 ms Modifiable in HAL_Delay()
Averaging depth 3 samples Fixed via a static buffer

Note: Ensure a stable 5V power supply and consider adding a 100nF decoupling capacitor near the HC-SR04 VCC. Adjust timeout and calibration parameters as needed.



HAL-based driver for the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, implemented on an STM32F446RE Nucleo board. Key features include temperature-compensated distance calculation, pulse width validation with hardware timeouts, multi-sample averaging, and diagnostic output via UART. The driver is designed for easy integration into embedded systems






