New data is aggregated from:
Legacy data sources and credits:
Official BAG Twitter Account
BFS Hospital Beds
Data for NW
Data for BE
Data for SG
Data for TI, Grazie @sarahhu87422283, Danke vecirex
Data for NE, Merci @borisfritscher
Data for AG, Danke @BachliMeyer
Data for GR
Data for AI, Danke @BachliMeyer
Data for UR,
Data for VS, Merci @enno_hermann
Data for BS
Data for JU
Data for GE Merci @ThomasGriessen
Data for TG, Danke @KeveHilfi
Data for SH, Danke @BachliMeyer
Data for BL, Danke @BachliMeyer, the MVP ;-)
Data for ZG
Data for SO, Danke @fabiangysel1997
Data for AR
Data for ZG
Data for GL, Danke @fabiangysel1997
Data for OW, Danke @fabiangysel1997
Important: The data for 18. 03. 2020 has been calculated from the incidence data published by the BAG. However, this data seems to be outdated or based on different population numbers than the data from the 2018 census I used. However, the latter is rather unlikely. I have thus merged all values from the BAG that are HIGHER than those from the cantonal sources into the table. This will continue for future data as well.
BL has added an interactive plot to their website, great work!
Preliminary diagnoses (not confirmed by Geneva) are counted as cases.
There are missing numbers now. I suggest to either get them via fitting or interpolation.